Software update 2.1.20

I received the 2.1.20 update as well... two points:
1- the Highway Assist "plng pong tracking" has not been fixed... on a long trip today, I had to switch to adaptive cruise only... highway assist not acceptable...
2- the LUCIDUPDATES.COM web site is no longer being maintained... not updated for the last couple of months, missing 2.1.18 and 2.1.20... not sure who is running it, but maybe they stopped...
I’m running it.

The site was last updated on August 29, the day before I left for vacation. That is two weeks, not a “couple of months.“ I arrived back yesterday and I will update it today.

If you would like to start your own website, make sure to send me the URL so I can make exaggerated and baseless complaints about it. Thank you.
I’m running it.

The site was last updated on August 29, the day before I left for vacation. That is two weeks, not a “couple of months.“ I arrived back yesterday and I will update it today.

If you would like to start your own website, make sure to send me the URL so I can make exaggerated and baseless complaints about it. Thank you.
We appreciate everything you do Bobby!
We appreciate you too @borski and all mods haha
You guys spend too much time here cleaning up the BS

most of us anyway. @Bobby just goes on vacation, neglecting his website-updating duties, forcing the rest of us to make excuses on his behalf.

that said, i'm gonna be gone for 5-6 days for an undisclosed reason that may or may not involve travel to another locale, so you'll see less of me but don't worry it's definitely not a vacation
Why is it that no matter what an OTA addresses, it is not enough. I received my AGT in May 2022 and it has software version 1.2.1. It definitely left a lot to be desired, but it was still a blast to drive. I accepted that there would be software updates and each update would be an improvement. My Son and I drove my Lucid to CA and back with this software without any real problem. The Nav system worked well enough to get us to charging stations. We only had to call Lucid once to help get a charging station to work. As long as the Adaptive Cruise Control worked, I was happy as that was a much as my previous care had (2014 Subrau Outback). I was too green about EV to know any better. I take each OTA as making my car better and don't try to second guess Lucid fixing one thing but not another. I don't worry about what other EV's do because it does affect my Lucid. If I thought different model EV was better, I would have gotten it and not the Lucid. I really splurged when I bought my Lucid and it will be my last car as I am 78. Sure there are things that could be better, but mechanically the car has be flawless. There have only been a couple of minor issues, but they never affected driveablity. In short quite bitching about what you don't have and enjoy what your Lucid has at this moment, it will only get better.
Amen brother I’m 77 and my GT is my last car too!! Best all around car I’ve ever owned!
What does "Lock Rear Display" mean?

Displays>>Displays & Accessories>>Lock Rear Display
It is basically a child lock for the screen in the center console for the back seat occupants.
Ahh, makes sense. Thanks

I'll keep it unlocked unless they act up 🤣
After installing the new update this weekend, I got a front camera error notice with the call customer service note. For a couple miles, the car wouldn't recognize speed limit signs as I drove past, but when I got close to another car at a stoplight, the front camera opened up with no issues, so I thought it was strange that I got an error message. Within 5 minutes the error code went away. No issues since...
Same thing happened to me after the update. Hope the camera continues to operate correctly. Resetting the car to get rid of all the gremlins.
Had a similar problem with my AT throwing a front camera error causing it to lose the ability for ACC to read the speed limit. My car had been sitting in the TX sun while charging at the slow EA station. Once I got back on the road the camera seemed to cool off after five minutes and everything was normal. Recently, my Mobile Service Tech confirmed the heat related issue...
I experienced the front camera fault after 2.1.20 update. It appeared after I charged at EA for 30 minutes in 90 deg. temperature. By the time I drove home, 20 minutes later, the fault cleared and the front camera was operating correctly. Immediately after the fault, there were no speed limits displayed. Speed limits appeared about half way home.

most of us anyway. @Bobby just goes on vacation, neglecting his website-updating duties, forcing the rest of us to make excuses on his behalf.

that said, i'm gonna be gone for 5-6 days for an undisclosed reason that may or may not involve travel to another locale, so you'll see less of me but don't worry it's definitely not a vacation
I think we need to institute a PTO approval process. Lol!
Anyone else experiencing frequent charge cycles after the 2.1.18 update? I generally keep my car plugged in at home with an 80% SOC limit. Prior to the 2.1.18 update, charging would cycle back on 1-2 times a day (or if I woke up the vehicle). Now, every couple hours charging cycles back on. Note that I use Bobby’s trick of turning off lucid Bluetooth on my iPhone to disable mobile key when I’m at home, so it shouldn’t be due to inadvertent car waking when walking near the garage. Anyway. if it’s just me, I’ll flag for CS in case it could be a vehicle issue.
Anyone else experiencing frequent charge cycles after the 2.1.18 update? I generally keep my car plugged in at home with an 80% SOC limit. Prior to the 2.1.18 update, charging would cycle back on 1-2 times a day (or if I woke up the vehicle). Now, every couple hours charging cycles back on. Note that I use Bobby’s trick of turning off lucid Bluetooth on my iPhone to disable mobile key when I’m at home, so it shouldn’t be due to inadvertent car waking when walking near the garage. Anyway. if it’s just me, I’ll flag for CS in case it could be a vehicle issue.
It will do that to regulate battery temperature during hotter months. One trick I’ve used is let the car charge to 80 and then go into the app and set the charge limit to 75. Then it won’t keep coming onto maintain 80.
It will do that to regulate battery temperature during hotter months. One trick I’ve used is let the car charge to 80 and then go into the app and set the charge limit to 75. Then it won’t keep coming onto maintain 80.
If you have scheduled charging enabled too it won't charge until scheduled time right?

Mine turns on every night to charge at scheduled time, but every time I wake it, it just says "charging scheduled"

most of us anyway. @Bobby just goes on vacation, neglecting his website-updating duties, forcing the rest of us to make excuses on his behalf.

that said, i'm gonna be gone for 5-6 days for an undisclosed reason that may or may not involve travel to another locale, so you'll see less of me but don't worry it's definitely not a vacation
You all are great. What is this thing "vacation" that you both keep talking about? Is that a SoCal thing?
I’m running it.

The site was last updated on August 29, the day before I left for vacation. That is two weeks, not a “couple of months.“ I arrived back yesterday and I will update it today.

If you would like to start your own website, make sure to send me the URL so I can make exaggerated and baseless complaints about it. Thank you.
@Bobby, it does appear that someone has created a similar update site, as it popped up on my Twitter/X feed today...

Anyone else experiencing frequent charge cycles after the 2.1.18 update? I generally keep my car plugged in at home with an 80% SOC limit. Prior to the 2.1.18 update, charging would cycle back on 1-2 times a day (or if I woke up the vehicle). Now, every couple hours charging cycles back on. Note that I use Bobby’s trick of turning off lucid Bluetooth on my iPhone to disable mobile key when I’m at home, so it shouldn’t be due to inadvertent car waking when walking near the garage. Anyway. if it’s just me, I’ll flag for CS in case it could be a vehicle issue.
Yes, this has been happening to me as well since the update. It's cycled 5 times last night while I was sleeping. Not particularly hotter than usual, in fact our out door temp has decreased a bit recently. I have my fob in faraday and also do not use the mobile key so I am not sure why it is happening. I'll monitor over next week as well. I am on 2.1.20