OTA 2.1.2 / 2.1.3

Looks like my car has started to download 2.1.3. Slowly - maybe 300MB total for today.
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Updating 2.1.3 right now. Wonder how soon Dreamdrive Pro and my 3D surround camera will disappear...
I've paid more than $2K to get 360 cams, etc, before in other cars and find it well worth it. If you can avoid one parking lot scrape because you have the 360 view, you're already ahead.
Looks like my car has started to download 2.1.3. Slowly - maybe 300MB total for today.
It is my understanding that this update is 5 Gb.
If you enjoy them, upgrade.
I don't find it worth. Feels like a money grab when my Rivian includes it from the start (and yes I know that Lucid only included a trial from the start). Many cars nowadays have blind spot turn signal screens STANDARD because it is a safety feature, not just a convenience.
What's the main differences between 2.1.2 and 2.1.3? How are folks enjoying 2.1.3?
What's the main differences between 2.1.2 and 2.1.3? How are folks enjoying 2.1.3?
No relevant ones. This has happened once before; 2.1.2 gets released to just a few folks, they (we, I guess) report bugs if there are any, and then depending on what they are, that release gets paused in favor of effectively the same release but with some bug fixes. Later, us 2.1.2 folks get caught up to 2.1.3 (eventually).
No relevant ones. This has happened once before; 2.1.2 gets released to just a few folks, they (we, I guess) report bugs if there are any, and then depending on what they are, that release gets paused in favor of effectively the same release but with some bug fixes. Later, us 2.1.2 folks get caught up to 2.1.3 (eventually).
Looks like my car has started to download 2.1.3. Slowly - maybe 300MB total for today.
Probably a dumb question, but where are you seeing download stats for your car? Is there somewhere in the vehicle or app? Or are you monitoring the MAC address via your router or something?
Probably a dumb question, but where are you seeing download stats for your car? Is there somewhere in the vehicle or app? Or are you monitoring the MAC address via your router or something?
Grand Touring has been UPLOADING over half a gig of data every day this week, but no significant downloads.

Taps finger on desk....
Grand Touring has been UPLOADING over half a gig of data every day this week, but no significant downloads.

Taps finger on desk....
Mine does this even on days I don't drive. The car has a lot of things to say to HQ.
Grand Touring has been UPLOADING over half a gig of data every day this week, but no significant downloads.

Taps finger on desk....
I know! These connected cars upload a crazy amount of data even when they haven't been driven! My Rivian has uploaded 3.3GB this week, while my Lucid has uploaded nearly a gig. Both vehicles have only been driven a few times this week, so I have no IDEA what data they are transmitting back to the mothership.
I know! These connected cars upload a crazy amount of data even when they haven't been driven! ...
This got me thinking... we know that these uploads are occurring when the car is configured to use (and connected to) WiFi, but we(I) don't know if they occur when on the cell network... we also have observed that being connected to a WiFi point seems to increase the vampire drain (rough numbers from .25%/day to .75%/day), but I haven't seen anything that outlines if this vampire drain is reduced when configured for WiFi but not connected to WiFi... I postulate that there may be a cause & effect here, that perhaps the WiFi vampire drain problem only occurs when WiFi connected (as opposed to just configured) and that it may be related to the large data uploads... right now this postulation is just a SWAG (seems like more than a WAG)... anyone care to chime in with constructive comments and/or actual data/information?
Maybe Lucid is mining bitcoin on the the GT while it is idle... doubt it.
Or idle Lucids are playing a massive multi-car online game and it has to upload its moves....
Well, my SSID name is Skynet so it does make sense that the cars are communicating back to the cloud to plot against me. Judgement Day is nigh!

No relevant ones. This has happened once before; 2.1.2 gets released to just a few folks, they (we, I guess) report bugs if there are any, and then depending on what they are, that release gets paused in favor of effectively the same release but with some bug fixes. Later, us 2.1.2 folks get caught up to 2.1.3 (eventually).
No signs of either yet 🤨. This one must be moving very slowly to the cars.
This got me thinking... we know that these uploads are occurring when the car is configured to use (and connected to) WiFi, but we(I) don't know if they occur when on the cell network... we also have observed that being connected to a WiFi point seems to increase the vampire drain (rough numbers from .25%/day to .75%/day), but I haven't seen anything that outlines if this vampire drain is reduced when configured for WiFi but not connected to WiFi... I postulate that there may be a cause & effect here, that perhaps the WiFi vampire drain problem only occurs when WiFi connected (as opposed to just configured) and that it may be related to the large data uploads... right now this postulation is just a SWAG (seems like more than a WAG)... anyone care to chime in with constructive comments and/or actual data/information?
Yes, I was thinking the same thing. I wonder if cellular connected vehicles are less chatty with the cloud seeing as Lucid (and assuming Rivian) has to pay for data. I only recently reconnected my Air to my WiFi due to recommendation that the next update was >6GB and wanted to insure that I get it quickly. I had previously disconnected from Wifi due to the poor handoff to cellular while streaming. Less of an issue now for me seeing as I use CP.
Maybe Lucid is mining bitcoin on the the GT while it is idle... doubt it.
Or idle Lucids are playing a massive multi-car online game and it has to upload its moves....
LoL. Anything to help Lucid survive and build the runway to profitability! How funny would it be next earnings call if Sherry says, "As a new source of revenue, our fleet of Airs are mining bitcoins for the company."