Grand Touring Tracker (Archive)

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They are going to have to add many, many more SC's before that happens, essentially solving the problem anyway.
They are. Was told that corporate was in San Diego looking for a property to build a service center down here. Of course, they are all over the place in CA, but I imagine they are looking at where the orders are coming from and obtaining property if there will be a certain number of vehicles within some radius of the proposed service center .

Edit: Perhaps I can get my car delivered to the planned service center in SD rather than Costa Mesa! The timing might work LOL!
Thought I’d throw this response out from my DA, pertaining to color delays...

”The forums are always an interesting place to visit. While much of what I see in there is a blend between speculation and fact, the end result is a lot of calls with customers expressing concerns for things that are usually less concerning than they are made out to be.

Every color that is used on a customer vehicle must undergo color harmonizing exercises. This is to ensure consistency in the quality of the paint. Even slight variations will be difficult to resolve once applied to a customer car.

Dream Edition was our first trim and colors like the red, black and white were harmonized much sooner than colors like the grey and silver. Many will call out that no grey cars have been confirmed to be delivered, but I would go much further beyond that and say that there are only a limited number of Grand Touring cars that have been delivered in general.

For Cosmos Silver, this color is expected to come in the third quarter with deliveries starting in July/ August. This estimate has not changed but I do want to call out that anything is possible as we navigate the uncertainty plaguing suppliers. It is possible for Cosmos Silver to come a bit sooner but it is possible for the silver color to be delayed further. With a few months out from July, it is too far in advance to predict what the situation will be at that time.

Grey Cars are already receiving estimated VIN assignment dates and those VIN’s are expected within days for some people and just weeks for others. I would not label this as a delay as it is reflective of the variances that happen with production. Color harmonization must happen before a paint is used on a vehicle and naturally, some colors will be harmonized before others.”
Grey Cars are already receiving estimated VIN assignment dates and those VIN’s are expected within days for some people and just weeks for others. I would not label this as a delay as it is reflective of the variances that happen with production. Color harmonization must happen before a paint is used on a vehicle and naturally, some colors will be harmonized before others.”

That sounds promising for Grey...
The forums are always an interesting place to visit. While much of what I see in there is a blend between speculation and fact, the end result is a lot of calls with customers expressing concerns for things that are usually less concerning than they are made out to be.
It would seem to me that there would be a severe decline in speculation if Lucid would opt to be more consistent and transparent in their communication. One DA says one thing, while others say another, and others say nothing.

....but I would go much further beyond that and say that there are only a limited number of Grand Touring cars that have been delivered in general.
This seems like an extremely wild thing to say as a representative of Lucid. Is your DA named Oscar by chance?

...I would not label this as a delay as it is reflective of the variances that happen with production.
Then don't quote 2-4 months. On the forums alone, we have at least seven users with November 3rd, 2021 confirmation dates for Gray with reservation dates dating back to mid-2020. It's been over a month since their 4-month timeframe has expired. It's a delay in my opinion.
Thought I’d throw this response out from my DA, pertaining to color delays...

”The forums are always an interesting place to visit. While much of what I see in there is a blend between speculation and fact, the end result is a lot of calls with customers expressing concerns for things that are usually less concerning than they are made out to be.

Every color that is used on a customer vehicle must undergo color harmonizing exercises. This is to ensure consistency in the quality of the paint. Even slight variations will be difficult to resolve once applied to a customer car.

Dream Edition was our first trim and colors like the red, black and white were harmonized much sooner than colors like the grey and silver. Many will call out that no grey cars have been confirmed to be delivered, but I would go much further beyond that and say that there are only a limited number of Grand Touring cars that have been delivered in general.

For Cosmos Silver, this color is expected to come in the third quarter with deliveries starting in July/ August. This estimate has not changed but I do want to call out that anything is possible as we navigate the uncertainty plaguing suppliers. It is possible for Cosmos Silver to come a bit sooner but it is possible for the silver color to be delayed further. With a few months out from July, it is too far in advance to predict what the situation will be at that time.

Grey Cars are already receiving estimated VIN assignment dates and those VIN’s are expected within days for some people and just weeks for others. I would not label this as a delay as it is reflective of the variances that happen with production. Color harmonization must happen before a paint is used on a vehicle and naturally, some colors will be harmonized before others.”
Yea...there is a way to, you know, take away speculation on these forums...;)
I wonder if Lucid knows who’s already downloaded the app from Apple or Google. I downloaded it months ago to my iPhone, so if Lucid knows I already have it, I suspect I won’t get the download invitation email.
I got the invite and did the download, but when I open the app there is only a place to sign in, no indication of how to set up login and PW. I tried using my credentials from the Lucid website but it doesn't accept them. Kind of strange. Unless I’m missing something (entirely possible 😉).
Then don't quote 2-4 months. On the forums alone, we have at least seven users with November 3rd, 2021 confirmation dates for Gray with reservation dates dating back to mid-2020. It's been over a month since their 4-month timeframe has expired. It's a delay in my opinion.
Late 2019 😖
I got the invite and did the download, but when I open the app there is only a place to sign in, no indication of how to set up login and PW. I tried using my credentials from the Lucid website but it doesn't accept them. Kind of strange. Unless I’m missing something (entirely possible 😉).
It won't do anything until you login to the car and link the car to your Lucid account
It won't do anything until you login to the car and link the car to your Lucid account
View attachment 1310
VIN assigned Feb 22. Waiting for a truck to pick up at factory. At least I have a picture on the app now.
It won't do anything until you login to the car and link the car to your Lucid account
I thought so too but @Pete44 had this pop up before delivery. I’ve been checking periodically to see if anything changes as an early indicator to no avail.
Grey Cars are already receiving estimated VIN assignment dates and those VIN’s are expected within days for some people and just weeks for others. I would not label this as a delay as it is reflective of the variances that happen with production. Color harmonization must happen before a paint is used on a vehicle and naturally, some colors will be harmonized before others.”
Those VIN assignments have been expected “within days” for the past month, and each time it slips so I have no confidence in them anymore. My latest VIN date was to be Monday, but I have been told now mid- to late-AprIl earlier this week. Others with earlier reservation dates are now being told perhaps early May so I expect that my multiple revised date will get revised again. However, those of us with Grey reservations will post the minute we hear thr first VIN has been assigned and the dam finally breaks!

Edit: it is a delay since they are unable to produce a grey car, not a variance that happens with production. They haven’t figured out the process yet which results in the delay. Once they figure it out, there will not be an issue delivering Grey cars and they will happen just like black, white and red today.
Hey, don’t shoot the messenger. ;-). My DA is not Oscar, but in my limited dealings with him, he’s seemed pretty straightforward and sincere. Either way, the car will be ready when it’s ready and judging from wait times from OEMs, this start up isn’t doing all that badly, IMHO.
Hey, don’t shoot the messenger. ;-). My DA is not Oscar, but in my limited dealings with him, he’s seemed pretty straightforward and sincere. Either way, the car will be ready when it’s ready and judging from wait times from OEMs, this start up isn’t doing all that badly, IMHO.

Did not mean to sound as hostile as I did and definitely did not intend for it to be directed you. It seems a little off-putting that this DA seems to be blaming the consumer and the forums for our frustrations rather than understanding why someone might frustrated with the service thus far.
Thought I’d throw this response out from my DA, pertaining to color delays...
“Many will call out that no grey cars have been confirmed to be delivered, but I would go much further beyond that and say that there are only a limited number of Grand Touring cars that have been delivered in general.”
Yikes! Not sure that messaging would have been approved by corporate!
Did not mean to sound as hostile as I did and definitely did not intend for it to be directed you. It seems a little off-putting that this DA seems to be blaming the consumer and the forums for our frustrations rather than understanding why someone might frustrated with the service thus far.
I’m not even sure who my DA is anymore. Received a call from a bay area number on Wednesday when I was in the middle of stuff. He started with his name (which I didn’t catch) and Lucid, saying that he was my new DA as my name appeared in his list. Since I wasn’t in a position to write anything down, I told him to email me his contact information when we ended the call so I had it. Now two days later and no email……🤔
I thought so too but @Pete44 had this pop up before delivery. I’ve been checking periodically to see if anything changes as an early indicator to no avail.
So, my app just changed to allow me in and it now says “your lucid air will arrive soon” with VIN showing
So, my app just changed to allow me in and it now says “your lucid air will arrive soon” with VIN showing
That's nice!
Reserved: 9/7/21
Confirmed: 12/12/21

Lucid Air Grand Touring​

December 12, 2021 / 6:03 PM
Zenith Red, Santa Cruz Interior, 19” Aero Range Wheels, Glass Canopy Roof and AWD Drivetrain

VIN Assigned: 4/6/22

Waiting for delivery. Told by Lucid delivery advisor "this month" (i.e. April, 2022).
I spoke to my DA for the first time, he told me the same deal with the grey color, that it is not an issue, they are getting to them. He even told me there are VINs being assigned by the end of this month and early next month for the grey GTs.

He told me the whole same thing around it being a new color and they are finalizing the harmonizing process but it is not a delay... :)

I am referencing what @BradSholl said over here. Maybe I have the same DA. :)
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