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  • I reserved a Zenith Red, Tahoe Interior, 20” Aero Lite Wheels, Glass Canopy Roof and AWD Drivetrain on October 30 2021
    I feel dumb having to ask this, but where do I 'reply' to send the data concerning my ordered car, so it can be added to the delivery tracker?
    Would you be willing or able to tell us a bit about who owns this forum, who moderates it, and who is making money on it? Just curious, no agenda. Seems like these forums provide a valuable resource for many special interests, so it’s good to know who’s watching.
    Thank you, @mnewber1 and @Joe, for your altruism. I appreciate it.
    Well, it shows... by that I mean exactly what you said. This forum has a much more community feel, no ads, no "membership" and feels much more genuine than others. I really appreciate the transparency and it makes this forum comfortable to use. Thanks for your hard work, I can imagine it takes quite a bit of time and energy to moderate. So, thanks again for what you do and how you do it. Much appreciated! And I hope you get your Lucid soon, you'll know so much more about the car and be ready for every detail when you take delivery.
    Agree with above comments re this forum. I've gotten so much useful information from all the "experts" and feel that I am much more prepared for when I receive my AGT.
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