This note is for any Pennsylvania residents who have just taken delivery or are expecting delivery soon . . . I took delivery March 28 (no swag,

) and waited a couple of weeks before asking "Any idea when the title/paperwork is coming ?" and noting to the DA that I'm certain there is a finite amount of time that PA allows to get your vehicle titled and registered in the State. After a couple follow ups I was told "it's been escalated and will be sent out today". A full week later (4/19) documents arrived via FedEx FIRST overnight ( super expensive - guarantees 8:00 am delivery). I know there are other threads detailing how long it has taken to get the paperwork - and sounds like my experience is typical, if not a bit faster than some others (although admittedly I think those were mostly earlier deliveries when LUCID was handling the process to completion with the local DMV's for each customer).
The main reason for this post is that LUCID's DMV dept seems unaware of the requirements for PA, so the title I rec'd was incompletely filled out (and also not notarized). AAA (where we went to have the title/registration interface completed) informed me exactly what needed to be done by highlighting the areas to be filled out and call out the notary requirements (stamped/signed in 2 places). I took a photo of the marked up title and emailed back to my DA - she got it to the DMV team and I had a revised title THE NEXT DAY (again, FIRST delivery $$$). However, they STILL didn't fill it out per the instructions, and while the notarizations were on the document, they were not placed in correct "boxed in" areas requiring notarizations. So . . . presumably next week I will get "round 3" -- hopefully filled out perfectly.
Clearly - the DMV team missed some obvious stuff on the 2nd go around (like filling out the odometer section that we had highlighted to them). I don't know if AAA was being overly sensitive around the position of the notarizations or if the PA DMV is really that picky . . . but I do think anyone waiting on a title for a PA delivery should 1) be proactive with customer care in making sure the DMV team has learned how to fill out the title appropriately, and 2) lower their expectations about having it correct on the first try. I will do a follow up on this thread when round 3 arrives this week.