Lucid Q2 2024 Results (official per Lucid Website)

I don't know when this became the Lucid Owners Forum and Marital Counseling Group, but please stop!!! If my wife sees the mix of all these threads, she's likely to take the Dream Drive Pro approach to issue resolution, and have me 'recalibrated'. Yikes!
Meanwhile, I sent screenshots of my comments to mine ;)
No retrofit for the camera coming to fix the position? I think it might uncomfortable for people to change their seating position for ideal camera use
I would be insanely surprised.

A small number of people for whom the camera does not work well may need to choose between moving the steering wheel position for better HA or keeping their hand on the wheel for doing more steering themselves.

It’s not ideal, but life rarely is.
Meanwhile, I sent screenshots of my comments to mine ;)

So THAT explains all the sucking up!!! :) Humor! Da, Dum, Dum! (Is that how a rim shot sounds? I think this has already been discussed.)
So THAT explains all the sucking up!!! :) Humor! Da, Dum, Dum! (Is that how a rim shot sounds? I think this has already been discussed.)
It can both be true and sucking up at the same time. :)