Grand Touring Tracker (Archive)

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Just note that DAs do have access to the “planned” list of builds and prioritized manufacturer dates/order. At bare minimum, Lucid is communicating and is aware of the order priority and queue car orders/builds are going into the factory. That priority list (as of now) is supposedly still accurate. Note the estimated dates I’ve been given below (which are pretty darn reasonable really).

Zenith Red
Santa Cruz

Order confirmed 04/26/22
Estimated factory date: End of June Early July and August at the latest
Estimated delivery time after factory: 2-8 weeks max

Honestly, I’m reading more doom and gloom in these forums than I (someone who does work for an EV competitor on their software) seems to think is justified. Lucid is doing a pretty good job for someone who just started actually delivering cars in Oct/Nov 2021 for the very first time and I’m excited to see when they hit a proper uptick.
As a follow up to the above, I was just presented with the offer of swapping my order out for a cancellation with the following specifications:

Zenith Red

So, I just swapped my build over no question. Sounds like it’s going through quality inspections now and should be delivered to me early June.

I’m not “crazy” about the full on brown back seats and ash wood, but the earlier delivery out weighs my thoughts here. I also think the back brown will look way better with black weather mats.
I'm going to just sit back and wait for my AGT, hoping it takes long enough that the car is basically stable by the time I need to pay or leave. In the meantime I'll keep watching Polestar, Volvo and others for interesting alternatives.
Share when you find one….
As a follow up to the above, I was just presented with the offer of swapping my order out for a cancellation with the following specifications:

Zenith Red

So, I just swapped my build over no question. Sounds like it’s going through quality inspections now and should be delivered to me early June.

I’m not “crazy” about the full on brown back seats and ash wood, but the earlier delivery out weighs my thoughts here. I also think the back brown will look way better with black weather mats.
Wow, and you ordered later than most. What was your trick?
Tahoe looks great in person….


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Tahoe looks great in person….
You just got yours????
Congrats!!!! 🎉

Wow, and you ordered later than most. What was your trick?
That particular combination may be the most popular. Rememer, assembling line is about efficiency. Doing more of identical tasks over and over.
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Lucid assembling plant is really cranking up!
But we all know May production is way down unless they are no longer placing finished cars out in the parking lot. When was the last date a group of VINs were assigned?
Who knows, maybe they will release a boat load by the end of the month after the "3rd" fit and finish inspection?
Also remember truck drivers shortage, delivery scratch and damage have to re-QC in service center, etc. etc.
Update on my Gray GT. And another person pretty unhappy with Eugene as my DA.

Hadn't heard from DA in weeks since getting my VIN. Called and spoke with him and he gave me a whole bunch of estimates that summed up to should have the car around mid-May. After another couple weeks of hearing nothing, I called again, but couldn't get a hold of Eugene. I spoke with a different DA, can't remember the name, but he was able to give me more information than Eugene ever has. This was on 5/16. He told me the car arrived at the Goose Island service center on 5/13, and estimated two weeks from there for delivery.

I haven't been on the forums for a while, so now seeing there's more QC issues, I'm not optimistic I'll have the car at the end of this week as he estimated. I'll call again in a couple hours and see if I can get another update. Has anyone contacted the service center directly to try to get updates on their car?
Seattle service center wouldn’t answer any questions. They put me on hold to get there manager but called my DA instead. DA called within 10 minutes. My DA was not allowed to tell me what the problem was with the car but she did say it was affecting more cars than just mine. Car has been at service center for 2 1/2 weeks now.
Personally, I think this car is a bargain compare the power train vs Tesla and ICE Supercars. People don’t realize that.

But that is AFTER THE FACT I OWN IT. I was one of 300 delivered in April. Before I own it, I was damn nervous for sure!
Personally, I think this car is a bargain compare the power train vs Tesla and ICE Supercars. People don’t realize that.

But that is AFTER THE FACT I OWN IT. I was one of 300 delivered in April. Before I own it, I was damn nervous for sure!
I am a nervous wreck being It will be our go to Car. Going to sell my Gas Guzzler QX80 while it has good value left. Hopefully stuff like steering wheel locking and Turtle mode have been mostly eliminated by now BUT THEN now we have the wonderful 3rd Inspection and delivery dates are out the door. DA says his guess is as good as mine when that will happen now but may get an update tomorrow.

Rawlinson leaves for a couple of days and all hell breaks loose 😜🤦‍♂️
I am a nervous wreck being It will be our go to Car. Going to sell my Gas Guzzler QX80 while it has good value left. Hopefully stuff like steering wheel locking and Turtle mode have been mostly eliminated by now BUT THEN now we have the wonderful 3rd Inspection and delivery dates are out the door. DA says his guess is as good as mine when that will happen now but may get an update tomorrow.

Rawlinson leaves for a couple of days and all hell breaks loose 😜🤦‍♂️
Rawlinson look very tired in the video. Europe, Canada, Saudi Arabia, S Korea, California, Arizona, and all these new real estate acquisition and rental spaces into various states for sales pipeline and brand recognition and awareness. At his age, so much business development, he better not get sick. We need him well.
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Yep, he gets to come home to an abysmal May with respect to VIN assignments and actual deliveries. The tracker is quite lean when it comes to May activity.
Rawlinson look very tired in the video. Europe, Canada, Saudi Arabia, S Korea, California, Arizona, and all these new real estate acquisition and rental spaces into various states for pipeline and brand recognition and awareness. At his age, so much business development, he better not get sick. We need him well.
A good businessman knows how to choose great subordinates and how to delegate authority. A well working company is not about one man.
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