Hello all. Have owned my AGT for just over a year now and I'm on quest to get to the bottom of this air seepage issue (along with wind noise) I've had my vehicle at the service center various times, and 3 times they tried to address the issue with cold air entering the cabin to no avail. They've replaced various trims but never seem to "test" it before giving it back to me. At times I've felt improvement, but all it takes is for a burst of air and cold weather to remind me how bad and uncomfortable it is to drive the car in cold weather. I love driving this car - I put 26k in 1 year, but I'm starting to hate it in cold weather. Since I hate complaining and feeling powerless, I tried to do some diagnosing over the weekend.
I removed the driver door panel and drove around with a bare door and blue tape everywhere, trying to isolate the issue. I also setup a test in my garage with a shop vac blowing air toward the vehicle, directing it to different parts of the driver's side. I used thin strips of toilet paper hanging from the inside of the left doors to visualize the air movement. Here are my findings:
The left side allows air in from 3 different areas (possibly more but these were the biggest culprits):
1. Under the door between the front and rear door, toward the gap, with air source (6.5 hp craftsman 2-3 feet away) pointed upward toward the gap. This was by far the worst, causing the toilet paper in the front of the back window and back of the front window to move a lot. I Believe air gets in from several spots this way: from the holes at the bottom of the door to allow water to draing out of the door cavits; from the gap in the weather seal that is pretty visible underneath the camera housing
2. Pointing air toward the top of the camera housing: This was the second worst. I am not sure how air is getting in this way, but toilet paper started moving.
3. From the mirror housing. Blowing air all along the housing allowed air into the cabin from the front of the driver's door. The 2 sheets of toilet paper started flapping.
I would love if others were able to set up this test and provide their findings. You don't have to remove the door panel. Just tape the toilet paper to the inside and blow some air from a shop vac toward different areas of the car.
In my opinion, the seals aren't the issue. When I close the door ( easy to see and feel with the door panel off) the seal is properly compressed. However, all those spots I mentioned above, allow air into the cavity of the door (the hollow part) and that air gets into the cabin. In fact, if you lift up the bottom window trim (mine is loose from previous work lucid did) and spray air into that area all kind of air gets in (A little air caused all the front and most of the back toilet paper to flap). I have videos to share if anyone is interested. The files were too large to upload.
I really hope they find a fix for this problem. If you have other ideas or comments, please feel free to share as I keep gathering proof of the issue in hopes someone will find a permanent solution.