Yea 100% agree, and I would have no problem if they kept the hardware the same and it was just a pending future software update. But they’ve already said the Air display doesn’t have all the real estate or power to run the exact same thing. So they have to port features back to the Air and redesign them for the smaller screens and slower processor which is costly.
If the designers of 3.0 did their job correctly (I've been told they did) all 3.0 features were designed with "how are we going to do this on the current Air?" in mind. That doesn't mean all features will make it to Air. But it does mean that for any feature that's feasible (i.e. won't take too much processor power) they already have a plan to convert it to the Air's screen real estate and hardware buttons. At least in some form. Maybe it'll be slightly compromised, or something. But it has a path forward in our cars.
That means while building 3.0 for Gravity, the "Air" version will likely be built at the same time, or at least the feature will be architected in such a way as to make the leap to Air's hardware easier.
They didn't just do 3.0 without thinking about the current Air, in other words. I was told they very much want as much of 3.0 to make it to Air as can be done, within practical limits.
Likely all this will all be
after Gravity ships, however. Which means at some point after Gravity, Air will get an update to the 3.0 stack. How much after has yet to be seen.
The current stack with the current UX will be retired. No sense in maintaining two completely different stacks for very long.
Given that the current stack is slated for retirement, I doubt they want to spend a lot of time on small items in our stack that will be radically different on 3.0, anyway. Might as well pack all that into 3.0 and write it once.
I suspect items like bug fixes and maybe HA updates, which are less UX centric, will be the bulk of what we get in terms of updates until late this year when Gravity ships. Or fixes and features that can't be changed given our hardware, such as improvements to fob detection, etc.