OTA 2.1.2 / 2.1.3

I was just in Scottsdale service center, for something else, and told the 2.1.2 rollout is currently on hold.
Hoping the pause is not long. Likely taking a long trip in August and would love the update before then.
Hoping the pause is not long. Likely taking a long trip in August and would love the update before then.
Not if it has bugs that would cut your trip off early though, right? :)

Just saying, there’s a line haha. I have no reason to believe that this version had any showstoppers like that though.
Yes. i have gotten in the 170’s on the 150 chargers, but that is rare. Again, hoping the 2.1 update will help with charging speeds, especially with the automatic precondition feature.
My 1st charge after the update was no faster.
My fast charge after update on 150kw started at 115 in 30 SOC went down to 60 around 45 and around 55 came back up to 117. This is first time this happened to me.
I gotta say I think the problem is EA unit brand differences. The last time I charged on EA 150 I got 172kw from 14% SOC to over 50% SOC on an ABB unit. I think the Signet 350 are the problem.
I think there is something to this now that I think about it.
Not if it has bugs that would cut your trip off early though, right? :)

Just saying, there’s a line haha. I have no reason to believe that this version had any showstoppers like that though.
My only guess is it's the seat homing thing that's holding up the update.

I hope the plan is to somehow fix that, not just throttle the release until the service centers have time to do all that homing.
FYI: Lucid uses the word "Passive" to mean "without user interaction." It would be easier to think of it as "Automatic."

Until this update, Passive Locking and Unlocking are always ON.

Now, we have more control:
  • When Passive Locking is turned OFF, the car will not lock itself (or turn anything off as far as I can tell) when you walk away. This is a very limited use case, basically if you are actively loading the car and want to leave it unlocked with everything turned on but not drivable without a PIN or the key inside.
  • When Passive Unlocking is turned OFF, it will require a tap on the door handle for the car to unlock, instead of it unlocking automatically when the key (fob/mobile) is detected nearby. This will eliminate the repeated unlocking and locking behavior that many criticize, especially when working in the garage.
In the future, I would like Lucid to introduce some sort of geofencing for these options. I would like the car to automatically unlock when I get near it, except perhaps at home when I want it to stay locked until I actually touch the door handle.
In my Tesla, you could turn off the locking when I was at home in my garage.
My 1st charge after the update was no faster.
All the data I collected indicates that in warm weather pre conditioning does nothing. So I too am planning a 6k plus mile trip and nothing in 2.1.2 would really makes a difference. I would like lucid to take their time to release the update and I gave specific data at specific stations where ea did very bad with lucid and did way better with Hyundai and BMW. I think the problem is with EA. All we can do provide constructive and specific feedback to lucid and ea
I gotta say I think the problem is EA unit brand differences. The last time I charged on EA 150 I got 172kw from 14% SOC to over 50% SOC on an ABB unit. I think the Signet 350 are the problem.
All the data I collected indicates that in warm weather pre conditioning does nothing. So I too am planning a 6k plus mile trip and nothing in 2.1.2 would really makes a difference. I would like lucid to take their time to release the update and I gave specific data at specific stations where ea did very bad with lucid and did way better with Hyundai and BMW. I think the problem is with EA. All we can do provide constructive and specific feedback to lucid and ea
I agree. I live in SoCal and nearest EA supports only 150kw. There is no difference with or without pre-conditioning.
I would rather have the update fine tuned rather than have a bug fix later to fix new problems with a large update. I realize some things don’t show up until thousands of users can experience an update however.
All the data I collected indicates that in warm weather pre conditioning does nothing. So I too am planning a 6k plus mile trip and nothing in 2.1.2 would really makes a difference. I would like lucid to take their time to release the update and I gave specific data at specific stations where ea did very bad with lucid and did way better with Hyundai and BMW. I think the problem is with EA. All we can do provide constructive and specific feedback to lucid and ea
The best battery temperature for DC fast charging is about 85 degrees. If it is over 80 degrees outside, I don't think that battery preconditioning will do anything. Your data makes goods sense.
The best battery temperature for DC fast charging is about 85 degrees. If it is over 80 degrees outside, I don't think that battery preconditioning will do anything. Your data makes goods sense.

I asked one of our Lucid Service Reps this question, of whether I should bother preconditioning since the temp here is 100+. His reply was "ALWAYS precondition before [L3] charging". So for me personally, I'm going to continue to precondition all the time.
The best battery temperature for DC fast charging is about 85 degrees. If it is over 80 degrees outside, I don't think that battery preconditioning will do anything. Your data makes goods sense.
Preconditioning could cool the battery to 85F in this situation.
Yeah, is there any reason to NOT precondition? If you’re at a risky state of charge it won’t let you anyway I think.
Yeah, is there any reason to NOT precondition? If you’re at a risky state of charge it won’t let you anyway I think.
I've preconditioned as far down as 4-5% with no issues. I have not been gutsy enough to aim for the 1-3% on arrival, so I am not sure about those levels.