I would 100% choose a new one. I know I am not appreciated here because I keep finding issue but this one may be just a few more weeks away.
These guys are bozos. There is no real work done but they are more like Salesmen. Very nice and polite but don’t expect much from the service.
They “supposedly” fixed my back windows. Had to ride in the back seat and I can hardly hear from my ears now due to the horrendous noise coming from that window they fixed. Also found sitting in the back seat that the suede beam running between the front and the back is also coming off.
I just can’t believe people when they say the room in the back is big. I could hardly sit in the back for our 1:15Hours ride in the back and I am only 6 ft tall. They might have more success making a Two door Roadster instead. This IMO is NOT a Family Sedan.
I am just amazed at the LACK OF QC or their Pre delivery and repair staff. Just going through the motions.
I don’t even have ANY Windshield washer fluid so maybe that is a good sign.
I think I had already said there is another area where the covering is clearly out.
The Driver side mirror started acting up again
AC has never worked well and is totally sub par.
Sorry to hear about CLTGT’s issues. Definitely worse when a motor fails. Well hang in there is all I can say.
At least they responded and gave you a rental offer. I agree better to rent what you like vs something generic.
Before the usual players start berating me yesterday convinced me the Car WILL BE ON SALE as soon as I have all the papers in hand and I can claim my 7500$ rebate.
I have no doubt I will have to sell it at a loss.
I might ask Lucid if they want to buy it back for what I paid for it
