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  • Wondering if Anyone Has Installed a Remote Radar/Lidar Detector since the windshield apparently won't allow me to use my Valentine 1 Gen2 detector.
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    Reactions: sealoft
    I am quickly discovering from reading all the Dream owner's initial impressions of the car that this vehicle is not ready for prime time. I was quite excited about getting my Grand Touring but with all the bugs now being reported and the fact I can't even use my Valentine Radar detector, I think I am bailing out. It's just too risky for a high-end car to have so many issues. The marketing hype certainly convinced most of us that this would be a different experience than that of Tesla. If it is too good to be true it probably isn't! So disappointed with Lucid.
    Bruce Browne
    Give them a chance, if you bale out already you were not very serious to start with
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