Grand Touring Tracker (Archive)

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What part would that be? The Dreams and GTs are basically identical. The difference would be just horsepower. Perhaps the forged wheels? Are the remaining ones all performance or are they both performance and range? If they are one or the other, that could indicate wheels or tires.

It's possible they are using a non-cosmetic related part in the Grand Touring, or using temporary parts that will be part of a silent optional recall in the future to be replaced when the part is more available (similar to the roof finish).
I speculate the fit and finish issues may relate to Dreams only, given how fast GTs are coming and going.
I was told over a week ago that my car was completed and ready for shipment with no "fit and finish" issues remaining. I'm hoping they are just waiting to consolidate enough Millbrae deliveries to fill a truck??
I was told over a week ago that my car was completed and ready for shipment with no "fit and finish" issues remaining. I'm hoping they are just waiting to consolidate enough Millbrae deliveries to fill a truck??
That's my concern for delivery and why I wonder whether delivery to AZ actually would be faster despite what they claim. Simply because @Adnillien's local car finished and left the factory within weeks of VIN being assigned whereas yours hasn't left yet.
Someone's got a GT headed to Millbrae in the next week. I'm guessing it will be the first one delivered to a customer in the Bay Area.
Absolutely. We are very close. I’m at Pima & Dixileta. Stay tuned!
Add me to the party, too as we're all very close!
I'd love to come and check it out in person if it's okay with you. I live in N Scottsdale as well (Dynamite & Scottsdale Rd). Especially after Tesla gave me the run around for almost a year. I was at the Scottsdale studio the other day and they still don't allow test drives to be arranged on the spot. :(
Cool. I have reserved a Pure so I won't get mine for a while. I live by Kierland but spend a lot of time in your neighborhood (Troon North golf).
I haven't gotten them either and confirmed on Jan 5th. I don't really care for them but it shows me more about how disorganized Lucid is as a company. They can't get something as simple as pencils out consistently god help them when it comes to delivering cars.
It certainly looks like it. Unless he opted for a DE with the GT wheels?
For sure AGT wheels!
That's kind of disappointing isn't it? Lol why didn't he get a DE?
You and Mark McGwire beat him to it!

And poor @Adnillien thought he'd be the first to get one. Celebrities win again...
Yea Mark McGuire is a big dude in person. Haha
Seeing as it’s all red AGT cars confirmed in November that are receiving VINs and seeing as the November batch is made up of people who have had reservations with Lucid the longest by far, I’m guessing that Lucid will run through the all the remaining colors and orders for the November batch before starting on the December orders. As red was the last color for DEs and the first for November AGTs, I wouldn’t be surprised if red is the last color fulfilled for December orders. Bummer for me but it seems like the fair thing to do. I reserved in October so haven’t been waiting nearly as long as many on this forum.
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