Grand Touring Tracker (Archive)

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So I spoke with my DA yesterday, my Gray car is " estimated" to come in around June 20th. Very annoying. I am happy Neurio got his! I am in the same boat with CLTGT, I got no information from my DA about the car itself. My order was in June 2020, and confirmation in Nov 21, and VIN late April. Lucid is a great engineering company, average software company, TERRIBLE communications company.
Did your DA reach out or did you contact him? I have stopped reaching out just to see if they will ever call me with updates. The answer seems to be no. I’m in the same boat - 11/30/21 confirmation and 4/26 VIN.
I got the word that my car is ready today. I'll be flying to LA Saturday morning to pick it up and drive it home because delivery wouldn't be available until next week and I have an appt for PPF starting Monday.
Where are you picking it up from? I was in the Beverly Hills Service Center yesterday and saw one under its black cover waiting for its new owner to pick it up :)
Did your DA reach out or did you contact him? I have stopped reaching out just to see if they will ever call me with updates. The answer seems to be no. I’m in the same boat - 11/30/21 confirmation and 4/26 VIN.
Well you did better than I did, my confirmation date was 11/16, and didn't get a Vin # until 5/11, you would think I would have some pull since I have ordered two cars and one of them is $179,000
Well you did better than I did, my confirmation date was 11/16, and didn't get a Vin # until 5/11, you would think I would have some pull since I have ordered two cars and one of them is $179,000
You may still get your car before me. I think they just gave me a VIN so they could say they gave me one. It has been ‘in production‘ for nearly 6 weeks now.
The lack of communication with those of us who have received our VIN's and have been caught up in this "pause" is unbelievable and unconscionable. It is made worst by the fact that many, if not most, of us in this category were also customers who ordered Quantum Grey.

My DA (and his Boss) thought that a call with someone higher up (Guy Macliver) would be a logical next step. They communicated that last week and we were supposed to talk Wednesday am. Well, I heard late Wednesday night that it was a "busy day" and that they would try on Thursday. Thursday came and went with absolutely no communication. All I can really conclude is that they figured out that nobody at Lucid had anything new to tell me, so better just to not follow up at all. Last information I received verbally with respect to timing was that they still hoped to deliver before I left for Europe (6/15), but then I get the email where he said they were too busy to talk saying they still hoped to get me my car by 6/20. So, did they just ignore what I have been telling them for months (leaving for Europe on 6/15) and just use the latest creep date of 6/20. Like I told my DA after the last phone conversation a couple weeks ago, quit with the vagaries and just tell me "you have no clue, Lucid has no clue".
I'm still surprised both of you guys haven't canceled your orders yet
So am I.

But, I have already added the electrical outlets to both houses, purchased a Chargepoint Flex and a Spare tire. Plus, I think at this point, Lucid might just like that and I am not going to give them the pleasure. I do not like admitting to defeat. That, and my wife loved the test drive and hates my M5. I do not have to have an EV, but I really want to try one out and Lucid was the first to tick all the pertinent boxes. To me, cancelling is defeat, both for me and Lucid. If I cancel, I will forever be of the opinion that EV's just aren't ready yet for the masses, at least at the luxury level.

Doesn't help that I would have to start all over, ordering a different car and that would take months. Had I known all of this last November, I might be driving something different right now. We are currently at 6.5+ months since confirmation and counting.

I have also put in the time here to know what to expect from the product I hope to get. I did the test drive and liked the way it drove. I understand the software shortcomings and hope they will be rectified in the near future. It's the lack of communication that is unacceptable and I am encouraged by the post-delivery treatment most appear to have gotten. Hopefully, this lack of communication will be outweighed by the post-delivery experience.
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Well minus the spare tire (which I'm sure you could return) you have done all the legwork for an EV. So all is not lost!
You may still get your car before me. I think they just gave me a VIN so they could say they gave me one. It has been ‘in production‘ for nearly 6 weeks now.
Yea, if it's taking them more than 6 weeks to make a car I think I should sell my stock...LOL
Yea, the ones on the R/H side look to be gray, we can only hope
Did your DA reach out or did you contact him? I have stopped reaching out just to see if they will ever call me with updates. The answer seems to be no. I’m in the same boat - 11/30/21 confirmation and 4/26 VIN.
My DA reaches out to me weekly. I asked him to do that even if he has no news. He is diligent in fulfilling my request. Lucid is going thru some growing pains right now. They are working it out. I'm thankful my car is going thru the more stringent quality control process. I'd rather them fine tune everything now rather than have to take care of it after I receive it.
After seeing that 20" wheels are delayed until (at least) 4th quarter, yesterday I test drove a Lucid Air with 19" wheels, and decided to change my order to 19". Better range, better all weather performance, not as cool looking. Hoping I'll get it much sooner, now!
I assume this wasnt in LA area right? i asked if there are any test drives with 19" wheels in LA and the SA said no.
I have to say, my DA Jess Lacey has been a phenomenal communicator. I’ve called her 3 or 4 times and I always get an immediate text followed by a call, usually within a couple of hours. I’m sure she is getting the same info as everyone else, but I think she has done a great job delivering the info. Shout out to Jess!
i wish i could say the same about her. She's my DA and she was super helpful in the beginning up until my car arrived at local SC. i scheduled a meeting with her (using the link in her email signature) and she never called me and calls to her phone goes to voicemail. i'm not mad just a bit disappointed. my loan pre approval expires in couple more weeks and i just wanted to make sure i can pick up the car before that.
i wish i could say the same about her. She's my DA and she was super helpful in the beginning up until my car arrived at local SC. i scheduled a meeting with her (using the link in her email signature) and she never called me and calls to her phone goes to voicemail. i'm not mad just a bit disappointed. my loan pre approval expires in couple more weeks and i just wanted to make sure i can pick up the car before that.
Oh, sorry you are having that experience. I’ve always left a voicemail and she has always called right back. Maybe try that?
I got the call this morning that my car was ready (Gray, deposit 12/2019, Confirmed 11/2021) and that they would send out purchase agreement and then schedule pickup next week. Then got a call 20 minutes ago that there was some issue with the wiper blades? He made it sound like this was something that came from corporate as he said "once an issue is known, if we still have the car in our possession, we have to look into it". I hope this isn't some broad issue that's going to add another round of QC...yikes. Hopefully it's just a one off easy fix. It's a wiper blade after all, can't be too complicated.
Everybody seems to think this is just a Lucid phenomenon. It’s not. I remember when I ordered my 2003 BMW M3, it took 20 months to deliver it. I actually bought and paid for a 2002, but got a late 2003. I made about 10 calls to my sales person for every 1 call I got back. I got a production number that was wrong. Eventually, the car showed up and I proceeded to absolutely love it for the years I had it. It’s best to kind of let the company grow and understand that these are start up issues with any large scale operation. I’m not trying to give Lucid excuse, it’s just reality. These are truly first world problems. My suggestion is go yourself some nice gummies (depending on what state you’re in) and relax. Or, buy an in-stock main stream car from an established manufacturer if you are unable to stomach some of these issues.
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I got the call this morning that my car was ready (Gray, deposit 12/2019, Confirmed 11/2021) and that they would send out purchase agreement and then schedule pickup next week. Then got a call 20 minutes ago that there was some issue with the wiper blades? He made it sound like this was something that came from corporate as he said "once an issue is known, if we still have the car in our possession, we have to look into it". I hope this isn't some broad issue that's going to add another round of QC...yikes. Hopefully it's just a one off easy fix. It's a wiper blade after all, can't be too complicated.
I was told by my DA when the the car was having it's PDI done the slightest thing will delay it. Lucid refuses to deliver a car with things that could be noted and fixed later. I get they don't want to be branded like Tesla on quality issues but even acknowledging them and taking note to fix them is a much better process than Tesla takes. If they're going to be so ruthless on the PDI then it definitely needs to go back to the factory doing the PDI. Probably a lot easier to get access to the replacement parts onsite then having to ship them to the Service Center
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