Grand Touring Tracker (Archive)

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You are are probably right, but that would mean the car body has been painted and they are building the skateboard and interior in the early part of the week.
True. Looking at the pattern, I think we’ll get VINs Friday at the earliest but probably early the week after if production for them actually starts tomorrow or Tuesday.
How many Santa Cruz interior cars get VINs this week In any color but Silver? I hope mine is one of them so that I don’t go another week disappointed 😢 What do you say?
I’m in the January 5th batch and have been told VIN assignment this week by my DA. I’ve got a call with Doreen Allen tomorrow after venting my frustrations with Lucid so will be interesting if I get a different story.
I’m in the January 5th batch and have been told VIN assignment this week by my DA. I’ve got a call with Doreen Allen tomorrow after venting my frustrations with Lucid so will be interesting if I get a different story.
I hope the call goes well and that she answers your questions.
I’m in the January 5th batch and have been told VIN assignment this week by my DA. I’ve got a call with Doreen Allen tomorrow after venting my frustrations with Lucid so will be interesting if I get a different story.
What sort of frustrations, if you don't mind me asking? If you get your VIN this week, you'll have gone from confirmation to VIN in 5 months. There are many of us waiting for way longer than that who haven't had to get to the level of speaking with Doreen Allen.
I don’t think I was alone changing from grey to red but I hadnt realized it was biased so much
Without analyzing the data, I'm guessing a lot of the more recent reservations have skewed red. Grey used to be the most popular color a few months ago. I guess a prolonged delay for the grey plus the rave reviews for red will do that...
Without analyzing the data, I'm guessing a lot of the more recent reservations have skewed red. Grey used to be the most popular color a few months ago. I guess a prolonged delay for the grey plus the rave reviews for red will do that...

Oh this will be fun to analyze.
Without analyzing the data, I'm guessing a lot of the more recent reservations have skewed red. Grey used to be the most popular color a few months ago. I guess a prolonged delay for the grey plus the rave reviews for red will do that...
I switched to red when I learned about the extra long delay in Silver. AGT Red/Mojave/21. Of course now I go to the back of the line with my color change Deposit 7/21 confirmed Nov 30th. Changed color March of 22
Without analyzing the data, I'm guessing a lot of the more recent reservations have skewed red. Grey used to be the most popular color a few months ago. I guess a prolonged delay for the grey plus the rave reviews for red will do that...

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I ordered Grey originally, and about a week after confirming I changed my mind to the red.
I am SUPER pleased with the red - even if there will be a fair few identical looking cars in the Bay Area :)
I went with the Mojave interior and that works really well.

so far, 2 days in - I LOVE IT :)

Tagging @Archer - for some reason the quote didn’t come through, but answering your question
that's exactly what I did. originally ordered the Grey but later changed to red with Mojave interior. do you mind posting some pics of your interior? curious to see how it looks. my DA was supposed to call me when they get Mojave/Red but he hasn't (pretty sure he forgot).
Hello, your car was reported to have been assigned a VIN in the last 45 days and in an effort to keep the tracker up-to-date, I wanted to check if you have heard anything regarding your delivery:
No further updates on my end at this time
What sort of frustrations, if you don't mind me asking? If you get your VIN this week, you'll have gone from confirmation to VIN in 5 months. There are many of us waiting for way longer than that who haven't had to get to the level of speaking with Doreen Allen.
I reached out to my DA a few weeks back and raised concerns about Lucids management, lack of communication and the fact that Peter is more concerned with releasing videos than getting cars into peoples hands. Lucid’s survival hinges on a lot and the stupid missteps they’re making doesn’t have them off to a good start. The concern in my message was I and everyone else don’t appreciate being left in the dark and I’m dropping $140K on a car for a company that might not survive if they can’t get their acts together.

The fact they continually keep customers in the dark and you find more on forums than from the company itself is poor form.

Given the folks in here who are still waiting for VINs from November and December I’m not stupid, there is no way I’m getting my VIN this week and again just shows my initial concern with Lucid that they prefer to lie than just tell the truth.

Doreen reached out to me on Friday so I’m assuming my email got escalated so I took the opportunity to raise my concerns and will be speaking with her tomorrow.
I reached out to my DA a few weeks back and raised concerns about Lucids management, lack of communication and the fact that Peter is more concerned with releasing videos than getting cars into peoples hands. Lucid’s survival hinges on a lot and the stupid missteps they’re making doesn’t have them off to a good start. The concern in my message was I and everyone else don’t appreciate being left in the dark and I’m dropping $140K on a car for a company that might not survive if they can’t get their acts together.

The fact they continually keep customers in the dark and you find more on forums than from the company itself is poor form.

Given the folks in here who are still waiting for VINs from November and December I’m not stupid, there is no way I’m getting my VIN this week and again just shows my initial concern with Lucid that they prefer to lie than just tell the truth.

Doreen reached out to me on Friday so I’m assuming my email got escalated so I took the opportunity to raise my concerns and will be speaking with her tomorrow.

I would be careful with one assumption here: Peter cannot get your car to you any faster than the process will move. Focusing on the “big picture” is the right thing for him to be doing, while also addressing any issues with the process.

It would be bananas to expect him to personally be handling deliveries or production and ignoring marketing, sales, operations, recruiting, PR, or anything else. While to you the most important thing is getting your car, to Peter and the shareholders (and employees) it’s the longevity of the company.

If the rest *wasn’t* happening, that’s when I’d get concerned with longevity.

That’s not to say communication can’t and shouldn’t be improved; it should, and the DAs should have more clarity. But there’s a lot to running a company, and other issues don’t stop existing because of any one specific one.
I emailed my DA, his boss Noah and Doreen almost the exact same thing over a week ago and got a call from both my DA and Noah. I did not get any type of communication from Doreen. It is not like they aren’t hearing this from many angles. They acknowledged that their communication needed to be better and said they were trying to make it so. It has not been long enough for me to pass judgement as to whether they meant what they said or were just trying to say what they thought I wanted to hear.

The CEO should not be dealing with these issues personally, but the buck stops with him. It is ultimately his responsibility to build a team to handle these issues and to delegate. Keeping him insulated and in the dark as to these issues does not help him. He may not be able to fix the problems, but as CEO, he should damn well know if he has them, what is being done to address them and if there are other resources required. I always told my employees a couple things. First, I can’t help solve a problem if I don’t know it’s there. Second, I expect you to present solutions to problems with each problem we discuss.

He must deal with the forest, but not Lose sight and forget that the forest is made up of trees.

Lucid has a myriad of issues/problems. Every company does. It“s how they approach the solution to those issues/problems that set them apart.

Too early to tell with Lucid.

They will get to a point in the not too distant future though where they lose all my optimism and confidence. At that point, I will cancel my order and never buy a vehicle from them In the future.

I will also sell the shares I own.

This whole debacle with Grey paint and placing so many other customers who ordered so much later and have later confirmation dates ahead of others while communicating that color would make no difference with delivery date has really just rubbed me the wrong way and it is like rubbing salt in the wound every time I see someone with a January confirmation date get a VIN. I have been told mid-late April for a VIN, so we”ll see.
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The CEO should not be dealing with these issues personally, but the buck stops with him. it is ultimately his responsibility to build a team to handle these issues and to delegate
I couldn’t agree more. One person alone can’t run a company but that person should have a solid team under him/her and for that team to report the issues with solutions.

My biggest issue with Peter is his PR spin. He mentioned so many times how he was going to do it better than Tesla and took a number of opportunities to throw shade. He then proceeds to green light the launch of a car that had enough software issues that he had to issue an email to owners about how they were being addressed in January, 2 months after being silent and this is the problem.

Peter will praise the company to no end but seems to go into hiding when issues arise. Either his team aren’t telling him what the issues or or he knows and is choosing to not disclose anything.

Time will tell, but as you point out the buck stops with him!
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I am not suggesting he abdicate responsibility, or that the buck doesn’t stop with him. I’ve run companies, and I get that. The comms need fixing.

I was specifically (and solely) responding to the “seems more interested in making videos than…” comment. It is his job to do PR, just as it is his job to ensure the comms issues get fixed.

The world does not stop spinning so that he (or anyone else) can work on just one thing.

That’s all.
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