SURVEY: HV Battery Replacement

Just got the email...battery cell going bye bye for two weeks to get 'remanufactured' battery ... did any owners who have had this replacement experience BETTER performance after they got the new battery pack?
Lucid Air Touring - 2023 Feb delivery...mfr I believe was December 2022.
My car's (2022 AGT) battery also was replaced with a remanufactured pack. The replacement pack lost me about 5 miles of total range (EPA miles) compared to the original pack. Not the end of the world, but I wasn't really thrilled.
I am conducting a survey to determine the frequency of HV battery replacement. I'd like to zero in on model, date of manufacture, etc. I would appreciate that all members take this survey, even if you have not needed a battery replacement so we can get an idea of frequency amongst our members. Thanks!

Survey Link
Could you please share the results of the survey!?
My car's (2022 AGT) battery also was replaced with a remanufactured pack. The replacement pack lost me about 5 miles of total range (EPA miles) compared to the original pack. Not the end of the world, but I wasn't really thrilled.
Yeah I hear you. I got told by customer service that I should experience idea what that means yet..Seems like open heart surgery for the car...mentally I know it'll be fine...but would have liked not needing this .it doesn't instill confidence but maybe this is the cost of a new EV brand .
Could you please share the results of the survey!?
I’m happy to share the results, but they won’t really be meaningful unless we had a much larger voting block of people who have not had their batteries replaced. People with problems are over represented on the Internet that creates a skewed data set. That’s it, it does give some good insight as to which models and production dates are most affected
My car's (2022 AGT) battery also was replaced with a remanufactured pack. The replacement pack lost me about 5 miles of total range (EPA miles) compared to the original pack. Not the end of the world, but I wasn't really thrilled.
How long was your car with Lucid before they gave it back to you?
Ok ..just to record the data point...I got the car back today after battery replacement, still on the original Wunderbox, and after the JV battery replacement...I appear to have lost 6 miles of range overall. Not thrilled but not too upset either. Now my AT goes 378 miles instead of 384.

One thing I was expecting that didn't occur was that I thought I'd lose the settings etc on the car and that I'd have to set it up from scratch but recalled that there is a separate battery for that. Putting it in here just in case future owners wonder about this.
Just got the email...battery cell going bye bye for two weeks to get 'remanufactured' battery ... did any owners who have had this replacement experience BETTER performance after they got the new battery pack?
Lucid Air Touring - 2023 Feb delivery...mfr I believe was December 2022.
How many miles were on the car when the problem arose?

How many miles were on the car when the problem arose?

24,200miles. I had just gotten it back from the service center after the 2-year service, drove it to work, parked all day, then at 5pm started it back up and got the error message which went away the following day. I emailed the SC thinking its behind me but then got an email saying my car pinged the mothership that it needed more TLC. Drove it to service the very next day for the battery service. It was a TSB that got addressed.
I’m happy to share the results, but they won’t really be meaningful unless we had a much larger voting block of people who have not had their batteries replaced. People with problems are over represented on the Internet that creates a skewed data set. That’s it, it does give some good insight as to which models and production dates are most affected
Sorry, never saw this original post:
2022 Air Grand Touring
Mfg sticker: Aug 17,2022
Delivery date: November 13,2022
Mileage (have had a few joints replaced that kept me from behind the wheel = low mileage) 17,086
Still on Original battery
I’m happy to share the results, but they won’t really be meaningful unless we had a much larger voting block of people who have not had their batteries replaced. People with problems are over represented on the Internet that creates a skewed data set. That’s it, it does give some good insight as to which models and production dates are most affected

For what it's worth, @Bobby... I may be representative of a larger issue with your survey. No doubt you originally worded it clearly, and further clarified it with the above post, yet at least I was somehow under the impression that you ONLY wanted to hear from people who had their batteries replaced. Perhaps I'm not alone in that. I think it would be good for you to repost the details of your target response group.
Same, I have a '22 with original battery, now at 14,000 miles. Charging service date is 9/24/22, but I'd have to get to the vehicle to see the manufacture date. Still on original battery. I'll submit a survey entry once I get home to the car.
Sorry, never saw this original post:
2022 Air Grand Touring
Mfg sticker: Aug 17,2022
Delivery date: November 13,2022
Mileage (have had a few joints replaced that kept me from behind the wheel = low mileage) 17,086
Still on Original battery
Please use the form mentioned above.
just followed the link from 5/24 1st posting and entered data. thanks for surveying. Original battery still fine at 18k
24,200miles. I had just gotten it back from the service center after the 2-year service, drove it to work, parked all day, then at 5pm started it back up and got the error message which went away the following day. I emailed the SC thinking its behind me but then got an email saying my car pinged the mothership that it needed more TLC. Drove it to service the very next day for the battery service. It was a TSB that got addressed.
Thanks. I was curious as I have a touring manufactured 12-2022 as yours. No issues with the battery but I'm only at 16,290 miles.
Thanks. I was curious as I have a touring manufactured 12-2022 as yours. No issues with the battery but I'm only at 16,290 miles.
Mine was replaced when the car had just under 7,000 miles on the odometer, so the need for replacement isn't mileage-based.
Ok .so driving the car with the new battery for a couple of days now ..and I've noticed that it took going down to 65% so to get full regeneration braking back...also the car accelerates slower than before .. collectively, it feels like the car is trying to break in New batteries and it feels like when I just got the car the first time 2 years ago...anyone else that this resonates with? Not sure if it's me hallucinating or what so trying to figure out if it's just me or not...
I was just notified by my service center that my early 2022 GT needs the battery replaced. I had no error message.

They told me that the replacement battery was going to be a refurbished unit. Doesn’t thrill me. But this may explain why others have lower full charge mileage showing after replacement.
I was just notified by my service center that my early 2022 GT needs the battery replaced. I had no error message.

They told me that the replacement battery was going to be a refurbished unit. Doesn’t thrill me. But this may explain why others have lower full charge mileage showing after replacement.
There’s nothing wrong with a refurbished unit. Generally, they will replace your battery with one that has equal or less degradation than your prior battery.
I was just notified by my service center that my early 2022 GT needs the battery replaced. I had no error message.

They told me that the replacement battery was going to be a refurbished unit. Doesn’t thrill me. But this may explain why others have lower full charge mileage showing after replacement.
Did they say refurbished or remanufactured? They are not the same thing. I’ve only ever seen Lucid use remanufactured batteries.

Remanufacturing is the rebuilding of a product to specifications of the original manufactured product using a combination of reused, repaired and new parts. It requires the repair or replacement of worn out or obsolete components and modules.

Parts subject to degradation affecting the performance or the expected life of the whole are replaced.

Remanufacturing is a form of a product recovery process that differs from other recovery processes in its completeness: a remanufactured machine should match the same customer expectation as new machines.

Refurbished is the distribution of products usually electronics and electricals that have been previously returned to a manufacturer or vendor for various reasons.

Refurbished products are normally tested for functionality and defects before they are sold.

It is repaired from the manufacturer and resold.

The main difference between "refurbished" and "used" products is that refurbished products have been tested and verified to function properly, and are thus free of defects, while "used" products may or may not be defective.

Refurbished products may be unused customer returns that are essentially "new" items, or they may be defective products that were returned under warranty, and resold by the manufacturer after repairing the defects and ensuring proper function.

Remanufacturing is a more thorough and costly process because it is more rigorous and works toward a higher standard than refurbishing.