OTA 2.1.2 / 2.1.3

Received 2.1.7 this morning, update took nearly 2 hours. Like others have mentioned, the Easy Entry is grayed out.
Contact c/s to request the "seat homing" procedure.
Wow, I received another update 2.1.10 after updated to 2.1.7.
Two updates in a row today.
As a minority owner on this forum - among those of us who stuck with lane departure assist and have not disabled it ☺️ - even I was about to give up on the feature because of its aggressive correctness. The availability of a "warning only" option is a great addition that hopefully will allow the Lucid team to keep monitoring while improving response. I look forward to DDP being more judicious in the future.

Then, of course, easy entry!! Awesome! 👍👍
Updates finally landed (.7 and .10).

Lane departure warning and easy entry are both good incremental improvements, although the vibrations of the warning is a bit much for my taste. I'd have preferred just the visual warning in the driver panel.

One feature I was curious to try is the finer control on automatic lock/unlock. Given the forum description and release notes, I didn't have high hopes. The change isn't very useful for me. Automatic lock/unlock is generally a great feature, as it is by default. The only problem is how finicky it is when the car is at home and I'm carrying the fob. It keeps annoyingly locking and unlocking just by passing by. The best option for me would have a been a geofenced option to allow the car to remain unlocked in the garage. As a compromise, I opted to disable auto locking (I'd need to manually lock it every time). At least it will remain unlocked on the garage. Alas! Another unexpected annoying feature of the audio system made this impractical; sound not turning off automatically unless the car locks. When I left the car in the garage, the radio kept playing to the spirits after I was long at home, prompting my family to think it is haunted 🙂.

If Lucid software engineers are reading this, here are my simple three additions/fixes to the Lucid:
1- Close audio when the driver exits and closes the door (and no passenger is detected). Bonus: lower volume on door opening.
2- Geofenced control for auto lock/unlock so I don't need to lock the car in the garage.
3- You already know to present the homelink screen as I approach home. Can you go the extra mile and actually press the button? Bonus: close the door automatically as I leave.

All three use cases work like that for Teslas. They are natural and very convenient. I know Lucid is the better car, but there is no shame in copying simple natural interactions 🙂.
2.1.10 seems to be a success with respect to HA. Traveled from Palo Alto to Tahoe, yesterday, mostly on HA on I-80. All my earlier HA problems are corrected. Good job, Lucid!
2.1.10 - I noticed the 360 camera turns on quicker right after starting the vehicle.
still sittin' on 2.0.71 but got a sizable road trip next week so since i'll be losing HA, IF i get the updates this weekend i may hold off. wasn't there something in the warranty about staying wtithin 3 ota updates to remain covered? so will the jump from 0.71 to 1.3 and then 1.10 count as 2 strikes!?
That’s expected and normal.
Is it normal to get 2.1.3 and then 2.1.7 after? I thought you either get one or the other and then 2.1.0 thereafter? Asking because I spoke to CS about a front camera light warning and exclamation icon on my dashboard and the guy said it maybe because I was a version lower so ge pushed 2.1.7 to me instead of 2.1.0 even though I already have 2.1.3 since over a week ago.
Is it normal to get 2.1.3 and then 2.1.7 after? I thought you either get one or the other and then 2.1.0 thereafter? Asking because I spoke to CS about a front camera light warning and exclamation icon on my dashboard and the guy said it maybe because I was a version lower so ge pushed 2.1.7 to me instead of 2.1.0 even though I already have 2.1.3 since over a week ago.
That is odd, but I guess as long as you wind up with 2.1.10 it’s OK.
oddly, I'm still on 2.0.71. I'll wait another week or so before contacting Customer Support to see what's up. Normally, I get the updates fairly quickly but not worried about it.
I am also on 2.0.71. Initially I thought that since I have never used HA that the updates were going primarily to those users. Now not to sure if the “bugs” have really slowed down the rollout.
Still on 2.0.71……after 6 or 7 days of getting (false) notices on my app that an “update had been completed”, I’m now back to getting nothing. I’ll probably try customer service early next week….
Interestly... we're on 2.1.10 and have gotten multiple superfluous notices of that upgrade (which we've reported so "they" know...).
Still on 2.0.71……after 6 or 7 days of getting (false) notices on my app that an “update had been completed”, I’m now back to getting nothing. I’ll probably try customer service early next week….
Yes, I get the same daily notification and believe it's a bug with 2.0.71.
Yes, I get the same daily notification and believe it's a bug with 2.0.71.
I suspect it is a bug in either the app, or more likely in the Lucid servers (e.g. that I'm still getting these on 2.1.10).
Don’t bother… it’s software. Unfortunately there’s nothing they can do. They replaced every module in the system on my car with no improvement. I hope we get a software update soon!!!!!!!!
Don’t bother… it’s software. Unfortunately there’s nothing they can do. They replaced every module in the system on my car with no improvement. I hope we get a software update soon!!!!!!!!
That’s good to know. I was thinking that my CarPlay issues were related to IOS 17 Beta that I’m running on my IPhone.