Grand Touring Tracker (Archive)

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If it makes you feel any better, post sale service is excellent...
I don't know, I'm leaning more towards cancelling at this stage. The only thing making me stick with it are the reviews of the current owners otherwise I would've run a long time ago. I'm just not a fan of rewarding poor behavior..... I'm torn because the feedback on the car is good yet the experience people are getting from Lucid is not "Luxury" at all. If I cancel, I will probably just move to Tesla which annoyingly will be a longer wait than if I just wait for the Lucid. That's the only advantage I see to stick with it right now because no matter how long the delays I will still probably get it sooner than ordering a car from someone else.
I had something similar happening. I asked for a change of rep. I got Eugene and things have been much better.

As for Lucid's lack of transparency, it is one of my biggest pet peeves, but I am just going to live with it. The CEO has been criticized for the lack of real information. On the investors call, he tended just to go back to his talking points, Quality over delivery, etc. They were not clear on delivery, except to let us know the 2022 delivery estimates have been revised downward to 12,000 units. ... So my take is that this guy is not a slick huckster like Musk or the folks in my consulting firm prior to my retirement. He is primarily an engineer, and a good one. He is good enough that Musk is now taking nasty pot shots at him. So given my many years of executive leadership, I will go with an honest engineer that is not giving me all the information I ask for as opposed to a slick, got all the answers' liar / BS-er. I am not anti Tesla. I also have 2 Teslas on order. I am pro-ev. Musk is a whole other issue. A child with crazy money and enough ego to think he somehow deserves it.

Anyway, to re-iterate, I am just going to have to chill until I get my VIN.
Given what you said, are you actually going to move forward with your purchase?
Yes please cancel as it will put me 1 closer
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I think they have given up on alternate paint colors, just too difficult for them. They are now only producing only white and wrapping them with your choice of color...;)
Folks are just now finding out that all of the Air’s have been painted white with other colors just a dip in Easter Egg dye. Wait until they wash their car for the first time and find out it is actually white…..
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