Since 2.1.3 update, I have noted that charging stops every 20-30 mins or so and then restarts after 20-30mins. Has anyone else noticed this?
I see that many pages have been spent addressing this above issue

. My charging would NOT restart after that 20-30 min unless I went on the app to wake up the car (or was within FOB range of the car for it to wake up).
My first problem with this was 5/25/23 (documented with an email to my service advisor) so this is NOT a 2.1.2/2.1.3 issue but antedates. If the mods want to move this to a different or new thread, I'll understand.
Then came the accusations that it was MY outlet; I probably could have put that more politically correct but I was peeved, so iiWii. That NEMA-1450 outlet has powered my sons Tesla Model 3 & prior Teslas for 14 years and continues to do so without flaw. Then I bought an adapter to use with the Tesla to J1772 plug and successfully used that to continuously charge my Lucid (albeit slower). I was happy because it was then I realized this was NOT a Lucid CAR problem but a charge cord problem.
I recently got this news: "We have found some of the older revision charging cables, when getting hot while charging, stop charging unfortunately"
This week I'm getting a ' 2nd generation charging cable'. Additionally, "Engineering is requesting that we send out a technician to measure temperature readings on the outlet and current charging cable as it is charging, and forward that to our charging infrastructure team. We (will then) install the small bracket that holds the charging cable box to the wall? Mitigating any tension/gravity that could cause separation from the charging adapter and the charging box. You can still remove the cable from the wall and take with you, just the housing that holds the charging box would be affixed to the wall."
I tell you all this because, hope is on the way for those of you who need hope (& a solution). As usual, I'm happy to be the beta tester for all things Lucid and get things 'first' that may or may not work but what that means is that I'm letting you know WAY in advance of when it might be available to you. Please process emotions accordingly