2025 AGT Crosswind Knocking Noise

I have my car back, and took a photo of the culprit element. It was replaced and everything sounds good so far. Photo attached, with my finger over the replaced part. It’s only part of the whole drape assembly. I (poorly) traced a yellow line along the edges.

On the underside, there are thin rib / filaments that run across which were bent / warped, and the technician also though the whole component had too much flex in the plastic.

Hope that helps, in case anyone else is facing a similar problem.
View attachment 25112

Sidebar: Separately, the technicians applied sound dampening butyl tape to improve car audio. I thought I’d read in a few places here that this was a pre-requisite to firmware upgrade I’ve already received. I asked my Lucid Service contact, and she said tape was not a pre-requisite, and they just apply as needed on service calls. Based upon other people’s reports here, it appears to me like some vehicles must have the tape before the upgrade, and others can be upgraded without it. I’m not sure what sets the distinction.

Tagging: @vav493 @segbrk @lucidtouringman
Those clips break basically every time you take that cover off, but I’ve never heard a knocking noise from it. Fascinating.

Did they apply the tape to the footwells or the tweeters (upper speakers)? Also, do you have SS Pro or regular?
Those clips break basically every time you take that cover off, but I’ve never heard a knocking noise from it. Fascinating.

Did they apply the tape to the footwells or the tweeters (upper speakers)? Also, do you have SS Pro or regular?
It wasn’t a case of broken clips, or at least, if they were it was not a clean / easily visible break. From what I recall, when the tech removed the drape while I was standing there, all the clips remained attached. That said, it was clear to see warpage in the ribs / filaments that spanned from one end of the drape to the other.

Regarding the tape; I have SS Pro. My service contact mentioned apply tape to the A Pillars. Nothing further specifics. I can ask if you like.
It wasn’t a case of broken clips, or at least, if they were it was not a clean / easily visible break. From what I recall, when the tech removed the drape while I was standing there, all the clips remained attached. That said, it was clear to see warpage in the ribs / filaments that spanned from one end of the drape to the other.

Regarding the tape; I have SS Pro. My service contact mentioned apply tape to the A Pillars. Nothing further specifics. I can ask if you like.
Gotcha. The A pillar TSC is the new one, and yeah it’s a “next time we see the car” thing, but the new audio update won’t be fully active until it’s done.
Gotcha. The A pillar TSC is the new one, and yeah it’s a “next time we see the car” thing, but the new audio update won’t be fully active until it’s done.
Got it. Do you know where I can read more about this?

My understanding (up until yesterday / today) was that there was one butyl tape application service, and it gated a firmware upgrade, and after tape-application + firmware upgrade, the sound system would be in a known good/best operating state. It now seems to me like the story is more complicated, and there may be permutations to it, including what you mentioned, maybe more?
I have my car back, and took a photo of the culprit element. It was replaced and everything sounds good so far. Photo attached, with my finger over the replaced part. It’s only part of the whole drape assembly. I (poorly) traced a yellow line along the edges.

On the underside, there are thin rib / filaments that run across which were bent / warped, and the technician also though the whole component had too much flex in the plastic.

Hope that helps, in case anyone else is facing a similar problem.
View attachment 25112

Sidebar: Separately, the technicians applied sound dampening butyl tape to improve car audio. I thought I’d read in a few places here that this was a pre-requisite to firmware upgrade I’ve already received. I asked my Lucid Service contact, and she said tape was not a pre-requisite, and they just apply as needed on service calls. Based upon other people’s reports here, it appears to me like some vehicles must have the tape before the upgrade, and others can be upgraded without it. I’m not sure what sets the distinction.

Tagging: @vav493 @segbrk @lucidtouringman
Thanks @Smitzer ! The yellow line helps a lot in understanding what you're talking about about. So did the sound go away completely? Or do you still hear some flutter? I'm now wondering how to approach Lucid service and if it would be fair to ask for a new part..perhaps we can try the road test again too... anyway, this is another step closer to solving the mystery...thanks for the update!
Thanks @Smitzer ! The yellow line helps a lot in understanding what you're talking about about. So did the sound go away completely? Or do you still hear some flutter? I'm now wondering how to approach Lucid service and if it would be fair to ask for a new part..perhaps we can try the road test again too... anyway, this is another step closer to solving the mystery...thanks for the update!
I haven't heard any noise so far since getting the service. I also haven't put the car into the worst conditions for it yet.

Mostly, I either need a solid crosswind at 75 - 80+ mph, or, if no crosswind, I need to be driving at 130 mph and then let off the accelerator. In that "no crosswind" condition, I could (prior to service) hear it a faintly up around 130 mph, but as the car slowed down into the mid-80s, it really emerged steadily and clearly.

The techs told me that they are not allowed to drive customer cars that fast, under most conditions.