All true, except robinhood traders create a significant amount of those rumors you were talking about and hype stocks up/discredit stocks to a point that others are affected by it too. A very indirect example of this was the GME squeeze, which was largely perpetuated by the “robinhood trader” stereotyped people on WSB.Other than low float, low volume trading stocks, retail Robinhood investors don't move prices. Market movers and institutional trading are the ones that dictate current market share price. The current share price of LCID is what the market thinks it's currently based on the guidance that Lucid provided and other macro level factors that could affect this guidance like high interest rates, EV demand, supply chain, etc. Only things that can move the price up from what the market thinks, you need catalysts like partnership announcements, beating and increasing guidance, speculative rumors, etc. Stay in school!
Well, the market didn't like that guidance as the stock went under $3 again, sigh. Hope they learned from their past 6 missed quarters that forward moving, they can meet or beat to stabilize the market price and change to positive momentum.Also, I’m pretty sure they low balled the 9k production for 2024.
What I can't rationalize is the Board's recent $6 million cash bonus award to Peter. Don't mind riding this pony for the long haul, but what kind of performance metrics results in a cash bonus in light of the reported numbers? Any insights would be appreciated.
What can hold them back is "What's Lucid?", "Who makes Lucid?" and seeing no dealership next to the Mercedes and BMW dealerships on the auto mall street. Too many people don't know what Lucid is. I see them on the road every time I go anywhere longer than a neighborhood trip but I suspect that most people in many other places have never seen one. Then there's the issue of knowing about it but not wanting to buy a car from a company they hadn't heard of.Let's see how the next quarter is. With a $69k starting price, they have to be able to sell more than 9k cars...i mean it's pretty cheap in the overall market. The only thing that could hold them back is the stigma of how overpriced Lucid used to be. Lucid seems to be doing heavy advertising though, so i'm optimistic!
Thank you.Executive compensation often has many discrete components that are not always inter-related. The press coverage said the $6MM bonus was tied to the reveal of the Lucid Gravity. The fact that it was a cash bonus instead of something with a longer tail also suggests this was a payment tied to meeting one specific goal, not to the overall performance of the company.
As I've surmised before, I think the Saudis view Lucid as central to their aim to stake out a key position in EV technology for the long haul. And that would mean a portion of Rawlinson's incentive compensation is going to be pegged to meeting goals relating specifically to that. Overall financial performance and stock price performance will be recognized in other components of his compensation.
As CEO pay goes these days, $6MM is actually not that big a payout for meeting a goal relating to a product as critical to the company as the Gravity will be. It could even be that this bonus was rolled back a bit in light of other financial pressures on the company. Hard to know without a seat on the Board's compensation committee . . . which they keep denying me for some indecipherable reason.
Relative to your Board seat, be patient, it will come!![]()
Wait, you're joking about waiting for the board seat, right? I could imagine you doing that so I had to make sureThank you. Your $3MM bonus will arrive soon thereafter . . . .
Wait, you're joking about waiting for the board seat, right? I could imagine you doing that so I had to make sure![]()
Tesla's numbers were far from dismal. On a model by model basis, there was one model and you'd have to compare its sales to sales of other models by other manufacturers for sedans in that price range. Tesla's numbers were quite good.Probably without Peter Lucid won’t survive? Also Tesla struggled with just model S and dismal sales for over 8 years until model 3 came out. When I bought model s in 2015, Tesla was also in same boat, stock price at around $20 ; each stack is now X15. May not be that drastic with Lucid but I guess they need time. Everyone who has seen my car has been stopping (even reversing in their track) and asking me. So people just don’t know that they exist unless they are a car buff. I love this car more than Tesla; as a driver and the pleasure. iam sure this appeals to anyone who love cars. If they love tech then they are already with Tesla.
I am too a share holder now for simple reason that I have bought their product so I must be believing in them![]()
I'm sure that a lot of us could give meaningful feedback to the Board and some of us might be genuinely of high value. I might make a valuable board member myself, but the first thing I'd do as a board member is try to get rid of the others for making the stupid decision of even considering me without a resume to back it up.Well, I was joking. But now you've got my hopes up. Do you know someone I could call?
It would certainly go far enough to put some Lucid automobiles in auto shows for various cities. How can you say that would not be helpful because $6 million does not go very far? Anything that helps increase awareness of the brand is helpful. I think your remark is shortsighted.Actually, 6 million doesn’t go very far in marketing….
You know what bad optics are? Not honoring your contractual obligations.It would certainly go far enough to put some Lucid automobiles in auto shows for various cities. How can you say that would not be helpful because $6 million does not go very far? Anything that helps increase awareness of the brand is helpful. I think your remark is shortsighted.
Giving Rawlinson a bonus when Lucid starts selling more cars I am all for, because he has produced a fabulous automobile and deserves the compensation when the company sales and the stock price reflects that.
Putting it in Rawlinson's pocket at this point in time when the stock is near an all time low is bad optics.
How can you say that would not be helpful because $6 million does not go very far? Anything that helps increase awareness of the brand is helpful. I think your remark is shortsighted.
For specifically hedge funds, since comp is often tied to performance, 6 million would be a small fraction of the total compensation for the highest performers, to my knowledge. I actually think 6m is fair, especially if it was tied to Gravity's launch.I was responding to a post that asked for insights about the bonus Rawlinson received. Having dealt with executive compensation packages for much of my career, I gave my views of why Rawlinson might have gotten such a bonus. I did not say I would have awarded this bonus or structured any other element of his pay a particular way had I been in position to do so.
You're taking my post well beyond where it went. Nowhere did I say that $6MM would not be helpful or does not go very far. I said that in the context of current CEO pay it's not that huge a sum. In fact, I disagree with CEO pay trends of the past several decades and think they have had deleterious unintended consequences on many companies. But having worked in the entertainment industry, the financial services industry, and been a senior managing director at one of the world's most successful hedge funds, I can tell you I've seen compensation packages in which this $6MM would be a rounding error.
I was not responding to your post hmp10. I was responding to No Gas (see his above post) who specifically stated that "actually $6 million does not go very far in marketing".I was responding to a post that asked for insights about the bonus Rawlinson received. Having dealt with executive compensation packages for much of my career, I gave my views of why Rawlinson might have gotten such a bonus. I did not say I would have awarded this bonus or structured any other element of his pay a particular way had I been in position to do so.
You're taking my post well beyond where it went. Nowhere did I say that $6MM would not be helpful or does not go very far. I said that in the context of current CEO pay it's not that huge a sum. In fact, I disagree with CEO pay trends of the past several decades and think they have had deleterious unintended consequences on many companies. But having worked in the entertainment industry, the financial services industry, and been a senior managing director at one of the world's most successful hedge funds, I can tell you I've seen compensation packages in which this $6MM would be a rounding error.
You know what bad optics are? Not honoring your contractual obligations.
Contractural obligations should be honored.You know what bad optics are? Not honoring your contractual obligations.
Headline would be, "How bad is Lucid financially that Rawlinson turns down his bonus?"Contractural obligations should be honored.
That does not mean Rawlinson has to accept it.
Imagine the positive feedback in the news media that would make and as well as other CEO 's to stand up and take notice.
I actually think it would help the image of Lucid, but that is just IMO and maybe I am just dreaming pie in the sky.
I was not responding to your post hmp10. I was responding to No Gas (see his above post) who specifically stated that "actually $6 million does not go very far in marketing".
I disagreed with his remark and said it was shortsighted, as $6 million can make a difference if it enabled more Lucids to be shown at auto shows or malls.
I stand by my statement.