OTA 2.1.2 / 2.1.3

I've preconditioned as far down as 4-5% with no issues. I have not been gutsy enough to aim for the 1-3% on arrival, so I am not sure about those levels.
It does not let you precond at that low of a level.
Preconditioning could cool the battery to 85F in this situation.
The car actively cools the battery whenever you are driving it to extend battery life. Since Lucid does not share their parameters for cooling or DC fast chaging, we do not know what temperature the battery is kept at during normal driving. The temperature for best battery life is below the temperature for best DC charging or best capacity. How far Lucid takes this, we do not know. There could be some advantage to preconditioning in hot weather but I doubt it would make any difference past the first couple of minutes of DC fast charging.
Sorry duplicated post - I deleted
This is not how they have chosen to do it. There have now been 49 updates and their method has worked well. It does call for a bit of patience.
The best battery temperature for DC fast charging is about 85 degrees. If it is over 80 degrees outside, I don't think that battery preconditioning will do anything. Your data makes goods sense.
Battery preconditioning doesn’t just mean warming up the battery. The reverse is true for extremely hot weather where the battery pack needs to be cooled for optimal charging. There is indeed a sweet spot (it’s called San Diego weather 😎).

I will for now not ask for the nice to have features and try to provide as specific data as possible to Lucid and EA to get Lucid to charge at least as well as Hyundai BMW and others at the same station at the same time at similar SoC. I reported one specific station like that today. When we are on the road what does it matter if the seat goes back to let you in and out easily if you are worried about charging or if we have Android Auto, more advanced traffic jam assist, V2H etc?
Why do you keep saying Hyundai and bmw charge better is there any proof of this? Why would EA be a problem of Lucid not charging vs BMW not Following or is there another post to describe this ?
I have to agree with you, although I still want the OTA improvements. My trip to LA from the North SF Bay was miserable because of the EA charging situation. I figure if you can’t reliably charge in CA with EA, you can’t do it anywhere. Lucid needs to decouple from EA asap and figure out how to get on board with Tesla’s network. I also think that someone at EA needs to go to jail, but that’s another story.
Jail is a good idea part of me wonders how the business is even making money
Jail is a good idea part of me wonders how the business is even making money
My understanding is that Volkswagen was made to purchase EA as punishment for the emissions scandal. My personal (and perhaps conspiratorial) view is that they are failing on purpose in order to allow Tesla to become the standard. Then they can exit the space and get back to doing what they do best, which is to make crappy cars and cheat on emissions. 🤔
My understanding is that Volkswagen was made to purchase EA as punishment for the emissions scandal. My personal (and perhaps conspiratorial) view is that they are failing on purpose in order to allow Tesla to become the standard. Then they can exit the space and get back to doing what they do best, which is to make crappy cars and cheat on emissions. 🤔
Or, Occam’s razor says they got thrust into a business they had no idea how to build, scale, or maintain. They build cars, not gas stations or charging stations; this is not their forte, and they are learning as they go.
Why do you keep saying Hyundai and bmw charge better is there any proof of this? Why would EA be a problem of Lucid not charging vs BMW not Following or is there another post to describe this ?
I have prooj and I sent email to lucid and ea with specific data on the same location at the same time and I know 2 lucid owners who saw exactly the same thing.
My only guess is it's the seat homing thing that's holding up the update.

I hope the plan is to somehow fix that, not just throttle the release until the service centers have time to do all that homing.

My AT is in the shop for the grayed-out easy entry and user profile settings. Sounds like I may be in for a wait both for a software update and then recalibration of seat and mirror settings. At least I got an AGT loaner, so I’m not complaining.
My AT is in the shop for the grayed-out easy entry and user profile settings. Sounds like I may be in for a wait both for a software update and then recalibration of seat and mirror settings. At least I got an AGT loaner, so I’m not complaining.
Oops. The service center just texted that had fixed the easy entry issue without mention of any software update. Never mind.
Oops. The service center just texted that had fixed the easy entry issue without mention of any software update. Never mind.
Updating 2.1.3 right now. Wonder how soon Dreamdrive Pro and my 3D surround camera will disappear...
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