I was ready to take the car any time within the 4-6 month delivery timeline which ended in March. I was also able to take delivery within their post-VIN delivery window which has also ended. I don’t think Licid has much ground to stand on to demand I take delivery within 7 days after they say it’s ready. I delayed trips to make sure I could meet their delivery timelines.at this point they have not communicated anything on when to expect completion or what is the nature of the Delays. I’m sorry if I am no longer ready to pick up when the car is ready. My life does not revolve around them.My DA told me not to pay until the car was done with PDI and ready for pick-up/delivery. In the purchase agreement, I believe it states that you have 7 days from when it's ready to take possession, or Lucid reserves the right to sell the car to someone else. I'm sure they'd work with your if there were extenuating circumstances, but ymmv.