Grand Touring Tracker (Archive)

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So are they not meeting the 2-6 weeks for PDI after VIN now on top of missing the 2-4 month delivery window? There is much talk on the board that those PDI times after VIN were shrinking, or is it just Millbrae that is a problem?
I haven’t missed my deadline yet - got my vin April 12th so only 2 weeks ago. I believe a big issue is just at Millbrae right now. With that said, I did receive invite to pay and purchase contract on Saturday 🤷‍♂️
Yeah too early to tell for PDI. So far, it seems like most people have landed reasonably comfortably within the 2-6 week window.
Millbrae gets it worse, because they essentially cover half of 5 different states lol.
So are they not meeting the 2-6 weeks for PDI after VIN now on top of missing the 2-4 month delivery window? There is much talk on the board that those PDI times after VIN were shrinking, or is it just Millbrae that is a problem?

If they discover something during PDI they will hold it and it seems like they don't tell the customer until they ask? cc: @TRJ_Lucid45

Talked to my DA last night and was informed that my car is delayed due to some parts are back order as some of the parts received were not up to spec and thus rejected by Lucid QC. They expect the car to be finished by the end of April.
They said the fob is only supposed to be 6 feet but it's definitely more than that. I'm sure they can fine tune it. Everyone has different experiences with some wanting further and others less, so hopefully they can find a sweet spot

Keep in mind...

RangeUp to 100 mUp to 100 m
Max range (free field)Around 100 m (class 2 outdoors)Around 100 m (outdoors)
Frequency2.402 – 2.481 GHz2.402 – 2.481 GHz
Max data rate1- 3 Mbit/s1 Mbit/s

BLE Coded PHY achieving steady device communication at distances of over 1,000 meters depending on power output and the antenna used

I am going to try not to use my phone as a key. I don't wear jewelry but I really want the ring, I'll have either two on left hand on one on each hand.
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Keep in mind...

RangeUp to 100 mUp to 100 m
Max range (free field)Around 100 m (class 2 outdoors)Around 100 m (outdoors)
Frequency2.402 – 2.481 GHz2.402 – 2.481 GHz
Max data rate1- 3 Mbit/s1 Mbit/s

I am going to try not to use my phone as a key.
BLE should not be draining 4% battery. It's unlikely they are communicating using regular bluetooth.
If they discover something during PDI they will hold it and it seems like they don't tell the customer until they ask? cc: @TRJ_Lucid45
So then the issues are not delivery, but rather the factory not producing a vehicle with the quality which can be delivered. Sounds like better QC at the factory is needed so they are not shipping defective cars that just sit at the delivery centers.

I'm curious, though, how many cars per day are being delivered at the Millbrae center? It is one of the most active. If we knew those numbers, then projections on actual production numbers could be estimated.
So then the issues are not delivery, but rather the factory not producing a vehicle with the quality which can be delivered. Sounds like better QC at the factory is needed so they are not shipping defective cars that just sit at the delivery centers.

I'm curious, though, how many cars per day are being delivered at the Millbrae center? It is one of the most active. If we knew those numbers, then projections on actual production numbers could be estimated.
Not sure regarding all Service Centers, but at the Costa Mesa, they have a lot of cars (20+) that have gone through PDI and are covered and waiting for customer pickup. I’m thinking some customers have not arranged financing or decided if they are fully committing to the purchase. I saw some Dreams still there. So just because they have lots of cars at the SC doesn’t mean all are waiting for PDI. CM did mine in one day and they said more are picked up during the week.

I haven’t missed my deadline yet - got my vin April 12th so only 2 weeks ago. I believe a big issue is just at Millbrae right now. With that said, I did receive invite to pay and purchase contract on Saturday 🤷‍♂️

That’s a good sign. I got my VIN the same day and no invite to pay, which means my car hasn’t even left Casa Grande yet on its way to Chicago. Lucid always keeps things interesting.
So then the issues are not delivery, but rather the factory not producing a vehicle with the quality which can be delivered. Sounds like better QC at the factory is needed so they are not shipping defective cars that just sit at the delivery centers.

I'm curious, though, how many cars per day are being delivered at the Millbrae center? It is one of the most active. If we knew those numbers, then projections on actual production numbers could be estimated.

Why would you expect QC to notice that the doors and interior don’t match on @Pete44’s car? That’s just too subtle! :D

I think you’re spot on: QC is missing a lot of stuff, so PDI becomes the bottleneck.
BLE should not be draining 4% battery. It's unlikely they are communicating using regular bluetooth.

It does use Bluetooth. The issue isn’t maintaining the connection, but the car waking up over and over again as the connection goes in and out of range.
Not sure regarding all Service Centers, but at the Costa Mesa, they have a lot of cars (20+) that have gone through PDI and are covered and waiting for customer pickup. I’m thinking some customers have not arranged financing or decided if they are fully committing to the purchase. I saw some Dreams still there. So just because they have lots of cars at the SC doesn’t mean all are waiting for PDI. CM did mine in one day and they said more are picked up during the week.

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Yeah great example. Ours was one at Costa Mesa that cleared on April 12th to include payment but we didn’t pickup until Apr 22nd due to personal schedules. If nothing moved, that grey covered car was a Dream when I was there based on exposed wheels.
Do we know how many Dream Edition owners are on this forum? That would give an estimate of the fraction of total production is on the forum. If, for example, 52/520 Dream Editions are here, we could guestimate total production at 10x of your graph.
You could use the registered users as a really bad guesstimate. 866 users/19,000 reservations lol
Yeah great example. Ours was one at Costa Mesa that cleared on April 12th to include payment but we didn’t pickup until Apr 22nd due to personal schedules. If nothing moved, that grey covered car was a Dream when I was there based on exposed wheels.
Or by customers being a little peeved at Lucid for the lack of communication and just telling the service center that they’ll be in ‘soon‘ to pick it up. I may may also have ‘time supply‘ issues for getting to Costa Mesa and ‘bank operating hour‘ issues to get the cash. if they don’t deliver it in time for my trip in 4 weeks, which is getting VERY iffy, then I’ll wait until Q3 to find time to get it. Might even wait until CarPlay is available.
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