Wa front license plate

I am also a WA resident and drove my Fisker Karma without a front license plate for almost 12 years. I got one ticket for lack of front license, and that was when I was illegally parked (unintentional) so got tagged for the front license plate and the illegal parking at the same time. The ticketing officer told me she had to write it up, but that they (SPD) do not pull people over for lack of front plates. Some of the Karma owners found a license plate that installs under the car and flips up into position when desired, if that is of interest to anyone. I would have gotten one of those if I had gotten another ticket. I'm going to take the same approach with the Lucid, though the license plate film is a pretty great solution, too.
So is this only happening in Bellevue? I got pulled over for questionable reasons twice recently - I am convinced so they could ask questions and take a closer look at the vehicle (10 mile over, tint question)and they let me off but never pointed out the lack of a front plate. I’m in Yakima and there are now a ton of teslas in town without front plates
NH requires a front license plate, and I called our DMV to see if the sticker/wrap would fly: absolutely not. I ended up with the front license plate, because depending on the day and somebody's mood, I could end up with a hassle or a ticket or both. It has had no impact on my enjoyment of driving the car.

The following is not meant to be mean (seriously), but it seems that using a fig leaf of the aerodynamics impact of a front license plate is kinda amusing. It would be interesting to see how many mention efficiency or "drag" of the plate, but get the 21" tires, remove the aero covers on the wheels, or have mastered the "launch mode" and may be the first off the blocks at a light. The only comments I have gotten about my front plate so far are that the car screams for a vanity plate. 😸
Hey Snafu, no doubt your characterization of a flat plate mounted at the aerodynamic stagnation point a “fig” leaf is very typical of most owners. My background leaves me a bit more sensitive to aerodynamic nuances.

The stagnation point in a moving body in a fluid is the point of highest pressure and increasing as the cube of velocity; which per my SWAG is about 1.6 times greater at 70 than at 60.
This flat plate creates a bow wave similar to what we all experience in passing a truck but of course not so evident. Again my SWAG on loss of range about 40 miles.
However my greater concern is loss of airflow to side mounted heat exchangers which according to Rawlinson’s aerodynamic explanation of Lucid’s front design creates vortex’s which act to fill the side scoops. These vortex’s are likely interrupted by the flat plate bow wave lowering the aerodynamic pressure at the scoop inlets resulting in less than optimal cooling airflow.
None of this really a big deal as my 40 mile SWAG trivial when considering all the predominant factors effecting range.
Also loss of optimal heat exchanger cooling only significant at high temperatures when we are not getting the desired AC performance or possibly battery pack temp control.
I believe so. I had to send photo of plate and then options to add mounting plate and mounting screw images.
Actually been unable to pull up original order.
I recall total was around $90. The plate is a spitting image of original.