Radar Detector Hard Wire Installation?

For those who have a Uniden R7 radar detector, the correct Blendmount or one that works is the BR7-2014. Just tell em it's for a 2020 BMW M3. Still battling with the damm plug....it is so tight back there. LucidJazz thanks for the tip with the cap and that hasn't helped yet. Also based on the location of the radar detector it works fine there too. I heard early on some detectors didn't work except the Unidens.

Do you have free range moving the mirror? I tried to use one of my old Blendmounts. It worked as long as I didn't want to adjust the mirror (let my wife drive).
Actually, I can move the rear view freely as I was surprised myself
I have a Dream on order and I’m curious if anyone has found a way to hard wire a radar detector? In my last car (Porsche Panamera) I had it hardwired from the fuse box (under dash) and then up the A Pillar and inside the headliner. Obviously this won’t work on the Dream but maybe there is a way to connect through the back of the rear view mirror?? I know this was possible on a number of other cars but don’t know about the Dream? Any thoughts?
There is a battery below the 12v cigarette lighter socket on the right in the trunk. That is the best place to wire it from.
Tapping into the mirror with a mirror tap is the cleanest it's just a pita
At the rate I am going if I can't tap the mirror I may have to go to the trunk. Although those who were successful in tapping the mirror don't seen to have any issues.
At the rate I am going if I can't tap the mirror I may have to go to the trunk. Although those who were successful in tapping the mirror don't seen to have any issues.
I'm just telling you what the technicians told me. The cameras are there behind the mirror as well as the dimming system and various other computers and sensors
Definitely a frustrating process. I do have a spray paint can top that’s jammed in between. I’m trying to hold the white connector with one hand while trying to insert these pins with the right hand. I’m having a hard time jamming the pins alongside the existing red and black wires. Did anybody disconnect the green connector in the back of the white connector to try to get more mobility and attaching these wires? Any tricks in
jamming these wires alongside. I’m trying to use a plier to hold onto the white piece and then use my right hand to jam the wire in alongside of it but I’m having difficulty in doing it.
Was able to get it to plug in but couldn’t put together the housing back together to lock into place. And in fiddling around with it the wire tap got dislodged. Going to abandon the wire tap route. Now have to figure out how to get the housing back together without making a service appointment. Getting some resistance in pushing the middle back up. I did seat the white connecter back in that seat as shown in the pictures here.
I was able to get some "ideas"... I just got my car back this afternoon, so I'll be testing some things out tonight and will let you know.

I'm using the Escort MaxCam 360 - works really well (but haven't tested in my GTA yet). I don't think my version is likely to be impacted by the glass issue, so should be g2g...
I just bought the Escort Maxcam 360 but having a hard time finding someone to install here in south east Florida . Have the windshield issues been resolved on the 2023 Grand Touring models?
Hi @Bobc34, sorry for the delay - I just remembered that I saw an email notification on this thread...

As far as your questions: Yes, I have a '22 AGT, and no issues with the windshield. I also have the 360 Maxcam, and it works great!

For the tap - yes, I did the mirror tap. The toughest part was determining how the upper pieces clip into place, but once that is figured out, it's all downhill if you know what you're doing. You want to look at the green/white clip, and probe with a voltage meter. Cars can and do change, particularly/probably in a small production car, such Lucids... so always keep in mind that you're doing this at your own risk!

Here is where I have the mirrortap connected. IIRC, the MT I used with the 360 was the MT-4015, and the Blendtech mount I used as the BMG-3014, although one of the set screws that comes with it has to be opened up almost to the last thread, so it's a tight squeeze. Someone in a DM suggested picking up a longer bolt from Home Depot for less than a dollar, and it worked like a charm. The rearview mirror post is just a funky size and can be a bit odd to mount to.

I’m interested in the blendmount type that would work with the Lucid mirror? Anyone with a suggestion?
I'm interested as well.
Okay, I installed the Redline as well, but I would also be interested in a blend mount that fits the Lucid!
Hello Friends - I am attempting a mirror tap in my '25AT - has anyone been able to get the housing open on this? The front (Windshield side) has horizontal perforations, so i am reticent to pull down on that to start the access. Any 'tips and tricks' would be appreciated. TIA.
I just did this, the BMG-3014 works great for my Redline, I did the longer bolt, 6-32 x 2”.
Those horizontal bars makes that area weak, now having seen the underside, each front corner and one center clip. I used plastic pry tools to get it open, a Lucid tech should chime in on how to make this easier to remove the whole cover, it’s a PITA to do this job. The center has to get wiggled back in first, then the corners.
Hi All, I will bet taking delivery of a 2025 Touring by the end of the month - on it's way from the factory to Chicago now.

For this that have done the mirror tap installation - is the power supply there a constant 12V (i.e. still hot) or switch only when the car is "on".

The radar detector I'll be connecting is an Escort MAXcam 360c (and possibly repurposing a rear facing M2) and due to the dash cam I would like power when parked. I'd prefer the mirror tap over running all the way back to the trunk, or the trunk fuse in the passenger fuse box (glass roof makes it a bit round-a-boout to either).

Thanks for the info. I'd prefer Lucid opened up recording the built-in cameras (ala Tesla) but until they do, I'll take things into my own hands.