iOS 16 - CarPlay

@Bobby, with respect, I think you can make an argument that the majority of the posts here violate some rule if you dissect them enough. One of the rules is shilling, but I’ve never seen that called out. His last sentence has been used in this forum countless times and I’m trying to understand why this time it is being called out as a violation? I appreciate everything you do for people, but I’m concerned that over policing speech in the place of debate is becoming increasingly common. For the record, I don’t even agree with the last sentence.
I was more taken back with the violation call out than the last sentence which I just chose to ignore as agreed, it was unnecessary. My initial reaction to the violation post was “really, has it come to this now”.

I get it’s a balancing act and damned if you do and damned if you don’t but just sharing my thoughts on the violation post.
@Bobby, with respect, I think you can make an argument that the majority of the posts here violate some rule if you dissect them enough. One of the rules is shilling, but I’ve never seen that called out. His last sentence has been used in this forum countless times and I’m trying to understand why this time it is being called out as a violation? I appreciate everything you do for people, but I’m concerned that over policing speech in the place of debate is becoming increasingly common. For the record, I don’t even agree with the last sentence.
The difference is that we just recently wrote and published the guidelines, and it is the expectation that we will do our best to enforce them, while also being civil and helpful in nature.

This, stolen from Hacker News, essentially captures our goals: “As a rule, a community site that becomes popular will decline in quality. Our hypothesis is that this is not inevitable—that by making a conscious effort to resist decline, we can keep it from happening.”

Also, if you see one of our posts violate one of the guidelines, please do send us a PM or respond with how, and we will do our best to adjust. Nobody is above the rules, and everyone makes mistakes.

Also also, the guidelines are new and may need future changes or adjustments! We are well aware of that. Our goals are simple: healthy discourse, little (if any) histrionics or hyperbole, and a helpful, neighborly atmosphere. We will fail at that, guaranteed, and when we do we will try to adjust with those goals in mind! Please help us do just that, but know that there is no malice or bad intentions here; we just want to keep this a high quality place for discussion, because the alternative is that high quality people leave and stop reading, which is what happens with nearly every other community that becomes popular.

Lastly, happy new year and happy holidays :)
If I were Lucid and still had CarPlay to work on and then saw what Apple did with iOS 16 I would’ve halted all development, contacted Apple to see what needed to be done for the new CarPlay. I’ve been mid project before when we’ve seen a new release at which point we’ve cut our losses, scrapped the original plan and focused on the new, because if we stuck to the original plan the system would’ve been outdated the day we released.

I doubt this is the case though given Lucid has been trying to get it out ASAP so probably just bugs or something that’s holding it up. We could be surprised but don’t get your hopes up people for new CarPlay.
I agree that Lucid would like to scrap everything and start over with the new CarPlay. But I still don’t think that’s an option. Yet.

Apple made the strange move of announcing this new CarPlay early. But they made it abundantly clear no car would even be announced with this until late 2023. Plans do change, but my guess is they meant it at the time.

The only time Apple announces stuff like this that early is when they are afraid a third party will leak the details before they get to control the announcement. CarPlay requires the cooperation of auto makers, and thus there was no way to control the story leaking without announcing early.

I believe it’s still too early for any car company to be releasing this. I would not count on it even being ready from Apple’s perspective. They may have shown some pretty pics last June, but that doesn’t mean all the APIs are ready for prime time, by any means. Heck, SwiftUI is still half baked at this point.

So Lucid has to weigh releasing “good enough” CarPlay in the next month or so, or waiting until the fall, maybe later? I think they would piss off far too many customers if they wait that long.

As I said way back after the announcement, I will be somewhat surprised if iOS 17 doesn’t ship before anyone has this new CarPlay on the market. We’re about 6 months from iOS 17 being announced. Let’s see how wrong I am.

I’d love to be wrong. But I also don’t want to wait until fall to listen to my Apple Music collection.
The difference is that we just recently wrote and published the guidelines, and it is the expectation that we will do our best to enforce them, while also being civil and helpful in nature.

This, stolen from Hacker News, essentially captures our goals: “As a rule, a community site that becomes popular will decline in quality. Our hypothesis is that this is not inevitable—that by making a conscious effort to resist decline, we can keep it from happening.”

Also, if you see one of our posts violate one of the guidelines, please do send us a PM or respond with how, and we will do our best to adjust. Nobody is above the rules, and everyone makes mistakes.

Also also, the guidelines are new and may need future changes or adjustments! We are well aware of that. Our goals are simple: healthy discourse, little (if any) histrionics or hyperbole, and a helpful, neighborly atmosphere. We will fail at that, guaranteed, and when we do we will try to adjust with those goals in mind! Please help us do just that, but know that there is no malice or bad intentions here; we just want to keep this a high quality place for discussion, because the alternative is that high quality people leave and stop reading, which is what happens with nearly every other community that becomes popular.

Lastly, happy new year and happy holidays :)
Just as a note my post was more of a trolling joke full of pie in the sky hopes and dreams. I absolutely did not mean to stir controversy or negativity 😅. I do think your guys guidelines are a good starting point considering some of the other comments and posts I’ve seen. Ultimately, criticism is justified on thing but presentation definitely sets a tone.
Just as a note my post was more of a trolling joke full of pie in the sky hopes and dreams. I absolutely did not mean to stir controversy or negativity 😅. I do think your guys guidelines are a good starting point considering some of the other comments and posts I’ve seen. Ultimately, criticism is justified on thing but presentation definitely sets a tone.
Didn’t see any issues with your post, heh. “Hopes and dreams” are totally allowed of course and we’d never want to crush them, no matter how “definitely not happening” they are ;)
I would love an Apple Music app for the native Lucid system to roll out at the same time as CarPlay . I also wonder if perhaps Apple is allowing developers to work with the new CarPlay GUI even if it doesn't encompass total control of all functions of the vehicle? I feel like it's taken so long something beyond basic CarPlay that has been around for some time could be in the works. Total speculation. As long I have some way to get my ATMOS collection from my Apple Music playlists to play natively in my Air I will be happy.
I was told by a person who should know a while back that Apple is not holding up the Lucid implementation of CarPlay; rather Lucid is holding it up until they are confident it will not be buggy.
I would love an Apple Music app for the native Lucid system to roll out at the same time as CarPlay . I also wonder if perhaps Apple is allowing developers to work with the new CarPlay GUI even if it doesn't encompass total control of all functions of the vehicle? I feel like it's taken so long something beyond basic CarPlay that has been around for some time could be in the works. Total speculation. As long I have some way to get my ATMOS collection from my Apple Music playlists to play natively in my Air I will be happy.
Tesla finally released a native Apple Music app, but then made the odd choice of limiting the bandwidth of the streaming. So it basically sounds equal to streaming over Bluetooth from my phone. Shame. Could be they were worried about the data transfer being too high over the car's LTE? They do have a lot more cars than Lucid on the road, and those bits add up.

Lots of speculation in Tesla land as to why they did that. But the UI is not half bad. Just a shame about the quality.

So if Lucid does something similar, I hope they give it the full lossless quality.
I would love an Apple Music app for the native Lucid system to roll out at the same time as CarPlay . I also wonder if perhaps Apple is allowing developers to work with the new CarPlay GUI even if it doesn't encompass total control of all functions of the vehicle? I feel like it's taken so long something beyond basic CarPlay that has been around for some time could be in the works. Total speculation. As long I have some way to get my ATMOS collection from my Apple Music playlists to play natively in my Air I will be happy.
Yes, I would love this. Apple Music seems to have a bigger Atmos selection than Tidal. Like I’ve been dying to hear Roger Waters The Wall and Hans Zimmer live in Prague in Atmos but Tidal has neither even though they were specifically mixed and recorded for Atmos. ☹️
Yes, I would love this. Apple Music seems to have a bigger Atmos selection than Tidal. Like I’ve been dying to hear Roger Waters The Wall and Hans Zimmer live in Prague in Atmos but Tidal has neither even though they were specifically mixed and recorded for Atmos. ☹️
I was very happy to see Roger Waters in his last tour. This would be wonderful.
Sweeping generalizations like yours are against the guidelines of this forum. I agree the CarPlay is delayed, and I am really looking forward to it and also disappointed it did not make it by the end of the year, but your last sentence is unnecessary. Please try to maintain a civil tone.
I am speaking of my experience with Lucid. See previous posts. My order was delayed, my original VIN never left the factory lot, without any explanation. After complaining, I was issued a new VIN, which was also delayed getting to FL. A part on my vehicle broke on day 1. It took 2 months and the intervention of a Lucid executive, who I met a the Xmas shindig, to expedite the repair or I might still be waiting for a repair.This was confirmed by staff at West Palm. They never completed the task because they did not have all the parts. Weeks have gone by and I am still waiting. When UI 2.0 was released, I had issues that required customer support to intervene for the updates to work. With Lucid, the squeaky wheel gets attention, it shouldn't be like that. So perhaps I should amend my comment to: In my case, Lucid has over promised and under delivered multiple times. It is not unreasonable for me to add CarPlay an Android Auto by end of year to that list.
I will add to my previous post that I love the GT. It is the best car I have had the pleasure to drive. However, Lucid's communication with it's customers has room for improvement.
Hey. I too am waiting for Android Auto but in the mean time I will use the Lucid maps for point to point Navigation locally and I will mount my Android tablet and use my 40GB per month data plan if I want a bigger display and I am sure that IOS folks can do the same with iPad. Just use a cup holder tablet mount. I will do it with Android and post a picture. Let the software folks spend their time on more critical things for now.
The difference is that we just recently wrote and published the guidelines, and it is the expectation that we will do our best to enforce them, while also being civil and helpful in nature.

This, stolen from Hacker News, essentially captures our goals: “As a rule, a community site that becomes popular will decline in quality. Our hypothesis is that this is not inevitable—that by making a conscious effort to resist decline, we can keep it from happening.”

Also, if you see one of our posts violate one of the guidelines, please do send us a PM or respond with how, and we will do our best to adjust. Nobody is above the rules, and everyone makes mistakes.

Also also, the guidelines are new and may need future changes or adjustments! We are well aware of that. Our goals are simple: healthy discourse, little (if any) histrionics or hyperbole, and a helpful, neighborly atmosphere. We will fail at that, guaranteed, and when we do we will try to adjust with those goals in mind! Please help us do just that, but know that there is no malice or bad intentions here; we just want to keep this a high quality place for discussion, because the alternative is that high quality people leave and stop reading, which is what happens with nearly every other community that becomes popular.

Lastly, happy new year and happy holidays :)
Just for clarity sake, I agree with these stated overall goals but for balance and in the interest of freedom of expression, are you saying that (hypothetically speaking) if I were to say “I love every thing about my new lucid, that it’s delivered driving pleasure beyond my expectations, and that lucid has gone above and beyond my expectations to please me”…those sweeping statements would violate current rules of decorum? Or does that only apply to unhappy owners?
Just for clarity sake, I agree with these stated overall goals but for balance and in the interest of freedom of expression, are you saying that (hypothetically speaking) if I were to say “I love every thing about my new lucid, that it’s delivered driving pleasure beyond my expectations, and that lucid has gone above and beyond my expectations to please me”…those sweeping statements would violate current rules of decorum? Or does that only apply to unhappy owners?
It’s about the spirit of the guidelines: we are trying to foster a neighborly place where we can exchange ideas, solutions, constructive criticism, and advice.
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Just for clarity sake, I agree with these stated overall goals but for balance and in the interest of freedom of expression, are you saying that (hypothetically speaking) if I were to say “I love every thing about my new lucid, that it’s delivered driving pleasure beyond my expectations, and that lucid has gone above and beyond my expectations to please me”…those sweeping statements would violate current rules of decorum? Or does that only apply to unhappy owners?
No, that wouldn’t violate the guidelines, but it has nothing to do with the owner being happy or unhappy. Happy owners can still be unnecessarily defensive, and that we will call out and fix. Nobody will ever get called out for stating facts; it’s when it delves into name calling, flaming, and commentary that serves only to incite that a comment runs afoul of the guidelines. Again, quoting from Hacker News guidelines which follow a very similar spirit:

“The most important principle on HN, though, is to make thoughtful comments. Thoughtful in both senses: civil and substantial.

The test for substance is: Does your comment teach us anything? There are two ways to do that: by pointing out some consideration that hadn't previously been mentioned, and by giving more information about the topic, perhaps from personal experience. Whereas comments like "lol" or "That's the dumbest thing I ever heard" teach us nothing.

Empty comments can be ok if they're positive. There's nothing wrong with submitting a comment saying just "Thanks." What we especially discourage are comments that are empty and negative—comments that are mere name-calling.

Which brings us to the most important principle on HN: civility. Since long before the web, the anonymity of online conversation has lured people into being much ruder than they'd be in person. So the principle here is: don't say anything you wouldn't say face to face. This doesn't mean you can't disagree. But disagree without calling names. If you're right, your argument will be more convincing without them.”

Other notes from their guidelines which apply here as well:

Be kind. Don't be snarky. Have curious conversation; don't cross-examine. Please don't fulminate. Please don't sneer, including at the rest of the community. Edit out swipes.

Comments should get more thoughtful and substantive, not less, as a topic gets more divisive.

Please respond to the strongest plausible interpretation of what someone says, not a weaker one that's easier to criticize. Assume good faith.
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Just for clarity sake, I agree with these stated overall goals but for balance and in the interest of freedom of expression, are you saying that (hypothetically speaking) if I were to say “I love every thing about my new lucid, that it’s delivered driving pleasure beyond my expectations, and that lucid has gone above and beyond my expectations to please me”…those sweeping statements would violate current rules of decorum? Or does that only apply to unhappy owners?
Well, I would certainly question what a post like that adds to the conversation, at least.

The reason negative posts seem to get more pushback is that negative posts are often cries for help, and people can’t help you when you aren’t being specific enough about what’s causing the issue. Or they are just ranting into the atmosphere, which is a great way to vent your personal frustrations, but they don’t make coming here very appealing to the rest of us.

We are a community. We need to be conscious of what the community wants above all. So while some folks like to accuse us of “policing” their speech, what they are failing to see is the vast majority of our members practically begging us to take a much MORE active roll in shutting down the more unproductive negativity.

If we were collectively all in a room together, this would probably be far easier to see. I sure know I can feel when I’m getting the stink eye in a room full of people a lot easier than when I’m sitting on my couch typing away.

But such is the nature of the internet, where social interactions are much less natural. So we try to be fair and strike a balance.

Hope that helps.
Well, I would certainly question what a post like that adds to the conversation, at least.

The reason negative posts seem to get more pushback is that negative posts are often cries for help, and people can’t help you when you aren’t being specific enough about what’s causing the issue. Or they are just ranting into the atmosphere, which is a great way to vent your personal frustrations, but they don’t make coming here very appealing to the rest of us.

We are a community. We need to be conscious of what the community wants above all. So while some folks like to accuse us of “policing” their speech, what they are failing to see is the vast majority of our members practically begging us to take a much MORE active roll in shutting down the more unproductive negativity.

If we were collectively all in a room together, this would probably be far easier to see. I sure know I can feel when I’m getting the stink eye in a room full of people a lot easier than when I’m sitting on my couch typing away.

But such is the nature of the internet, where social interactions are much less natural. So we try to be fair and strike a balance.

Hope that helps.
It does and I appreciate the thought process.


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The difference is that we just recently wrote and published the guidelines, and it is the expectation that we will do our best to enforce them, while also being civil and helpful in nature.

This, stolen from Hacker News, essentially captures our goals: “As a rule, a community site that becomes popular will decline in quality. Our hypothesis is that this is not inevitable—that by making a conscious effort to resist decline, we can keep it from happening.”

Also, if you see one of our posts violate one of the guidelines, please do send us a PM or respond with how, and we will do our best to adjust. Nobody is above the rules, and everyone makes mistakes.

Also also, the guidelines are new and may need future changes or adjustments! We are well aware of that. Our goals are simple: healthy discourse, little (if any) histrionics or hyperbole, and a helpful, neighborly atmosphere. We will fail at that, guaranteed, and when we do we will try to adjust with those goals in mind! Please help us do just that, but know that there is no malice or bad intentions here; we just want to keep this a high quality place for discussion, because the alternative is that high quality people leave and stop reading, which is what happens with nearly every other community that becomes popular.

Lastly, happy new year and happy holidays :)
I understand the spirit of the new rules and appreciate all of the efforts of the “mod squad”, as the forum continues to grow exponentially. We have had our share of trolls here and until recently it seemed like they were allowed a fairly long leash. I appreciate that you all seem to have fixed that problem and the new rules provides excellent legal cover to do so.

I just want to point out that there is a lot of daylight between “Lucid over promised and under delivered” and the excessive and belligerent comments that we were seeing from a very few unnamed members in months past. I sincerely hope that we don’t get into over moderating to the point where “forum rules” is called every time a negative statement is made.

That’s all I want to say on the subject. Happy New Year!
I understand the spirit of the new rules and appreciate all of the efforts of the “mod squad”, as the forum continues to grow exponentially. We have had our share of trolls here and until recently it seemed like they were allowed a fairly long leash. I appreciate that you all seem to have fixed that problem and the new rules provides excellent legal cover to do so.

I just want to point out that there is a lot of daylight between “Lucid over promised and under delivered” and the excessive and belligerent comments that we were seeing from a very few unnamed members in months past. I sincerely hope that we don’t get into over moderating to the point where “forum rules” is called every time a negative statement is made.

That’s all I want to say on the subject. Happy New Year!
I agree wholeheartedly.

The issue wasn’t “lucid overpromised and underdelivered,” which is, while not my opinion (Lucid didn’t promise it, they just mentioned they hoped to have it out by the end of the year), at least a valid point worth discussing.

The issue was “Lucid in a nutshell” which is unnecessary flamebait and adds nothing to the conversation.

For example, the same user’s follow up post is completely fine; it relays personal experience, indicates that their experience has been negative (with detail), and there is nothing wrong with that.

Hope that helps clarify. And happy new year!