Survey Regarding Bugs

I figured I should report this in here and tag @mcr16 as this could be a safety issue. This is in relation to Apple CarPlay over-riding audio on the car. I was backing out of my driveway and simultaneously got a call on my phone via CarPlay which cut out the backup camera for about 2 seconds, then the backup camera came back on and in that interval I came within about 2 inches of backing into a dog walker and his dogs on crossing my driveway who I genuinely did not see when looking out my window or on the cameras. The ring tone on CarPlay was so loud that I couldn’t hear any proximity alerts either, luckily as soon as the camera popped back up I slammed on the brakes at the last second, but the dog walker was very angry and I don’t blame him, and I apologized. I think two things need to be implemented to make sure a near miss like this doesn’t turn into an accident/injury.

1) CarPlay or other notifications must always take a back seat to any safety features like proximity cameras and alerts whether rear or forward facing, like just silence them until the car is up to a steady speed where the cameras aren’t going to come on. I’m sure this is already intentionally built in the car but it doesn’t work optimally, just shut off anything that would interrupt alert sounds or cameras.

2) cross traffic protection when backing up STILL phantom brakes way too much forcing me to deactivate it to back out of my own driveway without the car slamming on the brakes when other cars are stopping to let me out, or another car passing in the opposite lane is nowhere near my car or where my car is pointing towards. There is still no feature to make cross traffic protection alerts “alert but no intervention” after being requested for a year and a half, even though the same “alert but no intervention” option was implemented for lane assist ages ago. The auto-braking of course could have done the job of making me not hit the dog walker, but unfortunately I have to disable it because otherwise I can barely ever back out of my own driveway (my driveway is not steep either it’s a very gradual incline).
Phantom braking when backing out of my garage is my BMW i4’s biggest flaw, IMO. We have painted warnings arrows on the street, prior to speed bumps, that often trigger a sudden braking. It’s nuts that it sees these street markings as an obstacle to be avoided. I have to change my approach angle or creep out to avoid it.

My Lucid doesn’t react to these same markings. Yet I do think it’s a bit overzealous in the timing of warnings with cross traffic.
Yes and to be fair the cross traffic braking function has literally saved me from a collision in a parking lot, so when it works it really works, but unfortunately the misfire rate is so high I have to turn it off to avoid whiplash haha. Hoping they can make this important safety feature more consistently reliable.
Yes and to be fair the cross traffic braking function has literally saved me from a collision in a parking lot, so when it works it really works, but unfortunately the misfire rate is so high I have to turn it off to avoid whiplash haha. Hoping they can make this important safety feature more consistently reliable.
Your reporting a safety issue because of carplay but you turned off the "cross traffic braking function" it's a little ironic don't you think?
Your reporting a safety issue because of carplay but you turned off the "cross traffic braking function" it's a little ironic don't you think?
I get it, but I have to agree with Bunny. The cross traffic function is waaaaaaay over protective. To the point where I actually feel it can be somewhat dangerous at times. It's a shock when the car jams the brakes for seemingly no reason. (I'm talking a car in a parking lot moving that's more than 40 feet from the car.) You get jarred for a moment and can't really think straight. It almost feels like you hit something, even though you didn't.

I haven't turned mine off, but if I had issues getting out of my own garage like Bunny does, I would.

A safety feature isn't very helpful if it encourages folks to turn it off.

And the CarPlay thing sounds bad to me. I haven't seen it (probably because I never get phone calls).
Your reporting a safety issue because of carplay but you turned off the "cross traffic braking function" it's a little ironic don't you think?
Not really. Lucid has given us a tool with a massive false positive rate rendering it difficult to use. I literally cannot back out of my driveway most of the time if there’s anyone else on the road with that feature on, so my choice is to either have the car falsely slam on the brakes for no reason most of the time, or rely on the shorter distance proximity sensors without cross traffic protection on. The sensors in the car are very good at detecting close objects, however when the ring tone from CarPlay drowns out the alert audio, that is a problem. No other audio in the car should supercede audio safety alerts. An excellent thing about the car is the redundancy of the safety features, so even with cross traffic off the closer proximity alerts do work, but if the audio is blocked by other audio triggers in the car then that’s something that should be fixed, and hopefully can be an easy one.
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1) CarPlay or other notifications must always take a back seat to any safety features like proximity cameras and alerts whether rear or forward facing, like just silence them until the car is up to a steady speed where the cameras aren’t going to come on. I’m sure this is already intentionally built in the car but it doesn’t work optimally, just shut off anything that would interrupt alert sounds or cameras.
I agree they should fix this, and that it can be a frustrating and dangerous potential safety issue. However, one workaround for now: use DND or put yourself in 'Driving' mode. I have mine set to Driving automatically, as soon as I get in the car (a feature on the iPhone), and that way notifications don't interrupt anything unless I want it to.

Of course, favorites (aka those who have the magical 'get past DND' bits) will still bring up notifications. Not ideal, but at least it's something.

2) cross traffic protection when backing up STILL phantom brakes way too much forcing me to deactivate it to back out of my own driveway without the car slamming on the brakes when other cars are stopping to let me out, or another car passing in the opposite lane is nowhere near my car or where my car is pointing towards. There is still no feature to make cross traffic protection alerts “alert but no intervention” after being requested for a year and a half, even though the same “alert but no intervention” option was implemented for lane assist ages ago. The auto-braking of course could have done the job of making me not hit the dog walker, but unfortunately I have to disable it because otherwise I can barely ever back out of my own driveway (my driveway is not steep either it’s a very gradual incline).
This annoys the hell out of me too, but I find if I go very very slow; I'm talking like 2-3mph, crawling, it doesn't phantom brake. Try that. It's very annoying, but better than slamming on the brakes. And the thing is, it's cross-traffic protection is so good when it works, that I can't convince myself to turn it off. I'd rather just accept backing out extremely slowly for now.

Phantom braking when backing out of my garage is my BMW i4’s biggest flaw, IMO. We have painted warnings arrows on the street, prior to speed bumps, that often trigger a sudden braking. It’s nuts that it sees these street markings as an obstacle to be avoided. I have to change my approach angle or creep out to avoid it.

My Lucid doesn’t react to these same markings. Yet I do think it’s a bit overzealous in the timing of warnings with cross traffic.
My DE, if I reverse out of the garage on my incline quickly enough, more than a few mph, will phantom brake every time. It is 100% reproductible.

Not really. Lucid has given us a tool with a massive false positive rate rendering it difficult to use. I literally cannot back out of my driveway most of the time if there’s anyone else on the road with that feature on, so my choice is to either have the car falsely slam on the brakes for no reason most of the time, or rely on the shorter distance proximity sensors without cross traffic protection on.
Nah, you could lower your speed, too, as mentioned above. You don't have to turn it off. I haven't.

The sensors in the car are very good at detecting close objects, however when the ring tone from CarPlay drowns out the alert audio, that is a problem. No other audio in the car should supercede audio safety alerts. An excellent thing about the car is the redundancy of the safety features, so even with cross traffic off the closer proximity alerts do work, but if the audio is blocked by other audio triggers in the car then that’s something that should be fixed, and hopefully can be an easy one.
Just to reiterate: I agree with you.
Thanks that’s helpful, good idea on the do not disturb while driving feature, I should turn that off while leaving home and coming home. I do need to make and receive calls while driving often unfortunately, BUT this is a workaround. And yeah I’ll try the very slow approach and see if that works with collision avoidance on. I feel like I’ve tried that before and the issue isn’t the car that’s letting me back out of my driveway on the busy two lane road I live on, but rather the car passing by in the opposite lane triggering it. I’ll try it again slow thanks for the tips.
Thanks that’s helpful, good idea on the do not disturb while driving feature, I should turn that off while leaving home and coming home. I do need to make and receive calls while driving often unfortunately, BUT this is a workaround. And yeah I’ll try the very slow approach and see if that works with collision avoidance on. I feel like I’ve tried that before and the issue isn’t the car that’s letting me back out of my driveway on the busy two lane road I live on, but rather the car passing by in the opposite lane triggering it. I’ll try it again slow thanks for the tips.
Ahhhh - I understand now - your situation is different from mine. Yours is the cross-traffic warning; mine is the emergency braking, as it is convinced the grade of my driveway apparently ends in either a 100ft asphalt vertical wall (it doesn't) or drops off a cliff on the other side completely (it doesn't).

I should take a picture of it sometime.
Oh it still slams on the brakes because the crossing car in the other lane that I’m not entering is there. I wish I could just get the warning and not the braking. Because that’s not an option (WHY?) then I have to rely on the shorter distance proximity sensor alerts which are still very good and helpful…until CarPlay makes them difficult to hear because of incoming alert/call/text/voice notification etc, so I’ll at least use DND while driving when backing out then.
Phantom braking when backing out of my garage is my BMW i4’s biggest flaw, IMO. We have painted warnings arrows on the street, prior to speed bumps, that often trigger a sudden braking. It’s nuts that it sees these street markings as an obstacle to be avoided. I have to change my approach angle or creep out to avoid it.

My Lucid doesn’t react to these same markings. Yet I do think it’s a bit overzealous in the timing of warnings with cross traffic.
Backing out of my garage that also has a driveway incline is the sole reason why I have creep enabled. But for creep being enabled, it would be too much of a chore pulling in/backing out of my garage.
Could the cross traffic protection issue be alleviated if one were to change the collision avoidance setting to "late?"
Could the cross traffic protection issue be alleviated if one were to change the collision avoidance setting to "late?"
That’s actually a great question. Has anyone with this issue tried this setting? I imagine it’s a question of how ‘late’ late is. ‘Tomorrow’ would be a bit too late. ;)
I’ve always had mine set to “late”. It’s still way too aggressive and overprotective.
That’s actually a great question. Has anyone with this issue tried this setting? I imagine it’s a question of how ‘late’ late is. ‘Tomorrow’ would be a bit too late. ;)
I think the collision avoidance system settings and cross traffic braking settings are independent 🤷‍♂️.
I agree they should fix this, and that it can be a frustrating and dangerous potential safety issue. However, one workaround for now: use DND or put yourself in 'Driving' mode. I have mine set to Driving automatically, as soon as I get in the car (a feature on the iPhone), and that way notifications don't interrupt anything unless I want it to.

Of course, favorites (aka those who have the magical 'get past DND' bits) will still bring up notifications. Not ideal, but at least it's something.

This annoys the hell out of me too, but I find if I go very very slow; I'm talking like 2-3mph, crawling, it doesn't phantom brake. Try that. It's very annoying, but better than slamming on the brakes. And the thing is, it's cross-traffic protection is so good when it works, that I can't convince myself to turn it off. I'd rather just accept backing out extremely slowly for now.

My DE, if I reverse out of the garage on my incline quickly enough, more than a few mph, will phantom brake every time. It is 100% reproductible.

Nah, you could lower your speed, too, as mentioned above. You don't have to turn it off. I haven't.

Just to reiterate: I agree with you.
Haha, CarPlay Do Not Disturb does not silence incoming calls when using CarPlay, so the issue remains. I guess I could put my phone on silent mode? That should make it so no ringtone drowns out Lucid safety alerts.
BUG: Audio: Tidal doesn't continue playing from the same playlist when re-entering car. (Bug may be with Tidal app versus Lucid)
I found that if I pause the audio before I exit the vehicle, upon returning, Tidal starts the same playlist on the same song where I left off instead of going back to the beginning of the playlist or backing out completely to the menu.
BUG: Audio: Tidal doesn't continue playing from the same playlist when re-entering car. (Bug may be with Tidal app versus Lucid)
I found that if I pause the audio before I exit the vehicle, upon returning, Tidal starts the same playlist on the same song where I left off instead of going back to the beginning of the playlist or backing out completely to the menu.
I've noticed that the bug is back somewhat and I've blocked it out! Of of the last few updates unleashed it again,
Bug - On Android devices when i receive a spam message, Lucid announces it and even reads the message which is probably not what you want to hear.