OTA 1.2.11

I just got 1.2.10 pushed to me yesterday. However, the car is at a Service Center, so I haven't tried to download it yet. I'm hoping the car will come back with 1.2.11 already loaded (assuming they got to the bottom of some of the computer issues), as some people already have that.
What do people do that are NOT in this forum? How do they know they need to update their car if there is no automatic updates that are sent to their cars?
Very true…you won’t know…it would be nice if Lucid had something on their website sharing software version and what they contain
I just tried text to Lucid Customer Care for first time…will see how that works
Very true…you won’t know…it would be nice if Lucid had something on their website sharing software version and what they contain
Like a 'Software Downloads" page under their support tab? Version #s, Change Records, etc ...

And give an option to download the updates on a USB stick; stick it in & recognize a firmware update immly, start the update(s) and voila!.
Post update: run diagnostics on the car (like a credit report) and send us an email with a summary on the overall health of the car.

Yeah that would be nice. But highly unlikely.
I just tried text to Lucid Customer Care for first time…will see how that works
I have the best luck with texting over phone calls... It seems the texts go directly to Lucid while the phone calls go to an answering center (in Canada is what I was told) and they read a script from a computer so it seems or try looking stuff up on the manual and the general answer seems to be to reset your car.
Like a 'Software Downloads" page under their support tab? Version #s, Change Records, etc ...

And give an option to download the updates on a USB stick; stick it in & recognize a firmware update immly, start the update(s) and voila!.
Post update: run diagnostics on the car (like a credit report) and send us an email with a summary on the overall health of the car.

Yeah that would be nice. But highly unlikely.
I recommended the car to a distant friend who ended up getting one of the last DE (after it was sold out too) and I know she never checks for firmware. I am just hoping her car gets the automatic updates.
I have the best luck with texting over phone calls... It seems the texts go directly to Lucid while the phone calls go to an answering center (in Canada is what I was told) and they read a script from a computer so it seems or try looking stuff up on the manual and the general answer seems to be to reset your car.
Hmmm, any phone conversation I’ve had with Lucid support when I called involved a very well informed person on the other line who was pretty savvy about the car, known issues and not just looking at the manual the same as we can do. Maybe it just depends on who you get?
I recommended the car to a distant friend who ended up getting one of the last DE (after it was sold out too) and I know she never checks for firmware. I am just hoping her car gets the automatic updates.
:-) .. Be her friend and ask her to check ... :-) ... You can always be her update. :-)

And if she does not have it, ask her to reach out to LCID CSR.
I just got 1.2.10 pushed to me yesterday. However, the car is at a Service Center, so I haven't tried to download it yet. I'm hoping the car will come back with 1.2.11 already loaded (assuming they got to the bottom of some of the computer issues), as some people already have that.
I would ask them to install it before you get the car back. If it's not automatically done then i'm sure the Service Center can easily call the team to get it pushed to your car and install before you get it back.
Hmmm, any phone conversation I’ve had with Lucid support when I called involved a very well informed person on the other line who was pretty savvy about the car, known issues and not just looking at the manual the same as we can do. Maybe it just depends on who you get?
Yeah this has been my experience too. Email is pretty useless and gets me “I’ve reported this to engineering, thanks for being a loyal customer” 98% of the time.

Calling gets me answers and/or fixes.
Oh ok if I’m not the only one then I’ll give them a couple more days.
I have not received it either. The other ones have always come within 2-3 days after release, so I’m not sure what is taking this one so long.
I have not received it either. The other ones have always come within 2-3 days after release, so I’m not sure what is taking this one so long.
I would recommend Emailing, Texting or Calling them and requesting an update. I think their update system must be broken, because I too get updates within a few days and had to email them to get the update.
I don’t have it either, I’ve been on vacation for the last week and won’t return until tomorrow night. So if I don’t have it by the weekend then I’ll call for the update push.
. . . I’m not sure what is taking this one so long.

It may be because some owners are reporting software issues with their cars they only began with the 1.2.10 upload, and Lucid had to put the release on pause to figure out the new bugs? It also could be because different cars have different chips or computer hardware in them due to supplier issues, and Lucid has to send out different versions of the update?
It may be because some owners are reporting software issues with their cars they only began with the 1.2.10 upload, and Lucid had to put the release on pause to figure out the new bugs? It also could be because different cars have different chips or computer hardware in them due to supplier issues, and Lucid has to send out different versions of the update?
I asked the Service Center this morning to have 1.2.11 installed before I pick up tomorrow and was told it's done already so hopefully yours comes out of the Service Center with the latest also