Grand Touring Tracker (Archive)

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While I doubt you will get anything so material as an extended warranty, I think you might get a blanket, or maybe some extra pencils...;)
if their quality is a good as they say it is, an extended warranty costs them nothing. it would give me confidence that right now is sorely lacking.
Well someone in the Jan 5th batch with Red / Santa Cruz has been bumped up the queue. I just emailed my DA to start the order cancellation process. I was told I’d be given a VIN within a week and a week has past. If you’re going to just continue to lie to me then I’m not going to reward you with $140K for poor behavior.

Now the battle will probably be to see if I can get the $1000 back but if I lose it I guess it’s better than putting up with this bullshit communication.
Well someone in the Jan 5th batch with Red / Santa Cruz has been bumped up the queue. I just emailed my DA to start the order cancellation process. I was told I’d be given a VIN within a week and a week has past. If you’re going to just continue to lie to me then I’m not going to reward you with $140K for poor behavior.

Now the battle will probably be to see if I can get the $1000 back but if I lose it I guess it’s better than putting up with this bullshit communication.

Unfortunate to hear but definitely understandable.
Unfortunate to hear but definitely understandable.
Interesting how quickly you get called when wanting to cancel. Wouldn’t have been 5 minutes before my phone was ringing
Did you cancel?
I’m just furious about the whole situation. I don’t know why the DA’s aren’t getting the hint to just be honest.

Last week he told me that my VIN was a few days away and next week at the latest. I took notes

VIN coming days / next week
Car painted
Moving through factory
5 to 15 day delivery after VIN assigned
Due end of April

The message I get today is “ I think YOU’VE misheard….”

He said he told me 2 weeks which would be end of next week but then proceeded to say “so I should have it in the next week or so”. What is it? Is it next week or is it beyond. The vagueness is just ridiculous. If it’s 2 weeks and you’re seeing issues then maybe tell me 3 and I’ll be happy when you call in 2 to say it’s ready etc.

I know I didn’t mishear him on the call because the other 4 points he brought up in the message were spot on to what I wrote last week so what you’re telling me is that I heard EVERYTHING correctly bar the VIN assignment.

He was quick to point out I can cancel but not getting the $1000 back. At this point in time am I cutting my nose off to spite my face but it just angers me with the constant dishonesty.
This is very smooth sailing compared to what most of us early-adopter Model 3 owners experienced. I think that if you want a predictable new-car delivery, you'd need to go with something ordinary from a well-established manufacturer.
As much as Lucid is trying to be better than everyone else, they are not the only ones constantly shifting delivery estimates. How many people with Rivians, Teslas, heck any other car are getting delivery estimates constantly pushed back.
This is very smooth sailing compared to what most of us early-adopter Model 3 owners experienced. I think that if you want a predictable new-car delivery, you'd need to go with something ordinary from a well-established manufacturer.
I can attest that all OEM's are dealing with this- doesn't matter who you order from, production delays and massive swings in delivery dates is the norm. I am a dealer and it is just crazy! It is all a big mess...
I don’t mind delays or even bad news, just be honest and up front about it when you know it and don’t make me wait, get frustrated and have to pull it out of you.

Telling me 2-4 months and then making me call you when you miss your own self-imposed timeline is crappy communication and customer service, period. A simple email recognizing that fact and being proactive with an update goes a very long way.

They need to be proactive with communication and not reactive.
I'm at day 38. Shipping any day now for close to 2 weeks. Still at factory.
And you ordered your car after me. I STILL don’t even have a VIN And no update on when I will get one. The earliest GT orders are now in month 6 post confirmation and won’t receive a car for 7 months even if they received a VIN today.
I don’t mind delays or even bad news, just be honest and up front about it when you know it and don’t make me wait, get frustrated and have to pull it out of you.

Telling me 2-4 months and then making me call you when you miss your own self-imposed timeline is crappy communication and customer service, period. A simple email recognizing that fact and being proactive with an update goes a very long way.

They need to be proactive with communication and not reactive.
I agree! This is the minimum requirement to try and keep customers happy... My struggle is getting employees/sales people to stay on this. Usually they are spending their day putting out fires and don't have time to go on the offensive and stay ahead of it by quick communication. Just plugging holes in the ship means you are not doing the necessary maintenance! Also important to note- the factory folks don't speak the same language as the sales people/ delivery coordinators! factory folks suck at communication and do not understand how upset customers can get.
And you ordered your car after me. I STILL don’t even have a VIN And no update on when I will get one. The earliest GT orders are now in month 6 post confirmation and won’t receive a car for 7 months even if they received a VIN today.
Yep. I got lucky with color choices. Was all excited and a tad guilty getting VIN in February with 11/30 confirmation. Not quite so excited now. Monday I’m going to tell them to forget sending to Florida where my PPF and ceramic is set up and just send to CT. As I’ve said before, in the grand scheme of things, it’s not that big of a deal. I am sure I will love the car when I get it. Now I will just find a PPF shop in Fairfield County CT.
.... I don’t know why the DA’s aren’t getting the hint to just be honest.
I am quite sure they simply don't know. Yes, their CRM plan is weak and can be frustrating. They are in California, not the factory. The factory is scrambling to get parts and materials sorted and likely don't have time to gab on the phone with lowly DAs. Should this all be better? Obviously, and in a year I'm sure it will be. For now, it just won't be.

Starting a new manufacturing plant is hard. Starting a new sales/customer service department is hard. Having done both I have strong sympathy for what they are going through. Being human I have sympathy for customers like you that are left in the dark. Fixing customer relations needs to be high on Lucid's list, but ultimately it can't be as high on that list as actually building and delivering vehicles. DAs left without information will be inclined to say anything but "I don't know", but that is exactly what they should say when they are not certain.

Meanwhile, if you are not comfortable with the current situation it may be best to cancel and revisit Lucid at a later date. It's not worth building up stressful feelings that will ultimately detract from your enjoyment of the car. These cars are still in their first months of production so there are certain to be growing pains with the car itself. There will be software bugs, features that are missing or functioning poorly, mechanical parts that don't live up to real-world use. In a year or two that will all be worked out. For now, whatever inconvenience we face is just the price of being the 'first kid on the block' with the cool new toy.
Yep. I got lucky with color choices. Was all excited and a tad guilty getting VIN in February with 11/30 confirmation. Not quite so excited now. Monday I’m going to tell them to forget sending to Florida where my PPF and ceramic is set up and just send to CT. As I’ve said before, in the grand scheme of things, it’s not that big of a deal. I am sure I will love the car when I get it. Now I will just find a PPF shop in Fairfield County CT.
Have a name for you on wraps from Westchester county ny just over the border if you’re interested. He has done 3 of my cars and has done a lot of high end stuff from my car club.
I am quite sure they simply don't know. Yes, their CRM plan is weak and can be frustrating. They are in California, not the factory. The factory is scrambling to get parts and materials sorted and likely don't have time to gab on the phone with lowly DAs. Should this all be better? Obviously, and in a year I'm sure it will be. For now, it just won't be.
“They simply don’t know” is not an acceptable answer. Perhaps in the 1970’s, but not today. Everything is computerized. They know EXACTLY where a car is in the production cycle. Amazon, FedEx, UPS (even the USPS for crying out loud) can tell me at what stage my order is at and exactly where my package is. Amazon and UPS will actually show me where the package is on a map.

Starting a new manufacturing plant is hard. Starting a new sales/customer service department is hard. Having done both I have strong sympathy for what they are going through. Being human I have sympathy for customers like you that are left in the dark. Fixing customer relations needs to be high on Lucid's list, but ultimately it can't be as high on that list as actually building and delivering vehicles. DAs left without information will be inclined to say anything but "I don't know", but that is exactly what they should say when they are not certain.
Again, they know that there are delays. They may not know exactly what part is delayed, but they know they have supply chain issues. They may know as much as carpet or glass. They also know that NO GREY OR SILVER cars had entered the production cycle and knew that for a while. They also knew that the Santa Cruz interiors were delayed. Hell, we could figure that out on this forum Giving us a heads up in an email would have been the proper Customer Service thing to do and would free up their time not having to answer all of our calls. This isn’t rocket science.
Meanwhile, if you are not comfortable with the current situation it may be best to cancel and revisit Lucid at a later date. It's not worth building up stressful feelings that will ultimately detract from your enjoyment of the car. These cars are still in their first months of production so there are certain to be growing pains with the car itself. There will be software bugs, features that are missing or functioning poorly, mechanical parts that don't live up to real-world use. In a year or two that will all be worked out. For now, whatever inconvenience we face is just the price of being the 'first kid on the block' with the cool new toy.
No. I want my car and I don’t want to lose my deposit. Just communicate is all we are asking. I’m fine with the software not being complete as I would have a functional car to drive. The software will come along. if they were up front with me, I would have my car by now as I would have changed colors to one that would have been available.
I feel you-all's pain. I reached out to my SA (who should be less busy than the DA) and haven't heard back in nearly two weeks. I am interested in upgrading but want to either sit in the vehicle or test drive the vehicle before I do. But I can't even get a response. I emailed the Global HQ Sales Advisor who told me that I have to talk to my SA from Oak Brook.
I've always found during this process that calling is much better than emailing to get information.
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