Update 2.1.18

I just installed the update last night and am getting charging started/stopped notifications every hour. Definitely a bug or something along those lines. I have it set to charge to 60% and and it is plugged into the travel charger which is plugged into a 240v 50A 5-60 receptacle with an adapter.

Please don't assume it's a bug. I think you have incorrect wiring and incorrect or improper adapters. Or are very unsure what you have. The numbering is very precise. No such animal as a NEMA 5-60. There is no plug rated at 60 amps, and all NEMA "5" series plugs are used for 120volts only. and a NEMA 5-50 you claim to have is 120v 50 amp rare bird with just one 120v line, neutral and ground. I have no idea how a EVSE charger, rated for use only on 240v 30 or 40 amps could ever work on a 120v - 50 amp circuit.

Last but not least, what adapter and why are you using it. And please have a fire extinguisher handy - electrical rated
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It's a 6-50 welding outlet on a 50 amp breaker. I'm using the Lucid mobile which can pull 40A max so it's fine for the plug. The adaptor doesn't get hot I've been using it for a year. These notifications on my phone just started today that's why I'm saying 2.1.18 is causing it.
It's a 6-50 welding outlet on a 50 amp breaker. I'm using the Lucid mobile which can pull 40A max so it's fine for the plug. The adaptor doesn't get hot I've been using it for a year. These notifications on my phone just started today that's why I'm saying 2.1.18 is causing it.

Thanks for correcting and now being accurate. I have several 6-50 for my Miller's and plasma cutter. And 6-50s were used for stoves and dryers many decades ago. I will bet the receptacle is older and a $10 Leviton. And is wearing out. Yes, they wearout and they were not made for continuous EV charging. When the contacts in the receptacle get used over the years, they spread. And that causes home EV chargers to shut off. Tesla rates that as the number one reason for home charger failures - old cheap receptacles. Trust the electrical engineers on this forum, 2.1.18 is not causing it.

Please search this forum as there is tons of info from @DeaneG and others and me on the dangers of using older cheap 6-50 and 14-50 receptacles made for intermittent use, like welders or stoves, but now used for continuous use EV charging. They fail even if they do not get hot. Seriously, do the search. It's all be documented here.
Has anyone tried charging after this update? I charged for the first time today after this update on August 30th (with an SoC of 28% and Preconditioning for approximately 13/14 minutes), and noticed that there was no signet surge. Has anyone else observed this?
Me, too.
I alway have Signet surge issue but after the update no more surge😁.
Maybe coincidence.
Thanks for correcting and now being accurate. I have several 6-50 for my Miller's and plasma cutter. And 6-50s were used for stoves and dryers many decades ago. I will bet the receptacle is older and a $10 Leviton. And is wearing out. Yes, they wearout and they were not made for continuous EV charging. When the contacts in the receptacle get used over the years, they spread. And that causes home EV chargers to shut off. Tesla rates that as the number one reason for home charger failures - old cheap receptacles. Trust the electrical engineers on this forum, 2.1.18 is not causing it.

Please search this forum as there is tons of info from @DeaneG and others and me on the dangers of using older cheap 6-50 and 14-50 receptacles made for intermittent use, like welders or stoves, but now used for continuous use EV charging. They fail even if they do not get hot. Seriously, do the search. It's all be documented here.
And as I mentioned, it's probably a coincidence it's failing now after 2.1.18, so it probably took that year to fail, and now it's happening and noticeable.

Doesn't mean 2.1.18 caused it.
And as I mentioned, it's probably a coincidence it's failing now after 2.1.18, so it probably took that year to fail, and now it's happening and noticeable.

Doesn't mean 2.1.18 caused it.

The timing Seems to be a common scenario. On this forum we have seen members with The cheap Leviton or Cooper receptacles do OK for a year or 18 months. Then the problems start. The concept of a big 240v receptacle wearing out is foreign to consumers. They sit behind their stove for 25 years. With no issue.

From an engineering view, problems after time is what I would expect. The cheap receptacles are not bad nor faulty, just not built 40 amps for 6 hours night after night, plus the insertions.

I need to admit, the Leviton failures happened to even me! The night I got my Lucid, I plugged the mobile charger into one of my very used 15 year old 6-50 welder and kiln receptacles in the garage. Three days later, I got the same charging errors others here have gotten. Next day, Replaced one receptacle with a Hubbell industrial. Voila!
I've had a lot more "Please Enter Your PIN" requests since installing .18. It seems to be phone key related, since that hasn't been as stable as previous releases. I find myself having to get my phone (iPhone 14pro) out and open the app because the door doesn't unlock quickly. The PIN requests clear after 15 seconds or so when it finally talks to the phone.
I've had a lot more "Please Enter Your PIN" requests since installing .18. It seems to be phone key related, since that hasn't been as stable as previous releases. I find myself having to get my phone (iPhone 14pro) out and open the app because the door doesn't unlock quickly. The PIN requests clear after 15 seconds or so when it finally talks to the phone.
I can echo this, although only once or twice for me. Using mobile key on my iPhone 14 Pro, the car does seem to a lot more reliable unlocking (passive unlock off) with recent updates.
I can echo this, although only once or twice for me. Using mobile key on my iPhone 14 Pro, the car does seem to a lot more reliable unlocking (passive unlock off) with recent updates.
Us FOB foggies have a simpler life 😁. And as a Pixel phone person, I am holding out for Android Auto, so I can set up remote key and AA at the same time. At this rate, Google will be on Pixel version 98 before AA comes out.....
Buggy after 2.1.18

- CarPlay will pop up once and then disappear, with no option to restore
- Native Nav fails to reroute until your far past a suggestion turn - overall Native Nav seemed less responsive in reflecting current position

I've restarted once but problem persists; will update with further experience.
I think this update now remembers the playlist that you were on and continues the original playlist on Tidal. Before, it would remember and replay the last song played on the playlist but then would often not finish out the original playlist but play "similar" songs. @Babyrocko1908 is that what you're experiencing also as a Tidal user?
I think this update now remembers the playlist that you were on and continues the original playlist on Tidal. Before, it would remember and replay the last song played on the playlist but then would often not finish out the original playlist but play "similar" songs. @Babyrocko1908 is that what you're experiencing also as a Tidal user?
It's been this way for a few updates now. It's been great.
I've had a lot more "Please Enter Your PIN" requests since installing .18. It seems to be phone key related, since that hasn't been as stable as previous releases. I find myself having to get my phone (iPhone 14pro) out and open the app because the door doesn't unlock quickly. The PIN requests clear after 15 seconds or so when it finally talks to the phone.
Delete the key from the car and phone and reinstall. Opening the app on iPhone does not make it work any better.
Delete the key from the car and phone and reinstall. Opening the app on iPhone does not make it work any better.
Same issue. Having to delete completely and reinstall after every update lately
Buggy after 2.1.18

- CarPlay will pop up once and then disappear, with no option to restore
- Native Nav fails to reroute until your far past a suggestion turn - overall Native Nav seemed less responsive in reflecting current position

I've restarted once but problem persists; will update with further experience.
Update: okay, rebooted both the Lucid and my iPhone today, and I’m no longer getting the issues with Native Nav GPS weirdness. CarPlay launches initially and works, however if I switch away to Native Nav or audio channels, I can’t get back to CarPlay; hitting the CarPlay button does nothing. The only workaround I’ve found is that ‘sometimes’ saying “Hey Siri” brings the CarPlay screen back up.
I think this update now remembers the playlist that you were on and continues the original playlist on Tidal. Before, it would remember and replay the last song played on the playlist but then would often not finish out the original playlist but play "similar" songs. @Babyrocko1908 is that what you're experiencing also as a Tidal user?
Yes, 2.1.3 fixed this. I'm ecstatic about it.
Update: okay, rebooted both the Lucid and my iPhone today, and I’m no longer getting the issues with Native Nav GPS weirdness. CarPlay launches initially and works, however if I switch away to Native Nav or audio channels, I can’t get back to CarPlay; hitting the CarPlay button does nothing. The only workaround I’ve found is that ‘sometimes’ saying “Hey Siri” brings the CarPlay screen back up.
Can you take a video of the behavior? What do you mean hen you say 'CarPlay button' - do you mean the button in settings or on the home screen? I'm curious if you found some path to a new bug, or how to reproduce it.
Can you take a video of the behavior? What do you mean hen you say 'CarPlay button' - do you mean the button in settings or on the home screen? I'm curious if you found some path to a new bug, or how to reproduce it.
Yes, @borski - I’ll do that this weekend.