OTA 2.1.2 / 2.1.3

If I’m on the phone more than ten minutes a month, something is very, very wrong. So I have no idea if my car is experiencing this.
Same here, zero isues. But, I'm using Android, which as hydbob said, is far superior, lol.

Could be iPhone related. I get this “can’t hear you, why don’t you call me after you get off car?” But my area also weak in cellular signal.
Could be iPhone related. I get this “can’t hear you, why don’t you call me after you get off car?” But my area also weak in cellular signal.
People tell me this with my iPhone but I have strong signal. This is my only real beef with my Air.
I use it regularly with my Android phone and also on conference calls with the Teams app and it's been loud and clear. Because of all of the feedback on the forums I go out of my way to ask if the caller can hear me okay and I always get a positive response. Could it be a phone, or phone version, specific issue?
Throwing this out there, but what are the chances that Lucid isn’t updating CarPlay because they are getting ready for the next gen of CarPlay, which is supposed to be announced soon? Wishful thinking?
wishful thinking. it took them months after promised availability to release CarPlay so i doubt anyone is actively working on it. they haven't even released Android Auto yet. the second iteration should be faster but i seriously doubt it.
I use it regularly with my Android phone and also on conference calls with the Teams app and it's been loud and clear. Because of all of the feedback on the forums I go out of my way to ask if the caller can hear me okay and I always get a positive response. Could it be a phone, or phone version, specific issue?
same here. i have talked to a few people and none of them mentioned difficulty hearing me. i'm also on Android.
I use it regularly with my Android phone and also on conference calls with the Teams app and it's been loud and clear. Because of all of the feedback on the forums I go out of my way to ask if the caller can hear me okay and I always get a positive response. Could it be a phone, or phone version, specific issue?
Same, on android s22 have not had issues.
Since 2.1.3 update, I have noted that charging stops every 20-30 mins or so and then restarts after 20-30mins. Has anyone else noticed this?

I'm having this problem but it doesn't re-start. I have to wake the car back up manually to get the charging to continue. I'm talking with CC about it but they are treating it like "feedback" as opposed to a problem. (I'm on 2.1.18 now and still have this issue)
I'm having this problem but it doesn't re-start. I have to wake the car back up manually to get the charging to continue. I'm talking with CC about it but they are treating it like "feedback" as opposed to a problem. (I'm on 2.1.18 now and still have this issue)
Have you checked your outlet?
I'm having this problem but it doesn't re-start. I have to wake the car back up manually to get the charging to continue. I'm talking with CC about it but they are treating it like "feedback" as opposed to a problem. (I'm on 2.1.18 now and still have this issue)
Does it happen elsewhere? Need to narrow it down to outlet, wire, or car. Most often: your outlet.
Have you checked your outlet?
Since it is a 240v I'm not sure how to do that but it was installed six months ago and has been fine up until version 2.1.3.

If there were an issue with the outlet, why would it charge for an hour or two and then just stop? No error is reported or anything. I don't get notified in the app except whenever the car wakes back up it starts charging again - for another hour or two.

CC says they are looking into it...
Since it is a 240v I'm not sure how to do that but it was installed six months ago and has been fine up until version 2.1.3.

If there were an issue with the outlet, why would it charge for an hour or two and then just stop? No error is reported or anything. I don't get notified in the app except whenever the car wakes back up it starts charging again - for another hour or two.

CC says they are looking into it...
I think @DeaneG has mentioned before that there can be potential hazards with certain installations of 240v and maybe it's just a coincidence of the timing and the version update but more likely cause is the outlet is damaged now from excessive heat, or some other fault that's made it defective?
I think @DeaneG has mentioned before that there can be potential hazards with certain installations of 240v and maybe it's just a coincidence of the timing and the version update but more likely cause is the outlet is damaged now from excessive heat, or some other fault that's made it defective?

I'll give the electrician a ring and see if he can determine anything. Thanks.

Just had another thought as well. Perhaps something like my AC coming on is providing enough current drain that the voltage drops enough to make the car think it is unplugged. I'll monitor and see if I can correlate when it stops...
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I'll give the electrician a ring and see if he can determine anything. Thanks.

Just had another thought as well. Perhaps something like my AC coming on is providing enough current drain that the voltage drops enough to make the car think it is unplugged. I'll monitor and see if I can correlate when it stops...
I remember before I had my charger is use a standard 120v outlet and it would charge at a rate of +1 mile/min and when I had HVAC and everything running, it would just stay at the same, +0 mi/min
So it shouldn't draw enough electricity to stop your 240v charge
I remember before I had my charger is use a standard 120v outlet and it would charge at a rate of +1 mile/min and when I had HVAC and everything running, it would just stay at the same, +0 mi/min
So it shouldn't draw enough electricity to stop your 240v charge

Yeah, a quick test of that theory just failed. My AC kicked on a while ago and the car is still charging fine. The next test will be to try to manually keep the car awake with the app to see if it will keep charging then or I can see when it stops. Unfortunately, it will be a while before I can do that test as I don't drive that many miles and the car is almost at 80% now.
Yeah, a quick test of that theory just failed. My AC kicked on a while ago and the car is still charging fine. The next test will be to try to manually keep the car awake with the app to see if it will keep charging then or I can see when it stops. Unfortunately, it will be a while before I can do that test as I don't drive that many miles and the car is almost at 80% now.
After 45 minutes to an hour of charging, stop it an unplug the charger and feel the plug. If it is hot (warm is OK), then there is an issue with your outlet.
After 45 minutes to an hour of charging, stop it an unplug the charger and feel the plug. If it is hot (warm is OK), then there is an issue with your outlet.
Did you know the molded 240v NEMA 14-50 plugs on Lucid and Tesla mobile chargers have embedded heat sensors? As does the Gen 1 plug in Tesla wall charger? Tesla specs say it can ramp down charging amperage if it detects high heat in the plug. Very cool.

I would suggest feeling the brass blades on the plug. That's where overheating will show. It should never be more than warm. I have seen them burn flesh - ask me how I know this.

The science behind this is easy. The spring brass contacts in the receptacle loosen over time from both heat cycling and insertion/removal. Loose contact means resistance which means heat. At PS Audio, people would plug a fancy new power cord into a well worn 40 -50 year 120v wall receptacle and could not figure out why the protection circuits on the new amp shut it down. I would urge them to go to HD, buy a commercial or industrial grade receptacle for the princely sum of $5 or 10. And voila!!! I have been down this road waaaaaaay too many times. Only the receptacle size has changed.
Did you know the molded 240v NEMA 14-50 plugs on Lucid and Tesla mobile chargers have embedded heat sensors?
Just an update on my situation. CC got on it and was going to have a mobile tech come out and take a look next week. However, I will be gone so, instead, the tech said that some of the early mobile chargers on the cars had the above heat sensor - but it was just one-time. Meaning that, once it heat up, it just turned off and would not come back on until asked to. He said the newer ones have circuitry that will sense when it cools down enough and re-start the charging.

This sounds very much like my issue so he is going to ship me a new mobile charger timed to arrive when I get back from my trip. I'll update if this ends up solving my issue. I am optimistic that it will.