Grand Touring Tracker (Archive)

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Got a call from the service center. Could have picked up tomorrow, but I'm traveling and won't be back until Wednesday. So I'll have a very antsy flight back from San Diego to pick up after I land. Unless something happens, I'll have mine next Wednesday! Looking forward to posting all of my frustrations so everyone can point me back to my optimism before receiving the vehicle ;).

Now for a bit of advice from the group. I'm very strongly leaning 'no', but I'll be driving to LA on Friday and wondering if a trip roughly a day after getting the car is a wise decision. If it were literally anywhere else, I might go for it. But since this is my first EV and trying to understand the vehicle, make sure I know where and how to charge, and navigating LA traffic, it's probably too much. But I figured I'd ask :).

For transparency of when the car is available, I will mark your delivery date as tomorrow.
Got a call from the service center. Could have picked up tomorrow, but I'm traveling and won't be back until Wednesday. So I'll have a very antsy flight back from San Diego to pick up after I land. Unless something happens, I'll have mine next Wednesday! Looking forward to posting all of my frustrations so everyone can point me back to my optimism before receiving the vehicle ;).

Now for a bit of advice from the group. I'm very strongly leaning 'no', but I'll be driving to LA on Friday and wondering if a trip roughly a day after getting the car is a wise decision. If it were literally anywhere else, I might go for it. But since this is my first EV and trying to understand the vehicle, make sure I know where and how to charge, and navigating LA traffic, it's probably too much. But I figured I'd ask :).
Depends on WHERE is LA. It's fine, I've had my car for 5 months in LA :p
Yeah, but you live there :). Hollywood Roosevelt.
So I was told a month ago that my VIN assigned on Feb 22 was swapped. Turned out that wasn’t the case. “There was a mixup in Lucid’s system and they accidentally assigned a different VIN to your account. The VIN process is very manual and Lucid has now acknowledged their error. Your vehicle is set to leave the factory in the coming days. We understand your timeline and if everything goes well, we will meet your timeline.” I will do just fine with whenever the car is ready but I’m going on week 3 that the car was leaving the factory. I’m leaving Florida in less than 2 weeks and I’ve given them a deadline (my third so far) of April 8. Even though I’ve lined up PPF and ceramic coating in West Palm Beach, I’m guessing car gets shipped to CT. Frustrating that they still can’t estimate when cars will be done and shipped but as I said, in the overall scheme of things, it a good problem to have.
Yeah, but you live there :). Hollywood Roosevelt.
I'd say you'd be fine. But I probably would want to get familiar with it...though picking it up in Costa Mesa and driving back I would have done.
I'd say you'd be fine. But I probably would want to get familiar with it...though picking it up in Costa Mesa and driving back I would have done.

You should just ask them to charge it to 100% for you to start and do it. There are tons of EA chargers around.
Originally confirmed 12/6. I changed to the 21" wheels and was told the change would push my build order back. A few days later I got the 12/27 confirmation.

I confirmed two weeks before you for Red / Santa Cruz / 19 inch. No VIN yet, though I was assured it would happen before April 1.

Two observations:
  • Going with 21 inch was the right move.
  • Promising the VIN by Mar 31 was kind of a mean April Fool’s joke.
I’m sure my VIN day will pop up any day now.

Someone’s car on their way!
I confirmed two weeks before you for Red / Santa Cruz / 19 inch. No VIN yet, though I was assured it would happen before April 1.

Two observations:
  • Going with 21 inch was the right move.
  • Promising the VIN by Mar 31 was kind of a mean April Fool’s joke.
I’m sure my VIN day will pop up any day now.
Red / SC was assigned today so I have to imagine you’re very soon.
Heard back from my DA today when I asked for an update - now expecting the VIN the week of 4/11 :confused:

That is not good news, potentially another two weeks until we see the first grey VIN. We were talking about grey being "in production" two weeks ago. I wonder what the real story is? Are they having issues with paint supply/ingredients? Is it a parts issue for other GT's that might still be on the line? Is it a parts issue for any cars scheduled to hit the line now, regardless of color? I wonder what is driving this delay?

They have not missed their revised VIN timeframe with me yet, but it is a bit difficult not to think they will when they are pushing back those at the front of the grey wave already.

@Neurio is the weathervane in this respect to know which way the "Grey Delay" wind blows since he appears to be on the front of the wave.
That is not good news, potentially another two weeks until we see the first grey VIN. We were talking about grey being "in production" two weeks ago. I wonder what the real story is? Are they having issues with paint supply/ingredients? Is it a parts issue for other GT's that might still be on the line? Is it a parts issue for any cars scheduled to hit the line now, regardless of color? I wonder what is driving this delay?

They have not missed their revised VIN timeframe with me yet, but it is a bit difficult not to think they will when they are pushing back those at the front of the grey wave already.

@Neurio is the weathervane in this respect to know which way the "Grey Delay" wind blows since he appears to be on the front of the wave.
I'm guessing they were a bit hasty in hoping for 4/7. If (big if) I get it on 4/11, it's only a few day delay, which I'd chalk up to general assembly line delays. Guess we'll have to wait and see.

Considering how close some of the batches have been with VIN assignments, I'm guessing there will be a huge number of grey VINs in a short time frame.
I'm guessing they were a bit hasty in hoping for 4/7. If (big if) I get it on 4/11, it's only a few day delay, which I'd chalk up to general assembly line delays. Guess we'll have to wait and see.

Considering how close some of the batches have been with VIN assignments, I'm guessing there will be a huge number of grey VINs in a short time frame.
Not good news for me. I was told three weeks ago today by Doreen Allen that I was scheduled for a VIN on 4/11. My DA was ambiguous last week. Since @Neurio is in the first confirmation batch and I am in the third, I fear that this will be another delay for which I am not given any updates about. I tried to schedule a phone call for either yesterday or today with my DA, but the earliest time is Monday. Hope to get some firm information then
Well, I guess they have the whole "over-promise and under deliver" down. Wait, isn't that supposed to be the other way around?

I asked for weekly updates on Monday or Tuesday this week and my DA said "OK, I'll give you an update next Thursday". :rolleyes::rolleyes:
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Well, I guess they have the whole "over-promise and under deliver" down. Wait, isn't that supposed to be the other way around for "best-practices"?
Again, all I have been asking for is transparency. Let us know about delays and what the issues are. Push that information to us. Don’t make us pull it out in the most excruciating, frustrating way possible. This is NOT good customer service.
Yes, I have told my DA, Noah and Doreen that same thing a few times. I guess they just don't really care or they have bigger issues to attend to, keeping red, black and white customers happy. They have put silver off for a few months, so it is really just us grey folks that are in this "grey area", pun intended.

No use being angry about it. I have just come to accept it as it is, doesn't mean I have to be happy about it either. We are the unfortunate who picked a color that seems to be difficult, neglected, whatever... It appears someone had to be in this position.
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Yes, I have told my DA, Noah and Doreen that same thing a few times. I guess they just don't really care or they have bigger issues to attend to, keeping red, black and white customers happy. They have put silver off for a few months, so it is really just us grey folks that are in this "grey area", pun intended.

No use being angry about it. I have just come to accept it as it is, doesn't mean I have to be happy about it either. We are the unfortunate who picked a color that seems to be difficult, neglected, whatever... It appears someone had to be in this position.
Unfortunately we are far enough down this rabbit hole that we are stuck. If I had information that my delivery would be months sooner with another color, I would have changed colors. To me the color was not important. They told me color made no difference In delivery schedule, but rather it was order date. THAT WAS A LIE. However, if I change colors now, the wait will be longer so I am just stuck in limbo. That is what pisses me off the most. No communication. And what they told me was just a big lie. I cannot accept that. They need to compensate for this communication mess, such as adding an extended warranty. I’d like my battery warranty doubled To make up for their nonsense.
Yes, I was told the same thing and I would love to believe there may be some compensation, in whatever form, for being treated thusly, but I am not holding my breath.

I probably would have ordered Black had I known this, but I am not changing now, when we can, hopefully, see the light at the end of the tunnel.

A wise man once told me, "want in one hand and shit in the other and see which one fills up faster."

While I doubt you will get anything so material as an extended warranty, I think you might get a blanket, or maybe some extra pencils...;)
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