Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Touring

I full charged my car recently and saw a reading of 433. Anyone else fully charge their car and get a similar value?
Yes that's exactly what I get, but actual miles based on my driving style is around 350 of course I lose some when its parked/sitting in admiring it
I agree, though seeing a percentage is kind of weird from just switching from a ICE. I watched your video and someone else talking about this issue and there is a complaint to the NTB if you look in their recall area.
It took me about a week to be comfortable with a % display and after that I can't ever switch it over to miles .. I try and see how many miles/kW I'm getting and just multiple that with the % to get an estimate of miles... But % is a truer indication of the "fuel" in the battery..
It took me about a week to be comfortable with a % display and after that I can't ever switch it over to miles .. I try and see how many miles/kW I'm getting and just multiple that with the % to get an estimate of miles... But % is a truer indication of the "fuel" in the battery..
Hmmm I'll try this. I've been multiplying miles/kw by battery size Ex. 3.7x92 = 340 so I know 433 miles displayed will give me ~340, so I count down with the miles driven since last charge.
I picked mine up in the rain and had the same reaction.

It's hard to see in the rain, but quite obvious in dry waether.
How many of us picked their car up and have it rain the same day or the next. It seems to be a common thread. I picked mine up while it was sunny then partially cloud then a minor rain shower and then clear.
lol - i was the same! well - actually, i got it to the ppf before it started, but leaving there it was raining!
Curious, how do you know the month your car was manufactured, thought the VIN number only tells the year of manufacture.
Check your door jam. It's on the sticker, the one with the car weight
How many of us picked their car up and have it rain the same day or the next. It seems to be a common thread. I picked mine up while it was sunny then partially cloud then a minor rain shower and then clear.
Now that i think about it, so true. Mid way on our drive home from picking the car up, sunny conditions turned to a ultra light drizzle.
Any current estimates on timeline for a stealth with glass roof? I have the VIN assigned already. Thanks in advance!
Mine is being delivered next week I was told. Already setting up payment. Quantum Grey, Mojave Interior, 21" Aero Sport Stealth Wheels.. Tyson galleria in Virginia.
Sent payments today hoping to pick up mine next week. Stealth Touring, Grey, Mojave, 20” wheels, dream drive pro and surreal sound pro Seattle here.
Sent payments today hoping to pick up mine next week. Stealth Touring, Grey, Mojave, 20” wheels, dream drive pro and surreal sound pro Seattle here.
I wish the stealth option had been fully designed and part of the Air credit promo.
Got a call from the sales manager last week. Had the same spec as what I ordered but missing the surreal sound pro. Said if I wanted my spec it would be end of year or pay the difference.
I got my VIN today.
Got a call from the sales manager last week. Had the same spec as what I ordered but missing the surreal sound pro. Said if I wanted my spec it would be end of year or pay the difference.
I got my VIN today.
Glad you decided get the SSP. It really is a great system.
I'm not
sure if this is the right thread for this. I just went into the Lucid Motors website and saw the Pure is now the first co configuration shown. I recall that a couple others on the forum also thought this a good move for Lucid.
Got this lovely message from my DA this am.


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