I would NOT recommend doing the advanced ceramic kit. That’s very long lasting, 5 years in testing. You want something more forgiving if you make a mistake or three and easier to correct, so that’s why I chose the Adams Graphene ceramic spray which is $30 a bottle and good for 6 months to a year. Some owners here use the Turtle Wax ceramic which is even less $ and sounds easier to remove. Shoot me a message if you decide on the Adams, I’ll give you some pointers I didn’t know about because the bottle and their YouTube videos and customer support all give conflicting advice. The upside is it will save you a ton of $ if you do it yourself. The downside is you have to plan well and have more than just the Graphene spray to do it right (you need microfiber appplicator pads, lightly abrasive polish and polish applicator if you screw up, surface prep for after washing the car and before you apply to fully dry out the surface and remove soap residue). Don’t put it on the glass even though Adams recommends it. It has a different curing time, harder to see if you’ve wiped it off correctly, and it’s hard to remove if you notice problems later on in different lighting.