BUG 2024 Bug Survey!!!

Relating to this phone war, can I just note the massive jump in android users relative to iPhone users from touring>gt? Is this because the touring sells better in android communities like mine?(predominantly Indian)

It seems way too high of a correlation to be random! Also @Bobby , when will the poll actually end?
Relating to this phone war, can I just note the massive jump in android users relative to iPhone users from touring>gt? Is this because the touring sells better in android communities like mine?(predominantly Indian)

It seems way too high of a correlation to be random! Also @Bobby , when will the poll actually end?
I’ll give it a week or two.
Nope. I think that the bugs are too minor. It is a nice list though but none of those should be a top priority when the longevity of the company is way more important. That is what I am saying.
I think quality of life changes and updates are important to maintain a high quality product. If you're standing next to your car it, it shouldn't be dancing on and off every 10 seconds.
Or when you're inside the car, it shouldn't have issues detecting the fob (assuming battery and app are all good).
It's just their road to maintaining what people expect from a luxury and high quality vehicle.
Thanks for this Bobby. I did not see anything regarding the USB drive with music.
This is a good addition. There definitely are some problems with the USB media.

Non readable usb sometimes
Can't move to next song automatically in genre or any other playback.
When playing songs, can't properly track seek, the buttons for forwarding and rewinding also seem a bit unnecessary.
I think quality of life changes and updates are important to maintain a high quality product. If you're standing next to your car it, it shouldn't be dancing on and off every 10 seconds.
Or when you're inside the car, it shouldn't have issues detecting the fob (assuming battery and app are all good).
It's just their road to maintaining what people expect from a luxury and high quality vehicle.
I do not disagree with you. I am just more concerned about the health of the company because I am in it for the very long haul. I am willing to put up with inconvenience in the near term. For sure I will not like to see these bugs myself.
This is a good addition. There definitely are some problems with the USB media.

Non readable usb sometimes
Can't move to next song automatically in genre or any other playback.
When playing songs, can't properly track seek, the buttons for forwarding and rewinding also seem a bit unnecessary.
I agree that USB playback is an issue and with these problems in particular. When it works, the sound quality of hi rez files (wav and flac) is excellent. I do not use Spotify or Tidal because I have an extensive curated library, ripped from vinyl and tape at high rez, on a 1tb chip.
Done. I feel lucky seeing the results. Most of the bugs are non-existent on my car.
The results seem skewed for specific phone issues? It looks like the percentages are calculated by the number of people with the specific phone issue divided by the total number of respondents versus by the number of respondents that have that specific phone which would be a much higher percentage.

Great survey as it gives me a good idea that I only see a quarter of the overall bugs list and most are intermittent. Thanks @Bobby for putting this together for the benefit of all the owners in the forum. 🙏
The most illuminating thing in the results for me is just how few bugs are effecting the majority of us. Ideally, all of these should get fixed. But if you just read posts here it's easy to assume every bug is happening to every owner very often. And that's clearly not true. The majority of bugs are happening to a small percentage of users infrequently.

Still, I hope to see some progress on these soon from the Lucid team.
Fellow owners… The 2024 bug survey starts today! The previous bug survey was hugely successful with over 1.5 million miles of Lucid driving represented. Many of the bugs on that old survey have been resolved, but some persist and there are some new ones. I would encourage all owners to take the new bug survey, the results of which we will be sending the Lucid software team for their consideration. Thank you!

Take the survey: 2024 Bug Survey Link

Results are viewable here: https://www.lucidupdates.com/results.html
Thank you for taking the time. Survey completed. Will you share the results with this forum?
The results seem skewed for specific phone issues? It looks like the percentages are calculated by the number of people with the specific phone issue divided by the total number of respondents versus by the number of respondents that have that specific phone which would be a much higher percentage.

Great survey as it gives me a good idea that I only see a quarter of the overall bugs list and most are intermittent. Thanks @Bobby for putting this together for the benefit of all the owners in the forum. 🙏
I made the results page a bit more clear as to how the math is done. The percentage is the number of YES responses divided by the total number of YES or NO responses. The N/A responses are not included in the calculations. Unfortunately, I think people taking the survey are not properly choosing N/A. For example, the iOS widget seems to be affecting 100% of iOS users but the survey results don't show that. Oh well, I guess reading the instructions can be difficult! Especially for Android users!