OTA 2.1.2 / 2.1.3

@Bobby and @Tesla2Lucid, has either of your mobile apps been updated?
The mobile app does not need an update, at least not for Android.
I have. I just drove 120 miles and tested it extensively. Basically, it lets you move over within the lane without pushing you back to the center as aggressively.

Hi Bobby. Thanks for giving details on the update. I want to make sure I'm understanding this feature. So basically it's allowing you to move slightly over in your lane in one direction or the other and then the car will recenter itself back to the original centering position. So basically it allows you to maneuver briefly without HA steering temporarily disengaging ?

Or is it where if I want the car to center slightly to the left for example then I would steer the car a bit to the left and that becomes the new center until HA is disengaged ?
Hi Bobby. Thanks for giving details on the update. I want to make sure I'm understanding this feature. So basically it's allowing you to move slightly over in your lane in one direction or the other and then the car will recenter itself back to the original centering position. So basically it allows you to maneuver briefly without HA steering temporarily disengaging ?

Or is it where if I want the car to center slightly to the left for example then I would steer the car a bit to the left and that becomes the new center until HA is disengaged ?
It works as described in your first paragraph. It does not become the “new center.”
It works as described in your first paragraph. It does not become the “new center.”
Thank you! Excited about all the improvements. I've been really impressed with how quickly and frequently Lucid has updated software. Also thanks for your top requests list and website!
Some release notes
As a minority owner on this forum - among those of us who stuck with lane departure assist and have not disabled it ☺️ - even I was about to give up on the feature because of its aggressive correctness. The availability of a "warning only" option is a great addition that hopefully will allow the Lucid team to keep monitoring while improving response. I look forward to DDP being more judicious in the future.

Then, of course, easy entry!! Awesome! 👍👍
As a minority owner on this forum - among those of us who stuck with lane departure assist and have not disabled it ☺️ - even I was about to give up on the feature because of its aggressive correctness. The availability of a "warning only" option is a great addition that hopefully will allow the Lucid team to keep monitoring while improving response. I look forward to DDP being more judicious in the future.

Then, of course, easy entry!! Awesome! 👍👍
I also had disabled the entire feature because I found it too aggressive. Now, I have it on “warning only.” When the driver strays to the edge of the lane, the car will now momentarily display a car diagram on the left side of the dashboard, light up the edge of the “lane” red and make a buzzing sound. Perfect. I also noticed in HA, it will now allow a lane change without signaling. Prior BMW owners are used to this. When attempted, the edge of the road displayed in the center dashboard will light up red and the buzz will sound but the car will allow the lane change without correcting. I’m not 100% sure if this behavior is tied to the lane keeping assist function; I will experiment more.
.. I also noticed in HA, it will now allow a lane change without signaling. Prior BMW owners are used to this....
Current when lane departure is off, a yellow warning icon is constantly present on the dash. Has that behavior changed in the latest update?
I also had disabled the entire feature because I found it too aggressive. Now, I have it on “warning only.” When the driver strays to the edge of the lane, the car will now momentarily display a car diagram on the left side of the dashboard, light up the edge of the “lane” red and make a buzzing sound. Perfect. I also noticed in HA, it will now allow a lane change without signaling. Prior BMW owners are used to this. When attempted, the edge of the road displayed in the center dashboard will light up red and the buzz will sound but the car will allow the lane change without correcting. I’m not 100% sure if this behavior is tied to the lane keeping assist function; I will experiment more.
Very excited about this. I did not want to turn off Lane Departure Warnings altogether, but I am not a fan of features that attempt to wrestle control of the car away from me. Notify me, sure. But I am driving, not some ill-equipped pseudo AI computer, thank you.
Current when lane departure is off, a yellow warning icon is constantly present on the dash. Has that behavior changed in the latest update?
You can enable it again, the yellow light will disappear, then turn it to warning only and it won't fight you just warn you.
Thanks to the early adopters for all the useful info!
one minor thing i wish this update had was the ability to go complete dark when you're inside the car. i.e, you can't turn off the outside lights when you unlock the car and sit inside.
That has been on the wish list for a while. Please take a look at www.lucidupdates.com.
That has been on the wish list for a while. Please take a look at www.lucidupdates.com.
While lights do turn off during daytime, I think this feature might not even get implemented for night time because of regulations in certain states/countries to have the lights as always on. One option which still exists is to manually switch to just fog lamps option in the left panel.
It works as described in your first paragraph. It does not become the “new center.”
😢 was hoping more for like the 2nd paragraph but slow progress is progress 🤞
I have. I just drove 120 miles and tested it extensively. Basically, it lets you move over within the lane without pushing you back to the center as aggressively.
Does it then hold that position relative to the lines?