Lucid Q2 2024 Results (official per Lucid Website)

nice work on the analysis. i haven't been monitoring the earnings calls but surely an investment firm asked that directly. was that answered? it was clear to me the revenue grew at the expense of the bottom line most likely due to the price reductions and incentives. and maybe that is the right strategy for right now. but hit their goal of a million cars a year, long way to go and surely won't get there at the elevated price points. i have faith!

on a different note, looking forward to the ADAS updates. the reason why I will never buy a Tesla is it's belief in optical imaging to perform FSD. rawls and team did the right thing and added Lidar to the system. Tesla has a massive headstart on self-driving cars but Lucid doesn't need to be the king there.
I always try to estimate Lucid's marginal cost and marginal profit on each vehicle sold. My best estimate is gross profit less depreciation and inventory impairment divided by the number of cars delivered. For the last three quarters it went from $8k to $24k per car. Given the accuracy of this estimate, the loss per car has been relatively flat. That said, the trend is downward indicating that price reductions may have been more aggressive than BOM cost reductions. Given where Lucid is in total production, I do not find this number to be alarming. It is certainly nowhere near the $300k loss per vehicle that you find on the internet.

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This is neat to see charted out! You’ve made me curious to look into this more
If you waited until the car was perfect, you’d never get it on the road.
I don't know what you mean.
With tiny flaws, but still. You simply wanna drive it.
The same my wife is (perfect, with tiny flaws). She might be reading this, so... Let's leave it at that. :)
I don't know what you mean.
With tiny flaws, but still. You simply wanna drive it.
The same my wife is (perfect, with tiny flaws). She might be reading this, so... Let's leave it at that. :)
Which one gets traded in first?
Which one gets traded in first?
No trade-ins. Just do your regular maintenance. Balenciaga here, Versace/LV/Blanik/Jimmy Choo there and I'm good for 2-3 months at least.
Maintenance is everything.
Girls on this forum, do you agree? :)
I don't know what you mean.
With tiny flaws, but still. You simply wanna drive it.
The same my wife is (perfect, with tiny flaws). She might be reading this, so... Let's leave it at that. :)
We'll just assume you still wanna drive her too (okay that sounds bad but take it the right way lol), and let you off the hook. :)
No trade-ins. Just do your regular maintenance. Balenciaga here, Versace/LV/Blanik/Jimmy Choo there and I'm good for 2-3 months at least.
Maintenance is everything.
Girls on this forum, do you agree? :)
Apparently I'm way behind 🤣

I think if I bought my wife something from literally any of those brands she'd stare at me, blink a bunch, and then ask what they're for and if we could return them and go on a vacation instead, lol

But I know I'm a lucky guy 🥰 :)
And what kind of depreciation can we expect?🤣🤣🤣
Well, it depends on the brand. And wife too.
Carefully selected/chosen wife is like a great wine, like a connoisseur's appreciation for a rich, full-bodied wine (i dislike skinny, has to be full-bodied).
So, no depreciation here. :)
Apparently I'm way behind 🤣

I think if I bought my wife something from literally any of those brands she'd stare at me, blink a bunch, and then ask what they're for and if we could return them and go on a vacation instead, lol

But I know I'm a lucky guy 🥰 :)
Yes, you are.
I wish my wife is like that. Nothing, but high maintenance (and i love it!) ;)
Balenciaga here, Versace/LV/Blanik/Jimmy Choo there and I'm good for 2-3 months at least.
Oh no... not you too? Besides, you'd be better off buying trash from Costco instead of Balenciaga! (referencing

I'm convinced Balenciaga is just a social experiment meant to test the limits of what humans will buy. People certainly don't buy it for its quality... they (hopefully) don't buy it for its design... what could it be that makes it so popular? 🤣

Sorry for the rant... but I hate Balenciaga with a deep passion. Carry on! Anyways, fashion is taste dependent; your wife likes what she likes and thats great!
Oh no... not you too? Besides, you'd be better off buying trash from Costco instead of Balenciaga! (referencing

I'm convinced Balenciaga is just a social experiment meant to test the limits of what humans will buy. People certainly don't buy it for its quality... they (hopefully) don't buy it for its design... what could it be that makes it so popular? 🤣

Sorry for the rant... but I hate Balenciaga with a deep passion. Carry on! Anyways, fashion is taste dependent; your wife likes what she likes and thats great!
The link you sent proves that people are simply... stupid.
Regarding Balenciaga, a few months ago, my wife decided, she doesn't like them anymore. My immediate question to her, why now? Why not a few years back?
Her answer, it should benefit you, so eff-off my dear.
What a wife!
My message to you, be very, very choosy and take your time. Marry at 30-35 at least ;)
How will that work when the camera sensor can’t see your face most of the time?
See above. You’ll either adjust the wheel or your sitting position, or you’ll keep your hands on the wheel.
See above. You’ll either adjust the wheel or your sitting position, or you’ll keep your hands on the wheel.
No retrofit for the camera coming to fix the position? I think it might uncomfortable for people to change their seating position for ideal camera use
The link you sent proves that people are simply... stupid.
Regarding Balenciaga, a few months ago, my wife decided, she doesn't like them anymore. My immediate question to her, why now? Why not a few years back?
Her answer, it should benefit you, so eff-off my dear.
What a wife!
My message to you, be very, very choosy and take your time. Marry at 30-35 at least ;)
Does you wife get on here and read your comments? Just curious. I do agree about the 30 to 35 thing, although I've seen everything work out for younger people. Both my husband and I were 31 when we got married. Old enough to really know what we wanted and mature enough to deal with whatever came our way.
Does you wife get on here and read your comments? Just curious. I do agree about the 30 to 35 thing, although I've seen everything work out for younger people. Both my husband and I were 31 when we got married. Old enough to really know what we wanted and mature enough to deal with whatever came our way.
Of course she does. Half of the posts are written by her (surprise...)
Oh no... not you too? Besides, you'd be better off buying trash from Costco instead of Balenciaga! (referencing

I'm convinced Balenciaga is just a social experiment meant to test the limits of what humans will buy. People certainly don't buy it for its quality... they (hopefully) don't buy it for its design... what could it be that makes it so popular? 🤣

Sorry for the rant... but I hate Balenciaga with a deep passion. Carry on! Anyways, fashion is taste dependent; your wife likes what she likes and thats great!

You made me google Balenciaga and now I am irreparably traumatized.
I don't know when this became the Lucid Owners Forum and Marital Counseling Group, but please stop!!! If my wife sees the mix of all these threads, she's likely to take the Dream Drive Pro approach to issue resolution, and have me 'recalibrated'. Yikes!