OTA 2.1.2 / 2.1.3

On this. Today I tried walking to my car with the mobile app not running, but having Passive Unlock - ON. Annd nothing happened. I stood right next to the car and had to get to my phone, open the app and then it awoke and unlocked the car. Thoughts as to what may be going on?
Having the same issue since .13 update
If I am understanding your scenario, this is the expected behavior.

For your mobile to unlock your Lucid, the following must be true:
  1. Your phone has Bluetooth on
  2. Your Lucid app is Running, either in the foreground (like it's open and you're looking at it) or in the background (the app is not open but it is running).
When both are true, your car will unlock as you approach with your mobile.

So, now you may be wondering about #2 and what's the difference between "background" and "app not running at all".
  • Well, on Android once you open the app, even if you switch to another app, the Lucid app is still running (and so the Mobile Key will continue to function). If you view all of your running apps (hit the square on the bottom or swipe to show square, dot, and back arrow on the wallpaper), you can see all your background running apps. If you swipe up on any app, the app will close (e.g. it will not satisfy #2). You can of course stop the app by using the Settings-->Apps-->Lucid-->Force stop.
  • On iPhone you will want to lookup whether apps run in the background and optionally how to stop them
So, the reason it worked for you once you opened the Lucid app is because it was not running (foreground, nor background). When the app is not running, it will not unlock the Lucid.

See also: https://lucidowners.com/threads/mobile-key-unlock-without-knowing.6074/post-143505

Hope that helps
Appreciate your response to this and you're right about everything you typed. My only question is then what's the purpose of having Passive unlocking if one of the requirements on the phone is to have the app running (foreground or background). Meaning, if I have to remember to open the app at some point prior to approaching the car, then I have to be actively engaging in the unlocking of the car.
Another thing I've noticed is many a times I do pro-actively open the app let's say 10 minutes or so prior to getting into the car such that I give it enough time to 'wake up' and all that stuff. However, when I approach the car, it doesn't recognize the app being open. Turns out the app was automatically closed and doesn't appear in my 'Open apps' screen. Usually it's okay but now with the heat and probably carrying stuff in your hands, you now have to re-open the app, hope and pray it quickly 'wakes up' and recognizes the car coz sometimes you have to again shut down / close the app and re-open it to make the loading screen go away and make you feel dumb by how quickly now it's available to be interacted with!
So, I always lock with the mobile key and hang the fob right next to the car where it doesn't move (in the garage)

And I use my mobile key 99% of the time.

Based on what I've been told from the technicians, similarly to the reset (if you use the valet key to lock the car, it will stop detecting the fob and other forms of keys)

Similarly, I keep the fob hung up, it never moves, and I think the car stops scanning for it or cares about it being there after some time because after doing so, if I walk to the car and push the handle in, nothing happens. And my phantom drain is 3 mi/night

So I think I'm in the normal range of drain, so I think it works, don't touch the fob.

And pertaining to this topic..
I noticed the "pin to drive" is very slow after the update. I have to put the numbers in very slow otherwise I have to redo it.
Is anyone having trouble with iPhone calls via CarPlay after the update? I've got everyone telling me they can't hear me. I deleted (and re-added) the phone to no avail.
Is anyone having trouble with iPhone calls via CarPlay after the update? I've got everyone telling me they can't hear me. I deleted (and re-added) the phone to no avail.
Mine is at the service center for the same problem. CarPlay microphone works fine in my other cars so it is not related to the phone. They are checking the microphones.
Since 2.1.3 update, I have noted that charging stops every 20-30 mins or so and then restarts after 20-30mins. Has anyone else noticed this?
Since 2.1.3 update, I have noted that charging stops every 20-30 mins or so and then restarts after 20-30mins. Has anyone else noticed this?
No charged yesterday at home.
I received the update notice 4am Friday.
Proceeded to install late last night, which failed.
Sent email to CC today and was just informed that the rollout is on hold for now.
Told to wait until Wednesday.
Since 2.1.3 update, I have noted that charging stops every 20-30 mins or so and then restarts after 20-30mins. Has anyone else noticed this?
I don't have the 2.1.3 update and I've been noticing this. Very annoying.
Is anyone having trouble with iPhone calls via CarPlay after the update? I've got everyone telling me they can't hear me. I deleted (and re-added) the phone to no avail.
Having the same issue and the call usually cuts out with the tidal song I was playing before the call starts playing again.
Since 2.1.3 update, I have noted that charging stops every 20-30 mins or so and then restarts after 20-30mins. Has anyone else noticed this?
Does it completely stop or just slow down. When charging during hot weather, the battery cooling comes off and on and diverts power from charging to cooling the battery. It happens to me on 15 to 20 minute intervals. This is not new with 2.1.3 but it is new with the initial 2.x.
I received the update notice 4am Friday.
Proceeded to install late last night, which failed.
Sent email to CC today and was just informed that the rollout is on hold for now.
Told to wait until Wednesday.
Bummer – still waiting here.... What now?
  • Waited for 2.1.2; got 2.0.71
  • Now waiting for 2.1,3; will probably get 2.0.72
  • Will need to wait for 2.1.4; will probably get 2.073...
  • etc.
Bummer – still waiting here.... What now?
  • Waited for 2.1.2; got 2.0.71
  • Now waiting for 2.1,3; will probably get 2.0.72
  • Will need to wait for 2.1.4; will probably get 2.073...
  • etc.
Seems like this is complicated.
The initial response from CC was the update would be pushed out to me today.
After several hours , I reached out and then was told to hold until Wednesday. So this may be something that had just developed.
I'm ok with waiting, though, since it's too hot to venture outside anyway.
Does it completely stop or just slow down. When charging during hot weather, the battery cooling comes off and on and diverts power from charging to cooling the battery. It happens to me on 15 to 20 minute intervals. This is not new with 2.1.3 but it is new with the initial 2.x.
stops completely
I updated to 2.1.3 a few days ago. Many great new features. Love the passive lock options and Nav updates. But, I have to agree with previous comments about HA. It seemed like a good idea, but I found the car to feel unstable in HA, moving side into side, albeit within the lane. It seemed more of a distraction than an assist. I ended up switching to adaptive cruise only and don’t plan to use the lane centering until it gets updated again.
I received the update notice 4am Friday.
Proceeded to install late last night, which failed.
Sent email to CC today and was just informed that the rollout is on hold for now.
Told to wait until Wednesday.

Oh, thank God! Yes, for the love of all things EV, please please DON’T send this turkey of an update to us if it just makes things worse. Keep the update to yourselves, Lucid, and don’t let it out until it has been debugged and everything works better!
2.1.3 is working fine for me. I'm glad to have it.
Maybe Lucid could have users opt in to either an early release channel or a delayed stable release.
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2.1.3 is working fine for me. I'm glad to have it.
Maybe Lucid could have users opt in to either an early release channel or a delayed stable release.
Yes, it is good idea.
Tesla already has a software preference choice.