Grand Touring Tracker (Archive)

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They now have test drives in Tyson, VA. We plan to go next month even though we already have an order. Its a Grand Touring I'm told.

The Oak Brook location is saying they're getting their test drive vehicle in April/May so I am hoping it's a Touring since that's the trim I am getting (just bought a house, can't rationalize a 140k car right now).
I just received a phone call from my DA, who unfortunately notified me that production of my AGT (Cosmos Silver, Mojave, 19” wheels, order confirmed 14 Dec 2021, please add to your tracker if you like) would be delayed to the July timeframe. The reason he gave is that the factory is having difficulty with achieving the right paint mix to achieve the desired quality for Cosmos Silver. He also indicated that if I wanted to change the exterior color to any of the other choices, production would occur in late April or early May. I went ahead and opted for Quantum Grey. Glad to get a very courteous, honest and professional update like this.

He also confirmed that the Lucid Connected Home Charging Station would not be available until third quarter of this year. I had asked him earlier how soon a Charging Station spec chart would be available so my electrician can start work on installing a 100 amp line in my garage - the electrical permitting process in my part of Maryland requires such documentation- and he thought that would be ready in a few weeks.
I was busy today and see the forum exploded with information from the DAs. Finally! Doreen Allen had told me back on Friday that they had a “come to Jesus” meeting (my words, not hers) between production and sales and that was how I got details on my Grey car having a tentative production date of 4/11. Since then, more discussions have taken place. Thanks @Neurio for updating everyone on yours. DAs are now more forthcoming on how color choices, wheel size, etc. are affecting the timeline and some are given options on how to improve the delivery cycle. The ability to improve delivery timing seems like it depends how far up one is on the preservation timeline. This is all good and what many of us have been asking for. Kudos to Lucid for finally opening up with relevant details!
V2G is too new. Plus Lucid's product isn't out yet, nor tested. I wouldn't consider it anyway at this point. I agree the only reason to consider the station is for V2G, not for normal car charging.
I mean it's not out because it's being tested no? GM and Ford have a pilot program going addressing V2G charging in California.
I mean it's not out because it's being tested no? GM and Ford have a pilot program going addressing V2G charging in California.
Currently V2G (or battery to grid) is not legal in CA. I wish it was as the TOU5 rate for SDG&E has a 50 cent per kWh differential between on-peak and super off-peak rates. Just cycling 10kWh per day could net $5 a day.

But it's coming ...

Nice article. The whole electricity grid is getting flipped upside down, and has been for years. I have been seeing it since the the early 2000’s. Eventually super-off peak is going to be when all the solar is operating, between 10a-4p, which was the inverse of what it was when I installed my solar back in 2004. Off-peak will become 4p-9p which is now the expensive on-peak as people won’t be charging their cars and those with solar batteries or V2G capable cars can deliver to the grid. The new expensive On-peak will become 12-6a which is currently the cheapest power. That is because everyone will be charging the electric vehicles overnight and that will strain the grid. By moving that to the most expensive poser, much of the car charging will shift to other times during the day. By flipping the electric cost structure, the solar homes won’t get as much payoff, but will be valuable if they can store the energy in batteries (or cars) and get paid for it at a different time. I’ll then return to running my dishwasher, washing machine and dryer during the day rather than ‘flexing my power’ (as those CA commercials say) and running everything at night.

Just my thoughts….
Sounds like it’s years away…..
Sounds like it’s years away…..
Maybe but in not as concerned with V2G ss V2H which the home unit is also supposed to be capable of providing
All counts are via "Bear's Workshop" on YouTube who does Monday/Wednesday/Friday flyovers of the Lucid facility weather permitting.

@bobofat, @WildRide47, @dale246, @PSTom, @BradSholl - see above quoted message about Silver being delayed until July, likely delaying your car further if you have a later confirmation date. I recommend reaching out to your Delivery Advisor to request more information or changing colors (NOTE: my recommendation, not Lucid's).
Thanks for tagging me. I also got that dreaded call about the delay for the silver. I'm still deciding if I want to change the color to get an earlier delivery. I've already waited this long, what's a few more months. I have to wait until 2023 for another car I just put down a deposit for.
A 14-50 is all you need. I have a Tesla Model X and it plugs into the 14-50 in my garage. The Lucid plugs into the same outlet and will charge faster than Tesla. I never considered the Chargijng Station. Its only needed if you really need super fast charging in your garage. Most people don't.

I thought there was an issue with the plugging and unplugging making it become loose? I guess I could leave it plugged in unless I leave town.
I thought there was an issue with the plugging and unplugging making it become loose? I guess I could leave it plugged in unless I leave town.
You almost never need to unplug the cable from the outlet. The cable stays plugged into the outlet. The cable hangs on the wall in the garage and is plugged into the car when you need to charge; usually overnight. That’s what I’ve done with my two Teslas since 2015 and will do when I receive my AGT.
I was busy today and see the forum exploded with information from the DAs. Finally! Doreen Allen had told me back on Friday that they had a “come to Jesus” meeting (my words, not hers) between production and sales and that was how I got details on my Grey car having a tentative production date of 4/11. Since then, more discussions have taken place. Thanks @Neurio for updating everyone on yours. DAs are now more forthcoming on how color choices, wheel size, etc. are affecting the timeline and some are given options on how to improve the delivery cycle. The ability to improve delivery timing seems like it depends how far up one is on the preservation timeline. This is all good and what many of us have been asking for. Kudos to Lucid for finally opening up with relevant details!

Thanks, @Sandvinsd, it sounds like your outreach went a long way, and the DAs can now be a little more free with what they can communicate. I received a call from my DA, who referenced the forums and what was happening on them, before giving me plenty of good news. :) Nothing concrete but soon, I think.
Thanks, @Sandvinsd, it sounds like your outreach went a long way, and the DAs can now be a little more free with what they can communicate. I received a call from my DA, who referenced the forums and what was happening on them, before giving me plenty of good news. :) Nothing concrete but soon, I think.
Please elaborate!!!!
Thanks, @Sandvinsd, it sounds like your outreach went a long way, and the DAs can now be a little more free with what they can communicate. I received a call from my DA, who referenced the forums and what was happening on them, before giving me plenty of good news. :) Nothing concrete but soon, I think.
I'm dying to know since I have the same Red/Santa-Cruz GT option you have (Jan 5th confirmation for me).
I ordered GT in Silver with Santa Cruz interior, 19". Reserved 9/10/21, confirmed 12/15/21. Just got a call from delivery advisor with updated time-frame to June/July which is 6-7 months out vs 2-4 I was told in December. Asked about grey and was informed it would still be June/July.
Just called up my DA and changed the color to white, he thinks a May delivery is possible with that color.
I was told today, that my Red GT with Santa Cruz interior should get a VIN in 2-3 weeks. My paper work is in production and kits being made. Maybe paint next week or the following and then General Assembly in two to three weeks (that’s when VIN is assigned). I have a December 14th order date. I was told those with Silver have a choice to change colors to speed up delivery prior to August.
I'm dying to know since I have the same Red/Santa-Cruz GT option you have (Jan 5th confirmation for me).

Basically, I’ve been told that my VIN should arrive by end of this month. Production will take 2 to 6 weeks but delivery & PDI could take a few weeks as well. So, I’m guessing perhaps by end of May? Also, the VINs are assigned when the body emerges from paint shop and hits the floor for interior build. I think this is entirely consistent with other messages in this thread.

Oh, and my DA is pretty aware of who his customers are on this forum, so it’s good to know our feedback gets back to Lucid.

@pam4_AGT : What is your avatar? And why?
I was told today, that my Red GT with Santa Cruz interior should get a VIN in 2-3 weeks. My paper work is in production and kits being made. Maybe paint next week or the following and then General Assembly in two to three weeks (that’s when VIN is assigned). I have a December 14th order date. I was told those with Silver have a choice to change colors to speed up delivery prior to August.

I wonder if we have the same DA. He said he was making all his calls and mentioned that he had spoken to a forum compatriot just a few calls before he called me.
I wonder if we have the same DA. He said he was making all his calls and mentioned that he had spoken to a forum compatriot just a few calls before he called me.
Probably, his name begins with F.
I wonder if we have the same DA. He said he was making all his calls and mentioned that he had spoken to a forum compatriot just a few calls before he called me.
I believe there are only 10 DAs, so I'm sure we all share a DA with someone else here. I'm still really glad that Lucid got the message and is being more open and forthcoming with their customers.
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