Mobile key unlock without knowing

No need to launch the app on iPhone. Mobile key wakes the car instantly, whether you want it to or not.
Same on Android. It's a PITA.

So tell me Bobby, can you walk up to your car with your phone in your pocket and have the car remain asleep?
Without changing any settings ?

What I am trying to explain is how to turn the app off (everyone knows how to turn it on, and now it's on even when you can't see it).

Looks like this needs a video, as I can't explain it with text. Once you "launch" the Lucid app it stays on, so it's just like having the fob in your pocket.
..... to prevent the car from waking when you don't want it to you must turn the app "off". You can't do this with the fob, but you can do this with the phone... but for some reason it's hidden and takes very deft fingering.

Turn the Lucid app off: on Android
from the bottom of the screen, touch and push up about 2 cm, then lift finger
app(s) appear slightly smaller on screen
using your finger, slowly drag the app(s) to the right until you see the "clear all" button appear.
press the "clear all" button and all the apps are turned OFF.
wave your phone around the car and nothing happens
press the LUCID icon on the phone and car awakes in 5 seconds.

Does anyone out there understand what I am trying to say ?
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Same on Android. It's a PITA. ...
There is varying behavior on Android systems... in our case (Samsung S22) the mobile key function only works if the app is actively open (not in the background, not if it is 'locked in storage'). YMMV
I'm sorta becoming fond of this as it means that the car doesn't wake up just because you walk next to it (as it would with background operation or with the keybob).
I tried a test with the keyfob...
I walked out to the car, the car unlocked, I set the fob down 2' from the car, I got into the car & closed the door...
the car told me it would not drive as there was no key in the car...
when I opened the door the car's alarms went off (as if someone was trying to steal it, despite the fob being just 2' from the car thru all of this).
Overall: Lucid still has work to do in this area (and I still wish there was a "start button" which would make many of these heuristics work more cleanly).
I tried a test with the keyfob...
I walked out to the car, the car unlocked, I set the fob down 2' from the car, I got into the car & closed the door...
the car told me it would not drive as there was no key in the car...
when I opened the door the car's alarms went off (as if someone was trying to steal it, despite the fob being just 2' from the car thru all of this).
Overall: Lucid still has work to do in this area (and I still wish there was a "start button" which would make many of these heuristics work more cleanly).

Why is this incorrect behavior ?
Same on Android. It's a PITA.

So tell me Bobby, can you walk up to your car with your phone in your pocket and have the car remain asleep?
Without changing any settings ?

What I am trying to explain is how to turn the app off (everyone knows how to turn it on, and now it's on even when you can't see it).

Looks like this needs a video, as I can't explain it with text. Once you "launch" the Lucid app it stays on, so it's just like having the fob in your pocket.
..... to prevent the car from waking when you don't want it to you must turn the app "off". You can't do this with the fob, but you can do this with the phone... but for some reason it's hidden and takes very deft fingering.

Turn the Lucid app off: on Android
from the bottom of the screen, touch and push up about 2 cm, then lift finger
app(s) appear slightly smaller on screen
using your finger, slowly drag the app(s) to the right until you see the "clear all" button appear.
press the "clear all" button and all the apps are turned OFF.
wave your phone around the car and nothing happens
press the LUCID icon on the phone and car awakes in 5 seconds.

Does anyone out there understand what I am trying to say ?
The behavior is different on iPhone. I can turn off Bluetooth for the Lucid app, or I can turn off location for the Lucid app and then it won’t work. But, under normal circumstances when things are on, mobile key will work whether the app is currently in use, in the background, or not in use at all.
The car just interfaces a lot better with an iPhone than an Android one. It probably doesn't help that there's a few versions of Android out there, so a Samsung, a LG, a Pixel, etc. all have slightly different options for settings. I have a Samsung, and find the key fob to be infinitely more reliable and fast than anything on the phone.
Why is this incorrect behavior ?
I don't think I labeled it as anything more than than a report of observed facts and that there were some surprising behaviors (such as being able to determine that the fob was not "in the car")... and to point to the implicit case that these 3 keys (iPhone, Android (of many different flavors), and keyfobs) seem to behave in inconsistent manners (and that would indeed be "incorrect" to my mind).
I think mobile key relies on the Lucid app being installed. I think you could uninstall the Lucid app and the mobile key wouldn't work. Th
I think mobile key relies on the Lucid app being installed. I think you could uninstall the Lucid app and the mobile key wouldn't work. Th
That is correct. If you uninstall the Lucid app it will uninstall the mobile key.
I park my Pure in the driveway occasionally. I work out in my garage. If my car unlocks due to phone proximity without me knowing, could someone just drive off with my car? Will it prompt for a pin?

If you don't want the Lucid app to wake your car, close the app.

If the car wakes when your phone is near
( for me this is about 30 meters ) then the app is open and running in the background.
This is a feature. Your mobile key is just like a naked key fob, UNTIL YOU CLOSE THE APP CORRECTLY.

If your app is properly closed, the car will remain asleep until you press the Lucid icon, even if you are right next to the car.

You don't need to uninstall anything or turn off Bluetooth or change any settings.
I found this out because I like to listen to podcasts when working in the garage. The car kept waking up. I was told by the moderators here to turn off Bluetooth, WRONG ( then I can't listen to podcasts).
I was told to sign out of the Lucid app. = WRONG! (then I have to remember my Lucid password to unlock my car, and it takes too long).

So I found a child, and the child showed me how to turn off the Lucid app.
You need to find a child and ask them to show you how your phone works.

In the old days, we boomers got a thick book called an "owner's manual", that you could study, earmark, underline bits, and even a bunch of blank pages to take notes, whilst taking a crap.

In the new days, ask a child how things work. Kids seem to know how new technology works by osmosis or time travel.

Bobby, please make a video showing how to properly close the Lucid app. I will do it if you don't, but I don't know how to make a video with my phone, and the restraining order prevents me from approaching children.
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Yep, well stated. I figured how to "Force stop" the app on my android and it works when I want it to and doesn't when I'm in the garage working out. Thank you.
I figured how to "Force stop" the app on my android and it works when I want it to and doesn't when I'm in the garage working out. Thank you.
I thought that when you swiped an app off the screen it was closed, but no, it's just running in the background eating your battery.
For months my car would wake any time I had my phone near it. I started signing out of the app to prevent this, but then you have to sign back in (and remember your password) to use the mobile key.
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On a pixel 6:

-Long press the Lucid app icon.
-Click on app info.
-Click on Force stop.
-Click on ok.
-Swipe away the app on your method. Or back button.
If you don't want the Lucid app to wake your car, close the app.

If the car wakes when your phone is near
( for me this is about 30 meters ) then the app is open and running in the background.
This is a feature. Your mobile key is just like a naked key fob, UNTIL YOU CLOSE THE APP CORRECTLY.

If your app is properly closed, the car will remain asleep until you press the Lucid icon, even if you are right next to the car.

You don't need to uninstall anything or turn off Bluetooth or change any settings.
I found this out because I like to listen to podcasts when working in the garage. The car kept waking up. I was told by the moderators here to turn off Bluetooth, WRONG ( then I can't listen to podcasts).
I was told to sign out of the Lucid app. = WRONG! (then I have to remember my Lucid password to unlock my car, and it takes too long).

So I found a child, and the child showed me how to turn off the Lucid app.
You need to find a child and ask them to show you how your phone works.

In the old days, we boomers got a thick book called an "owner's manual", that you could study, earmark, underline bits, and even a bunch of blank pages to take notes, whilst taking a crap.

In the new days, ask a child how things work. Kids seem to know how new technology works by osmosis or time travel.

Bobby, please make a video showing how to properly close the Lucid app. I will do it if you don't, but I don't know how to make a video with my phone, and the restraining order prevents me from approaching children.
This will not work on the iPhone, FYI. Mobile key will work with the app open or closed. Therefore I cannot make a video on that. We will have to depend on one of our android users to make such a video.
Challange accepted. I will purchase an I Phone tomorrow and prove you wrong.
Well, that sounds like a giant waste of money. Mobile key will work as long as the app is installed on the iPhone. It doesn’t matter if the app is running, running in the background, or not running at all. Same functionality.
Well, that sounds like a giant waste of money. Mobile key will work as long as the app is installed on the iPhone. It doesn’t matter if the app is running, running in the background, or not running at all. Same functionality.
But once you remove the app, it no longer works. That tells me it's tied to the application processes. Try to actually stop the app processing if you know how to. I doubt mobile key will work. I'm not for certain, it needs some testing.
But once you remove the app, it no longer works. That tells me it's tied to the application processes. Try to actually stop the app processing if you know how to. I doubt mobile key will work. I'm not for certain, it needs some testing.
When an app is removed from an iPhone, all items related to that app are removed. That’s why the mobile key won’t work anymore. I own an iOS app development company, I am very familiar with this functionality.
I thought that when you swiped an app off the screen it was closed, but no, it's just running in the background eating your battery.
For months my car would wake any time I had my phone near it. I started signing out of the app to prevent this, but then you have to sign back in (and remember your password) to use the mobile key.
You should have an option to Force stop on an android device. This stops the app from running until you open it back up. This will stop inadvertent door lock/unlock if you are in the proximity of your Lucid like in the garage.
You should have an option to Force stop on an android device. This stops the app from running until you open it back up. This will stop inadvertent door lock/unlock if you are in the proximity of your Lucid like in the garage.
If you visit the FAQ section of there was a nice write up on this.
Hat tip to @hydbob for the trick:

At home, I turn off 'Location' on my phone (Galaxy S23 Ultra), which essentially disables mobile key. Voila. No more constant unlocking and relocking when I'm in my kitchen, laundry room or garage. Turn Location back on before I leave and the car unlocks when I go into my garage.

Yes they're extra steps, but my excess battery loss has significantly decreased.