Grand Touring Tracker (Archive)

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They are just confirming all new orders pretty immediately since they've caught up to orders. They don't confirm by color, but they do deliver by color.
Just trying to be optimistic! A couple of weeks ago, my DA suggested a VIN date for my Grey car as mid-to-late April, so I'll be checking in with him within two weeks if I haven't heard anything.
Just trying to be optimistic! A couple of weeks ago, my DA suggested a VIN date for my Grey car as mid-to-late April, so I'll be checking in with him within two weeks if I haven't heard anything.
Don’t think they solved their plant issues yet.
Batch DateReservation Date Range2-4 Month RangeConfirmed to have started production?
November 2nd, 2021 BatchUp to August 20th, 2020January 2nd, 2022 - March 2nd, 2022
November 16th, 2021 BatchAugust 21st, 2020 - March 31st, 2021January 16th, 2022 - March 16th, 2022
November 30th, 2021 BatchApril 1st, 2021 - September 15th, 2021January 30th, 2022 - March 30th, 2022
Mid-December, 2021 BatchSeptember 16th, 2021 - October 31st, 2021February 15th, 2022 - April 15th, 2022
January 5th, 2022 BatchNovember 1st, 2021 - Late November, 2021March 5th, 2022 - May 5th, 2022
February 5th, 2022 BatchDecember 1st, 2021 - November 28th, 2021April 5th, 2022 - June 5th, 2022
March 1st, 2022 BatchNovember 29th, 2021 - January 1st, 2022May 1st, 2022 - July 1st, 2022
March 9th, 2022 BatchJanuary 1st, 2022 - February 1st, 2022May 9th, 2022 - July 9th, 2022
March 23rd, 2022 BatchFebruary 1st, 2022 - March 1st, 2022May 23rd, 2022 - July 23rd, 2022
March 29th, 2022 BatchMarch 1st, 2022 - March 9th, 2022May 29th, 2022 - July 29th, 2022

Updated: March 24th, 2022

Data approximated by @Sandvinsd. If your reservation date falls within a certain batch date that is not properly listed here, please comment and it will be updated!

Generalized Production Process:
  1. Order is confirmed via e-mail
  2. Paperwork is delivered to factory to begin production
  3. Kits are made and painted thereafter
  4. General assembly (VIN is assigned in this step)
  5. Final checks, shipping, and delivery
VIN assignment to delivery = ~2-6 weeks (may increase as production ramps up)


OptionIn Production?
Santa Cruz interior✅
Gray exterior colorDelayed (timeline unknown)
Silver exterior colorDelayed till June/July (via two source)
20" Aero Lite WheelsDelayed till July (via one source)
Home Charging StationDelayed till Q3 (via many sources)

User tracker (by color):


Confirmation DateColorInteriorUserVIN AssignmentDelivery Date
November 16, 2021BlackSanta Cruz@ZZ69March 25, 2022
November 16, 2021BlackSanta Cruz@caboodMarch 29, 2022
November 30, 2021BlackSanta Cruz@TakeDuoMarch 31, 2022
November 30, 2021BlackTahoe@masoudmMarch 9, 2022
November 30, 2021BlackTahoe@bunnylebowskiMarch 11, 2022
December 1, 2021BlackMojave@Alexml500March 7, 2022
December 1, 2021BlackMojave@scottMarch 3rd, 2022
December 1, 2021BlackMojave@SwittMarch 10, 2022April 1, 2022
December 1, 2021BlackSanta Cruz@MeltingJaxApril 5, 2022
December 1, 2021BlackSanta Cruz@zkhan2April 11, 2022
January 5, 2022BlackTahoe@DemosenesMarch 22, 2022
January 5, 2022BlackTahoe@duc900April 11, 2022
March 1, 2022BlackSanta Cruz@Bauer
March 9, 2022BlackMojave@ddruker
March 9, 2022BlackMojave@LuciPearl
March 29, 2022BlackTahoe@Whatchagot


Confirmation DateColorInteriorUserVIN AssignmentDelivery Date
November 2, 2021GrayMojave@beancounter
November 2, 2021GrayMojave@Neurio
November 2, 2021GraySanta Cruz@jdetar
November 2, 2021GraySanta Cruz@Russ
November 2, 2021GraySanta Cruz@UO2
November 2, 2021GraySanta Cruz@FFT
November 2, 2021GrayTahoe@LCID_GT_AZ
November 16, 2021GraySanta Cruz@Mkatz
November 16, 2021GrayMojave@GPH2022
November 16, 2021GrayMojave@FRT-NV
November 16, 2021GrayMojave@CLTGT
November 16, 2021Gray@Bruce Browne
November 30, 2021GraySanta Cruz@Gavin88
November 30, 2021GraySanta Cruz@King510
November 30, 2021GraySanta Cruz@Sandvinsd
November 30, 2021GrayTahoe@Balin
November 30, 2021GrayMojave@Smith1959
December 1, 2021GrayMojave@JimK
December 1, 2021GrayTahoe@LRSIII
December 1, 2021GrayTahoe@oldnick25
January 5, 2022GraySanta Cruz@cplewes
January 5, 2022GrayTahoe@DevTech
February 15, 2022GraySanta Cruz@TCGT
February 28, 2022GrayMojave@EVhou
March 1, 2022GraySanta Cruz@PSTom
March 1, 2022GrayTahoe@Wolfman
March 9, 2022GrayMojave@Boomer AZ
March 9, 2022GrayMojave@steveairgt
March 23, 2022GrayTahoe@rbbarry
March 29, 2022GrayMojave@Casadeagumar
March 29, 2022GrayMojave@crazzy
March 29, 2022GrayMojave@mnjacobs
April 13, 2022GrayTahoe@Knolly


Confirmation DateColorInteriorUserVIN AssignmentDelivery Date
November 2, 2021RedMojave@AZAirGTFebruary 7, 2022March 8, 2022
November 2, 2021RedSanta Cruz@tomfenceMarch 22, 2022
November 2, 2021RedTahoe@bitminer4lucidFebruary 18, 2022April 3, 2022
November 2, 2021RedTahoe@Neuner89February 16, 2022March 9, 2022
November 2, 2021RedTahoe@Q1782February 28, 2022
November 2, 2021RedTahoe@TintinFebruary 5, 2022March 2, 2022
November 16, 2021RedMojave@TRJ_Lucid45February 20, 2022
November 16, 2021RedTahoe@CraigMarch 3rd, 2022
November 16, 2021RedTahoe@GEWCFebruary 18, 2022March 30, 2022
November 30, 2021RedMojave@Bbq9March 9, 2022March 25, 2022
November 30, 2021RedMojave@Pete44February 22, 2022April 7, 2022
November 30, 2021RedMojave@WildRide47
November 30, 2021RedSanta Cruz@CraZ8March, 29, 2022
November 30, 2021RedTahoe@changenowMarch 11, 2022
December 1, 2021RedMojave@ArcherMarch 4, 2022
December 1, 2021RedMojave@BJRMarch, 10, 2022April 8, 2022
December 1, 2021RedSanta Cruz@dawktah LucidGT
December 1, 2021RedSanta Cruz@DortreoApril 11, 2022
December 1, 2021RedSanta Cruz@Easyrider949April 5, 2022
December 1, 2021RedSanta Cruz@groundhogApril 11, 2022
December 1, 2021RedSanta Cruz@ac.billMarch 31, 2022
December 1, 2021RedSanta Cruz@AZLucidGuyApril 6, 2022
December 1, 2021RedTahoe@atease75March 23rd, 2022
December 1, 2021RedTahoe@jken3
December 1, 2021RedTahoe@MaverickMarch 15, 2022April 1, 2022
December 1, 2021RedTahoe@Steve11caMarch 19, 2022March 30, 2022
January 5, 2022RedMojave@RichMallonApril 13, 2022
January 5, 2022RedSanta Cruz@HC_79
January 5, 2022RedSanta Cruz@Kfederico
January 5, 2022RedSanta Cruz@Mufasta
January 5, 2022RedSanta Cruz@pam4_AGT
January 5, 2022RedTahoe@ElectricVAMarch 22, 2022
February 20, 2022RedMojave@Drdon220
March 1, 2022RedMojave@DJ@SJ
March 1, 2022RedMojave@hellolucid
March 1, 2022RedSanta Cruz@stevelitchfieldpark
March 1, 2022RedSanta Cruz@DaveyBoyGT
March 1, 2022RedTahoe@maractwin
March 9, 2022RedTahoe@NPN
March 9, 2022RedTahoe@Dawgly
March 23, 2022RedMojave@whywar
March 23, 2022RedSanta Cruz@niceguy
March 23, 2022RedTahoe@bhramabull
March 23, 2022RedTahoe@SolucidMarch 26, 2022
March 23, 2022RedTahoe@zipcube
March 29, 2022RedMojave@movieguy
April 9, 2022RedTahoe@Drendino


Confirmation DateColorInteriorUserVIN AssignmentDelivery Date
November 2, 2021SilverTahoe@bobofat
November 16, 2021SilverSanta Cruz@FirstEV
November 16, 2021SilverSanta Cruz@OldAg
March 9, 2022SilverMojave@BradSholl
March 9, 2022SilverMojave@Moupiece


Confirmation DateColorInteriorUserVIN AssignmentDelivery Date
November 2, 2021WhiteSanta Cruz@WJAMarch 20, 2022
November 2, 2021WhiteTahoe@AdnillienFebruary 7, 2022March 3rd, 2022
November 30, 2021WhiteSanta Cruz@Bill BMarch 29, 2022
December 1, 2021WhiteSanta Cruz@copperApril 5, 2022
December 1, 2021WhiteSanta Cruz@dale246April 12, 2022
December 1, 2021WhiteSanta Cruz@Silvereagle6April 5, 2022
December 1, 2021WhiteSanta Cruz@Jim2877April 11, 2022
December 1, 2021WhiteTahoe@GKHoppyMarch 9, 2022
December 14, 2021WhiteMojave@milgaussMarch 10, 2022April 9, 2022
January 5, 2022WhiteMojave@jffryApril 5, 2022
January 5, 2022WhiteSanta Cruz@Coltonw011April 12, 2022
March 23, 2022WhiteMojave@DeaneG
March 29, 2022WhiteMojave@SantaRosa


Confirmation DateColorInteriorUserVIN AssignmentDelivery Date
November 2, 2021RedTahoe@InOf8March 3, 2022
November 16, 2021RedMojave@ZimZimFebruary 9, 2022
November 30, 2021BlackTahoe@Mattlca
December 1, 2021RedSanta Cruz@DougieFresh
I like the way you reorganized the sheet.
It looks like just under 100 vehicles. All with VINs assigned, but awaiting transport? I saw somewhere that VIN 500 (DE) was delivered. So we are likely at the end of the DE's? Was Grey or Silver even an option for the DEs? Anyway, based on my reps bad news yesterday that my Red Santa Cruz 21" is delayed two months past the 2-4 month range, and the fact that some reds from the January batch have been assigned VINs, I believe that other colors have been halted to deliver a large batch of Greys. In March, my rep said my VIN was imminent, but I guess these guys just say whatever to get us temporarily happy.

I of course realize that the Grey guys have waited longer than I to get their cars, but the selfish side of me wished that greys would be a week or more later, so I could get my Red sooner., but fair is fair I will say I am getting pretty sick of the lack of communications from Lucid and Lucid is not on my "nice list" anymore. My rep did say he was going to send me a present. Do we think it will be pencils?
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@mnewber1 8 days from VIN to shipment for me.

Found out that the car has shipped, could be in Millbrae tomorrow. PDI has been going fast even though Millbrae is also doing a ton of deliveries. I consider it a slim chance I pick up this week, but much more likely to be next week.

Service from my DA has been absolutely stellar. Financing with San Francisco FCU has been smooth as well (1.49% for 60mo with the EV discount).
This is interesting and awfully specific. I have been told to expect a VIN assignment between 22 and 27 days from today. GT/grey/Mohave/19”.

Lucid says grey, not gray.
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@mnewber1 8 days from VIN to shipment for me.

Found out that the car has shipped, could be in Millbrae tomorrow. PDI has been going fast even though Millbrae is also doing a ton of deliveries. I consider it a slim chance I pick up this week, but much more likely to be next week.

Service from my DA has been absolutely stellar. Financing with San Francisco FCU has been smooth as well (1.49% for 60mo with the EV discount).
It seems like the newly assigned VINs are moving through quickly. The older VIN assignment dates may have been delayed by an issue that has been since fixed but these cars are still effected.
Last I heard, those with some of the earlier windows for Grey have been pushed out yet again. That was from earlier today. I have not heard anything related to my delivery other than “mid to late April, maybe first week of May”. I will believe the window when Lucid gives me a reason to. I would love to think they are going to push through the early grey batches in order to catch up, but that would be pure speculation. Until we see actual grey VIN’s being assigned and delivered, we can’t assume they are doing that. I really hope it’s not a supply chain issue, delaying all cars.
This is interesting and awfully specific. I have been told to expect a VIN assignment between 22 and 27 days from today. GT/grey/Mohave/19”.

Lucid says grey, not gra
This is interesting and awfully specific. I have been told to expect a VIN assignment between 22 and 27 days from today. GT/grey/Mohave/19”.

Lucid says grey, not gray.
I have exact same build and was told VIN middle of April. I think we are now in middle of April, aren’t we? 😳
I hope @Boomer AZ is correct, as that would lend some credibility to my 2-24 day timeframe (mid- late April, maybe first week of May).
This is interesting and awfully specific. I have been told to expect a VIN assignment between 22 and 27 days from today. GT/grey/Mohave/19”.

Lucid says grey, not gray.
Probably because the boss is from the UK.
Until we see actual grey VIN’s being assigned and delivered, we can’t assume they are doing that. I really hope it’s not a supply chain issue, delaying all cars.

They probably still won’t admit it’s delayed and instead blame us for being impatient.
This is interesting and awfully specific. I have been told to expect a VIN assignment between 22 and 27 days from today. GT/grey/Mohave/19”.

Lucid says grey, not gray.
that's interesting. since we both confirmed on the same day, i should expect mine before that then (with all the grey color issues i keep hearing about). unless they decide to produce only grey cars for a while to catch up for the postponed production..
It would be economically crazy to just paint a few grey vehicles. The cleaning of the robotic sprayers from a previous color, blending tanks and a myriad of hoses is time consuming and expensive. When they switch to painting grey it will be previously ordered Airs plus a few extra.
It seems like the newly assigned VINs are moving through quickly. The older VIN assignment dates may have been delayed by an issue that has been since fixed but these cars are still effected.
My DA today told me that recent VINs have been moving very quickly through production. She gave me the 2-6 weeks but made a point to say it’s been very short recently.
My DA today told me that recent VINs have been moving very quickly through production. She gave me the 2-6 weeks but made a point to say it’s been very short recently.

In an encouraging note for you, most cars leave the factory within the first week after VIN assignment for the recent VIN assignees. Then another week for service center arrival, PDI, and slotting you in for pickup (or another few days for home delivery).
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