OTA 2.1.2 / 2.1.3


Also, even Apple also does rolling deployments, just on a smaller scale because they have an active beta program. Even when they do release to GA, you’ll often see “download queued” so as not to overwhelm their servers.

Full fleet-wide simultaneous releases are rarely a good idea.
Yep ... previous consumer electronics company I worked for did the same! You didn't want to open the flood gates to millions of devices due to bandwidth and more importantly if there was a issue caused by the new FW push. We would enable a couple of hundred, take the pulse of customer care, and roll out slowly day by day over the course of a few weeks. If an issue was found, updates would be turned off, and the issue triaged. I'm sure Lucid, Rivian, Tesla do the same thing for the same reason.
I have a feeling that Lucid has prioritized cars with expired DDP and SSP trials for the update.
My trial does not end until later this month, hence I am most likely not a priority for Lucid to push the OTA. From my POV though, I would like to have as many days as possible with the most updated DDP to make an informed decision on the upgrade.
I have a feeling that Lucid has prioritized cars with expired DDP and SSP trials for the update.
My trial does not end until later this month, hence I am most likely not a priority for Lucid to push the OTA. From my POV though, I would like to have as many days as possible with the most updated DDP to make an informed decision on the upgrade.
I have a feeling that Lucid has prioritized cars with expired DDP and SSP trials for the update.
My trial does not end until later this month, hence I am most likely not a priority for Lucid to push the OTA. From my POV though, I would like to have as many days as possible with the most updated DDP to make an informed decision on the upgrade.
I had the same thought myself today. But I just don't think they are getting that sophisticated about updates at this point. It's likely just random batches, as always.
I have a Touring - picked up 3/15/23 - and I got the update early this week.
My trial expired 3 weeks ago (Touring delivered 3/17) and I'm still waiting for the update. So maybe it's alphabetical? or just random, who knows?
Ok so I had the Lucid rep out yesterday to update my car with the “seat homing” update to allow the Easy Entry feature to work. I’ve enabled it now, but have found that the only thing it does is to push my seat all the way back upon exiting the car. Upon entering the car I have to move the seat back to its desired location. After each time that I return the seat to its desired location, I always make sure to hit “save profile” thinking that this might fix the problem.

I’m assuming this is not the way this feature was meant to work…meaning upon entering it should return the seat to its previously set location. What am I doing wrong?
Ok so I had the Lucid rep out yesterday to update my car with the “seat homing” update to allow the Easy Entry feature to work. I’ve enabled it now, but have found that the only thing it does is to push my seat all the way back upon exiting the car. Upon entering the car I have to move the seat back to its desired location. After each time that I return the seat to its desired location, I always make sure to hit “save profile” thinking that this might fix the problem.

I’m assuming this is not the way this feature was meant to work…meaning upon entering it should return the seat to its previously set location. What am I doing wrong?
Mine moves back to the set position. How many profiles do you have?
Ok so I had the Lucid rep out yesterday to update my car with the “seat homing” update to allow the Easy Entry feature to work. I’ve enabled it now, but have found that the only thing it does is to push my seat all the way back upon exiting the car. Upon entering the car I have to move the seat back to its desired location. After each time that I return the seat to its desired location, I always make sure to hit “save profile” thinking that this might fix the problem.

I’m assuming this is not the way this feature was meant to work…meaning upon entering it should return the seat to its previously set location. What am I doing wrong?
I don’t have the new SW yet on my Lucid, but for Tesla and Rivian Easy Entry, the seat returns to the driver profile position when I step on the brake pedal. Are you doing this?
I had to have Frank do the homing a couple of weeks ago. I got in one day and the car tried to clamshell me with the front seat moving me into the steering wheel. My daughter thought it was funny. I thought that was strange , moved my seat back to the normal position and saved it to the profile. The next time my wife got into the car, it did the same thing to her. Frank said it was the homing. Once he finished, the car thought my profile was to have the .seat in a full recline. I just wich these saved settings would stay saved correctly - seats, mirrors, music, climate control, etc. I am REALLY hoping this next update will fix all of that. Although I love the car, and it is much better than the 1.0 versions, the software is still an endless source of frustration.
I have a feeling that Lucid has prioritized cars with expired DDP and SSP trials for the update.
My trial does not end until later this month, hence I am most likely not a priority for Lucid to push the OTA. From my POV though, I would like to have as many days as possible with the most updated DDP to make an informed decision on the upgrade.

If that were true, I probably would have received the update very early on - and still haven't (not complaining either)
Ok so I had the Lucid rep out yesterday to update my car with the “seat homing” update to allow the Easy Entry feature to work. I’ve enabled it now, but have found that the only thing it does is to push my seat all the way back upon exiting the car. Upon entering the car I have to move the seat back to its desired location. After each time that I return the seat to its desired location, I always make sure to hit “save profile” thinking that this might fix the problem.

I’m assuming this is not the way this feature was meant to work…meaning upon entering it should return the seat to its previously set location. What am I doing wrong?
Did you tap the brake? I tried it turned it off because it was so far back but I feel like it's even harder to get into and out of the car! I wish it would allow me to set the easy entry/exit position.
Did you tap the brake? I tried it turned it off because it was so far back but I feel like it's even harder to get into and out of the car! I wish it would allow me to set the easy entry/exit position.
That’s a bummer. Rivian and T-company allow you to set the seat and steering wheel position for easy exit/entry and restore when the brake is tapped.
That’s a bummer. Rivian and T-company allow you to set the seat and steering wheel position for easy exit/entry and restore when the brake is tapped.
When the brake is tapped, it returns to the restored position. When it is at easy entry/exit position, it is all the way back. It's that position that is not adjustable.
When the brake is tapped, it returns to the restored position. When it is an easy entry/exit position, it is all the way back. It's that position that is not adjustable.
Yea I got that from your post. I’ll have to test it once I get the FW. Now that I have my Rivian and sold my Tesla, the LUCID has to go on the side of my garage, where the door opening is a little tighter. Easy entry made it easier for me to pivot to exit the vehicle for my Tesla, hopefully this will help on the LUCID as well
Did you tap the brake? I tried it turned it off because it was so far back but I feel like it's even harder to get into and out of the car! I wish it would allow me to set the easy entry/exit position.
Thanks guys. It turns out pressing down on the brake was indeed the fix. I would say that it was a bit more than a tap of the brake and more of a full press of the brake pedal. Thanks again!
Thanks guys. It turns out pressing down on the brake was indeed the fix. I would say that it was a bit more than a tap of the brake and more of a full press of the brake pedal. Thanks again!
Glad that helped. Lucid should add that step to the release notes