OTA 1.2.11

Estimates for software installation are pure lies. We literally pull those numbers out of our butts.
It’s like “IT time” we tell you it will be a 5 min server reboot to get our way when we really know 5 mins in “IT time” means 30 mins 😂
I am DE owner that is still on 1.12.7…recently I had to call to get update from 1.12.6…the last call I placed was Thursday and still no update…to be honest I am not sure why there is such a huge gap in getting updates with cars but it’s above my pay grade….if I don’t get it by Thursday next week…I will call again.
Given the experience of the owner that fell 5 releases behind being told the car has to be taken to a service center to update as that many releases OTA would be risky, I would be a little more insistent that they push the updates to you with less leeway in the frequency of that insistence.
Your Random use of CAPITAL letters reminds Me of a certain Someone who should have been more Careful about What documents he Kept in a Box in his Basement. IS THAT A THING NOW?
Must be with you Sir. I have never faulted anyone for supporting or Liking a Brand. I would think me dropping 150K on a Car means I do support it.

I just do not condone disparaging people when they are highlighting their issues and have had trouble from day one.

I have always supported Hydbob for sharing his experience with us. That is one of the reasons we are all here but I am not one to give the Company a Pass just because they are NEW.

Rawlinson took forever to deliver the DE and kept saying we will not deliver a Car that is not perfect and here we are.

I have no issues if you can live with a Car that cannot cool very well, however I living in Texas definitely cannot give them a pass.

It is a good thing that with my persistence I have their attention and they have acknowledged that the AC starting in Defrost Mode is an issue and they are actively trying to find a fix for it.

Next step though is some kind of reboot they plan to do this week.
I have not used email or text…I have only called…I am not sure which way is more effective
Both ways should work. They send you an email confirmation when you call and report an issue.

It has been very effective for me to attach Photo or Video of the issue so they can see the time stamp and the issue.

They have been excellent at acknowledging the receipt and added them to the list.
It is a good thing that with my persistence I have their attention and they have acknowledged that the AC starting in Defrost Mode is an issue and they are actively trying to find a fix for it.
I have just experienced this defrost mode issue for the first time. Some fiddling with climate settings got it back to normal. I have another issue that just cropped up where the climate system shuts down and restarts. Sometimes this happens several times in succession, although it is off for only a second.

Since I’m now up to date with the software releases (v1.2.11), I’ll see if these issues goes away.
Wow, I thought this was the thread about 1.2.11? I just got it yesterday. Have not really noticed any differences. Tidal and SiruiusXM via Bluetooth both crackle a bit intermittently a couple times when first getting going.

Let's try to get this thread back to what OP started it for.

I just got mine & installed. But was *not* able to install it via my phone (S22U) app. Had to go to the car.
Did not see any noticeable improvement in startup times, etc .. Satellite imagery is great; but unsure why (FTR, I have never used it in any car, during driving.)
Hoped to see updated maps from Tom Tom. But nope. My house is still not available as per their maps & hence no Home address setup.
Hoped to see 'orientation' selection in the pilot panel; but still absent (Or am I missing something?). ( I would like the maps, in the pilot panel to show the direction of travel.)
Satellite imagery is great; but unsure why (FTR, I have never used it in any car, during driving.)

It never occurred to me how useful satellite imagery could be in a car until I got my first Tesla. I was instantly hooked.

One of my favorite pastimes is roaming the countryside in search of interesting architecture and other sights. I cannot overstate how useful the satellite images are for seeing behind tree lines and other visual barriers, over hills, and down side roads to find interesting paths to explore.

In fact, I now live where I do as the result of having a satellite map in a Tesla. A couple of months after I got the car, I was taking my disabled partner for a ride out into unfamiliar countryside. On the satellite image I saw a large lake with two islands and surrounded by undisturbed woodlands down a road to which I would not otherwise have paid any attention. I turned down that road and, as we topped a bridge over a canal, a beautiful prospect opened up before us. There was a "for sale" sign on a 5-acre plot of land between the lake and a large swamp bird rookery. I bought the land, went to work designing a house to capture the views, and two and a half years later moved in. (I also now have a large photo collection of alligators floating under our windows and crossing our driveway, bears sauntering along our pool cage, turkeys peering in windows and doors, bobcats standing in the yard, ospreys dive fishing in the lake, and flocks of ibises returning to the rookery at dusk to roost for the night.)

I also find that overlaying a navigation route on a satellite image is a great help as you near an unfamiliar destination. Seeing rooftop views of the nearby buildings and other features as you close in on a target address can be very helpful, especially in finding driveway and parking lot entrances in congested areas.

The only thing I miss when driving our Lucid instead of our Tesla is that satellite image. I can't wait to get the Air back from the Service Center to check out this new feature.
I love how the two of you are sitting in your cars at 10pm sharing this info. Wives are probably saying "not again can't it wait until morning yo share with your online friends?"
This was an LOL memories of the last dozen years for me! Thanx for the laugh!
I have just experienced this defrost mode issue for the first time. Some fiddling with climate settings got it back to normal. I have another issue that just cropped up where the climate system shuts down and restarts. Sometimes this happens several times in succession, although it is off for only a second.

Since I’m now up to date with the software releases (v1.2.11), I’ll see if these issues goes away.
Neither go away with the new release though I think others have said they're aware of the software bugs and working on fixes. You may experience one other where the AC goes off and you actually have to turn it on. It's only happened to me a few times, but you'll notice it pretty quickly.
You may experience one other where the AC goes off and you actually have to turn it on. It's only happened to me a few times, but you'll notice it pretty quickly.
Yes, this happened to me before - actually that was my first problem ever with the A/C. Took a while to figure out what to do.
Must be with you Sir. I have never faulted anyone for supporting or Liking a Brand. I would think me dropping 150K on a Car means I do support it.

I just do not condone disparaging people when they are highlighting their issues and have had trouble from day one.
Agree 👏
90 mins install time
I concur with many others who have said that the actual time was less than an hour but also am a big believer in under promise and over deliver
We have a Telegram chat group for Bay Area Lucid owners with over 30 members thus far. This was our fourth ride. Great times, fast rides, and good conversations afterward. Fun group with no complainers!!
not to get off the topic, but how do I join.. I live in the area
Am I the only one who still doesn’t have the latest OTA pushed to the car or are there others?
Am I the only one who still doesn’t have the latest OTA pushed to the car or are there others?
That’s odd because I thought we were in the same “batch.” Didn’t you have an early April delivery, too?