Survey Regarding Bugs

Bug - On Android devices when i receive a spam message, Lucid announces it and even reads the message which is probably not what you want to hear.
Not a bug.

Turn off Announcements by Alexa:
  1. On the Alexa app, select Devices.
  2. Select All Devices.
  3. Select your device.
  4. Select Settings.
  5. Select Communications.
  6. Select Announcements.
  7. Turn Announcements on or off.
Say, "Turn on Do Not Disturb" to turn off all features, including Announcements.
Not a bug.

Turn off Announcements by Alexa:
  1. On the Alexa app, select Devices.
  2. Select All Devices.
  3. Select your device.
  4. Select Settings.
  5. Select Communications.
  6. Select Announcements.
  7. Turn Announcements on or off.
Say, "Turn on Do Not Disturb" to turn off all features, including Announcements.
i don't want to turn off announcements though. i just don't want to hear spam messages on my car. Android correctly identified it as a spam message and put it in the spam folder. i believe this is possible because i don't recall hearing spam messages through my headphones.
I’ve always had mine set to “late”. It’s still way too aggressive and overprotective.
Haha, I've had mine set to Early since I got the car. To each their own I guess.

Haha, CarPlay Do Not Disturb does not silence incoming calls when using CarPlay, so the issue remains. I guess I could put my phone on silent mode? That should make it so no ringtone drowns out Lucid safety alerts.
Um, it should. Was it someone in your Favorites that called? There is a setting that allows them to pierce the DND veil. I have mine set so that my favorites pierce it when they call twice in a row.
Stop it. This is the internet, you’re supposed to complain.

You could tell people to stop complaining, but that would be a complaint. Or you could say that things work just fine for you, and risk being labeled a fanboy, as if being a fan of something is bad. So you end up with people who are huge fans of the car complaining about those little things that aren't as good as the rest of the car, and it makes people look whiny. But you can't expect people to start threads about how they never have trouble when they honk the horn and it always works for them.

With some cars, it can be a combination. Owners will complain about those things that aren't working well. But when they read general articles, and see other people complain, it might be about things that aren't real life problems, such as your battery going dead in the middle of a drive (since it's an EV), or your house catching fire, or charging on the road taking six hours. Then you see owners getting annoyed by others who complain about their cars, and they try to dispel misinformation. So the same people who seem to be complainers here might be seen as fanboys or apologists when they comment elsewhere.

No matter where you go, you are going to see complaints on the Internet. The difference is that here, they are coming from people who really like the car.
Haha, I've had mine set to Early since I got the car. To each their own I guess.

Um, it should. Was it someone in your Favorites that called? There is a setting that allows them to pierce the DND veil. I have mine set so that my favorites pierce it when they call twice in a row.
Oh no what I mean is that it expressly says when you choose the “driving focus” in CarPlay under settings is that it says incoming calls to CarPlay will still be played. So you’d have to set your phone to do not disturb or just silent mode instead, but I’m actually not sure if when your phone is on silent mode whether it would still play calls via CarPlay, though it will just vibrate when not on CarPlay.
Also @borski I tried your method of backing up annoyingly slow to get out of my driveway and while it did still trigger the cross traffic alert for a nano-second it did not phantom brake. Since then I left it on and parallel parked a couple times and backed out again a few more times and no phantom braking, so I think the workaround is just backing up in a way that you’re almost decelerating. I’ll take it as I do think cross traffic is a useful safety feature and I’d prefer to have it enabled.
Not sure if this is a bug or intentional, but the Lucid Nav system repeats the phrase “follow the road” every several minutes. I like the lucid nav for long trips given the solid range estimation, but it gets really annoying to have this phrase repeated seemingly unnecessarily. Turning the nav sound off helps as a quick fix, but kinda defeats the purpose of having audio cues when you need it.
Not sure if this is a bug or intentional, but the Lucid Nav system repeats the phrase “follow the road” every several minutes. I like the lucid nav for long trips given the solid range estimation, but it gets really annoying to have this phrase repeated seemingly unnecessarily. Turning the nav sound off helps as a quick fix, but kinda defeats the purpose of having audio cues when you need it.
That was added with the terrible navigation voice a couple of updates ago. I agree it is stupid. What else do you want me to follow, the plane above me? The line of the equator?
Not sure if this is a bug or intentional, but the Lucid Nav system repeats the phrase “follow the road” every several minutes. I like the lucid nav for long trips given the solid range estimation, but it gets really annoying to have this phrase repeated seemingly unnecessarily. Turning the nav sound off helps as a quick fix, but kinda defeats the purpose of having audio cues when you need it.
Pretty sure that happens when the nav glitches and restarts the route from your current position. If you look at the route overview map when that happens, you'll see the route starting at your current location rather than your original starting point. I've noticed it also wipes out the route you've chosen if you were planning to take one of the alternate routes, forcing you to reselect the alternate. No idea what the glitch is from though.
Pretty sure that happens when the nav glitches and restarts the route from your current position. If you look at the route overview map when that happens, you'll see the route starting at your current location rather than your original starting point. I've noticed it also wipes out the route you've chosen if you were planning to take one of the alternate routes, forcing you to reselect the alternate. No idea what the glitch is from though.
Also if you search for something in CarPlay in any navigation app it usually completely cancels your navigation in the Lucid. I found out the hard way that searching the On the Way app to see what the weather would be at certain times of my trip that it had terminated the Lucid navigation. Luckily I was on 80 west for several hundred miles so I just put my destination back into the car, but I don’t remember the car doing this previously, I used to run Apple Maps in the background because I like the watch alerts but also would run the Lucid navigation because it tells you your predicted SOC%. It seems now you can’t do both consistently? Weirdly it did work at first as both Siri voice and weird distorted Lucid AI were talking at me simultaneously but then the Lucid nav would periodically just quit for apparently no reason.
Also if you search for something in CarPlay in any navigation app it usually completely cancels your navigation in the Lucid. I found out the hard way that searching the On the Way app to see what the weather would be at certain times of my trip that it had terminated the Lucid navigation. Luckily I was on 80 west for several hundred miles so I just put my destination back into the car, but I don’t remember the car doing this previously, I used to run Apple Maps in the background because I like the watch alerts but also would run the Lucid navigation because it tells you your predicted SOC%. It seems now you can’t do both?
This is because Apple CarPlay uses the GPS system in the car, not its own GPS.
This is because Apple CarPlay uses the GPS system in the car, not its own GPS.
I’ve definitely got it to work before though. Maybe if I start the route on my phone before I get into the car and then also put it into the Lucid when I get into the car then it works? At the start of my trip both Siri and Lucid robot were talking and giving me turn by turn. I think that’s what I did was put it into Apple Maps in my phone before I got into the car.
I’ve definitely got it to work before though. Maybe if I start the route on my phone before I get into the car and then also put it into the Lucid when I get into the car then it works? At the start of my trip both Siri and Lucid robot were talking and giving me turn by turn. I think that’s what I did was put it into Apple Maps in my phone before I got into the car.
That sounds like a pretty good workaround!
This is because Apple CarPlay uses the GPS system in the car, not its own GPS.
That's interesting - because CarPlay is a "second screen" to the iPhone, like how I can plug a second screen into my laptop. I theorized that the iPhone (through CarPlay) sends an "Event" that it is doing Navigation, and Lucid's Nav implementation hears that Event and just stops. Because after it stops, I am able to restart Lucid Nav and both it and Apple/Google Maps continue on the iPhone/CarPlay.
That's interesting - because CarPlay is a "second screen" to the iPhone, like how I can plug a second screen into my laptop. I theorized that the iPhone (through CarPlay) sends an "Event" that it is doing Navigation, and Lucid's Nav implementation hears that Event and just stops. Because after it stops, I am able to restart Lucid Nav and both it and Apple/Google Maps continue on the iPhone/CarPlay.
I’ve run both CarPlay and Lucid nav simultaneously a number of times. Never had an issue with it. Did something change recently?
I’ve run both CarPlay and Lucid nav simultaneously a number of times. Never had an issue with it. Did something change recently?
Huh? You've used both nav systems at the same time? I haven't been able to do that since the day it came out; CarPlay nav apps cancel Lucid Nav, and vice-versa.
Huh? You've used both nav systems at the same time? I haven't been able to do that since the day it came out; CarPlay nav apps cancel Lucid Nav, and vice-versa.
Not for me. I'll try it again, but I've totally run both on a few occasions, just because I was curious about the "miles remaining" calculation. I even had the Lucid next turn widget in my cockpit panel with CarPlay showing on the right.
Not for me. I'll try it again, but I've totally run both on a few occasions, just because I was curious about the "miles remaining" calculation. I even had the Lucid next turn widget in my cockpit panel with CarPlay showing on the right.
I can have CarPlay up with Lucid nav still going, but as soon as I start navigation in Waze or whatever it cancels the Lucid nav. I too just wish I could have Lucid's range remaining at destination + Waze's nav+display. Maybe some day, with CarPlay 2.0
I can have CarPlay up with Lucid nav still going, but as soon as I start navigation in Waze or whatever it cancels the Lucid nav. I too just wish I could have Lucid's range remaining at destination + Waze's nav+display. Maybe some day, with CarPlay 2.0
Weird. I don't use Waze, but the native Maps app works with nav set for me. At least it did the last time I tried it. I will get in the car and try again. Maybe I'm going insane.