New OTA?

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I thought Lucid was simply staggering OTA notifications; however, it seems like the timing of notifications and updates is based on how quickly people are downloading the update. Here's a conversation I had with Customer Service. Lucid's responses are in bold.

One question I had was, how long does it take Lucid to push out all of the updates/notifications?
A few weeks ago I was several updates behind, despite my About menu saying that the car was up to date. So, I was wondering, would a week be a reasonable amount of time to wait after an update is released to contact customer service if I don’t receive a notification?

I think you have a great question, unfortunately, I don’t have an answer because updates change in size and installation time. ...About the only thing I can share is the amount of updates sent at a time. This number varies to 75 to 140 deployments at a time. The variation is based on cars responding to the connection.

I think I understand. So, notifications to update are released as slowly or as quickly as owners download the software. You’ll never have a situation where 200 people are trying to download an update at the same time. Is this correct?

This is correct.
Interesting. Apple solves this problem by not downloading it first, and querying the “download request” when you ask for the update.
Interesting. Apple solves this problem by not downloading it first, and querying the “download request” when you ask for the update.
yes, it does then says.. ' requested' so it doesnt overload the server and sends when it is feasible
I was also on 1.2.17 and the car said I was up to date as of last night. This morning at 5:30 I saw a red dot next to the gear/settings icon, and I thought it meant to load... the time quoted was 12 minutes. I went back an hour later and there had apparently been some kind of load failure - car still said v1.2.17. I called Customer Care, and they confirmed the car still showed v1.2.17. They contacted the OTA team, who pushed out the (apparently) two smaller updates, but the car never changed versions. The OTA team then confirmed they were pushing out the v1.2.19 and I could install it when I was ready. I just installed it about an hour ago and have yet to drive the car to see what is different, but the car does say it is running v.1.2.19 (took about an hour to install). They were concerned about the red dot, but when their download completed successfully, there was a white dot letting me know it was successful.
Oh I just asked customer service to push 1.2.19 for me they said 24 hours. We shall see. 👍
Just got mine


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New feature at Least that I have never seen after 1.2.185 is that it brought up the cameras when I reached the parking space without me manually clicking on them but then I do not recall if the other times when it did but if the park button was the one that I had pressed last.
Oh I just asked customer service to push 1.2.19 for me they said 24 hours. We shall see. 👍
People like you bog down CS unnecessarily! It's only been out for less than 48 hours!
I have 1.2.19 posted things I have noticed so far in that thread.
People like you bog down CS unnecessarily! It's only been out for less than 48 hours!
People like you try to play God a little too much. Again trying to get personal for no reason. Why are you my gatekeeper? People like you condone everything and thus the Vendor has no reason to improve their product or their service. You should not try and patronize peopleJust because you are the admin of this forum.
People like you try to play God a little too much. Again trying to get personal for no reason. Why are you my gatekeeper? People like you condone everything and thus the Vendor has no reason to improve their product or their service. You should not try and patronize peopleJust because you are the admin of this forum.
No, I'm just reiterating what CS and Lucid has said on multiple occasions to multiple owners. Give them a week to get updates to everyone and if after a week, you don't have it, then they can get it pushed to you. Yet, somehow you feel you are entitled to jump the queue of what Lucid has scheduled and take up time by requesting them to push an update to you ahead of schedule.
People like you try to play God a little too much. Again trying to get personal for no reason. Why are you my gatekeeper? People like you condone everything and thus the Vendor has no reason to improve their product or their service. You should not try and patronize peopleJust because you are the admin of this forum.
And you’re the kindest and most reasonable member of the forum.

I mean if we’re just throwing around inaccurate ad hominems…
@hydbob I agree with you but the other side to look at is that Lucid will have to scale the OTA volume that they can handle. If they really can only batch 100-200 at a time the problem is only going to worsen. By definition, all current Lucid owners are "early adopters" as such we "want it now".... We do not want to wait for updates. While I find it annoying that the updates are not pushed to everyone all at once, I am not going to pester customer service for them either. Lucid definitely needs to learn from Apple about how to push updates. Apple pushes IOS updates to millions of devices very efficiently. Its probably time for Lucid to purchase more cloud bandwidth to push these OTA updates. I think that it would be money well spent because it is so annoying to all of us owners to have to wait and wonder when it will show up.
People like you try to play God a little too much. Again trying to get personal for no reason. Why are you my gatekeeper? People like you condone everything and thus the Vendor has no reason to improve their product or their service. You should not try and patronize peopleJust because you are the admin of this forum. this you?

I am in no rush especially now that I know it is just one of those get ready for the big one updates. Thanks!

Did something suddenly change...?
@hydbob I agree with you but the other side to look at is that Lucid will have to scale the OTA volume that they can handle. If they really can only batch 100-200 at a time the problem is only going to worsen. By definition, all current Lucid owners are "early adopters" as such we "want it now".... We do not want to wait for updates. While I find it annoying that the updates are not pushed to everyone all at once, I am not going to pester customer service for them either. Lucid definitely needs to learn from Apple about how to push updates. Apple pushes IOS updates to millions of devices very efficiently. Its probably time for Lucid to purchase more cloud bandwidth to push these OTA updates. I think that it would be money well spent because it is so annoying to all of us owners to have to wait and wonder when it will show up.

Well, hopefully they'll have a stable version so no need to push out a bunch of OTA
@hydbob I agree with you but the other side to look at is that Lucid will have to scale the OTA volume that they can handle. If they really can only batch 100-200 at a time the problem is only going to worsen. By definition, all current Lucid owners are "early adopters" as such we "want it now".... We do not want to wait for updates. While I find it annoying that the updates are not pushed to everyone all at once, I am not going to pester customer service for them either. Lucid definitely needs to learn from Apple about how to push updates. Apple pushes IOS updates to millions of devices very efficiently. Its probably time for Lucid to purchase more cloud bandwidth to push these OTA updates. I think that it would be money well spent because it is so annoying to all of us owners to have to wait and wonder when it will show up.
I agree and I think with each successive update they are learning more about the architecture and limit of what they can push through. I don't necessarily think it's the bandwidth that is limiting either. During their ramp and Covid, parts got sourced from multiple suppliers, so many updates ago, we heard that Lucid had to tweak updates for differences in hardware. This is what I believe is truly holding them back from a OTA push to everyone simultaneously.
People like you try to play God a little too much. Again trying to get personal for no reason. Why are you my gatekeeper? People like you condone everything and thus the Vendor has no reason to improve their product or their service. You should not try and patronize peopleJust because you are the admin of this forum.

Also, I'm really confused; I tried to be polite last time and you ignored my previous post:

You seem to really be disliking your car. This isn't even a "go away and stop bothering the forum" type post. I need to reiterate, if you truly are just 33, there is so many better things you could be doing with your money than spending it on a car that clearly isn't meeting your needs. Why not just sell it and move on? If at such a young age you were able to drop this kind of money on a car, surely you can take a small loss and just move on to a new car maker. sounds like you'd be happier with something else from a more established carmaker. I'd take a look at the electrified Genesis and the new EV 7 series from BMW, they look pretty nice.

Also, hydbob is not an admin, just a moderator (there's a difference!) and he was giving you advice regarding dealing with Lucid's CS, not an order or a command. At least, I didn't read it that way.
Also, I'm really confused; I tried to be polite last time and you ignored my previous post:

You seem to really be disliking your car. This isn't even a "go away and stop bothering the forum" type post. I need to reiterate, if you truly are just 33, there is so many better things you could be doing with your money than spending it on a car that clearly isn't meeting your needs. Why not just sell it and move on? If at such a young age you were able to drop this kind of money on a car, surely you can take a small loss and just move on to a new car maker. sounds like you'd be happier with something else from a more established carmaker. I'd take a look at the electrified Genesis and the new EV 7 series from BMW, they look pretty nice.

Also, hydbob is not an admin, just a moderator (there's a difference!) and he was giving you advice regarding dealing with Lucid's CS, not an order or a command. At least, I didn't read it that way.
God Bless Hydbob!!!
@hydbob I agree with you but the other side to look at is that Lucid will have to scale the OTA volume that they can handle. If they really can only batch 100-200 at a time the problem is only going to worsen. By definition, all current Lucid owners are "early adopters" as such we "want it now".... We do not want to wait for updates. While I find it annoying that the updates are not pushed to everyone all at once, I am not going to pester customer service for them either. Lucid definitely needs to learn from Apple about how to push updates. Apple pushes IOS updates to millions of devices very efficiently. Its probably time for Lucid to purchase more cloud bandwidth to push these OTA updates. I think that it would be money well spent because it is so annoying to all of us owners to have to wait and wonder when it will show up.
No question, Apple is one of the top industry leaders when it comes to pushing out updates. They are also a multi-trillion-dollar company who has been pushing updates for iPhone for more than 14 years. And they have the luxury of standardized hardware components, since they can make those sorts of demands on their vendors. Lucid has no such power over vendors yet. So they are forced to put somewhat different components in different cars. As @hydbob suggests, that could be complicating matters quite a bit.

The fact that Lucid has hired an ex-Apple alum with many years of firmware experience bodes well for Lucid's future abilities in this area. All indicators are pointing in the right direction for massive improvements on the software side coming soon. It's just not coming fast enough for folks who are already driving their cars. I totally get that.

Let's hope they can get all these improvements done before they start delivering Pure en masse.
No question, Apple is one of the top industry leaders when it comes to pushing out updates. They are also a multi-trillion-dollar company who has been pushing updates for iPhone for more than 14 years. And they have the luxury of standardized hardware components, since they can make those sorts of demands on their vendors. Lucid has no such power over vendors yet. So they are forced to put somewhat different components in different cars. As @hydbob suggests, that could be complicating matters quite a bit.

The fact that Lucid has hired an ex-Apple alum with many years of firmware experience bodes well for Lucid's future abilities in this area. All indicators are pointing in the right direction for massive improvements on the software side coming soon. It's just not coming fast enough for folks who are already driving their cars. I totally get that.

Let's hope they can get all these improvements done before they start delivering Pure en masse.
Agreed. Lucid will have to ramp up the robustness of OTA when they have tens of thousands of new cars on the road. Its surprising to me that the have not already built the capacity to perform an OTA update for the relatively few cars they have delivered thus far. If a couple of thousand car updates takes over a week, that's a really big problem. I love Lucid and want them to succeed but they need bandwidth to update their software frequently and efficiently since we all agree that they need to improve it.
Also, I'm really confused; I tried to be polite last time and you ignored my previous post:

You seem to really be disliking your car. This isn't even a "go away and stop bothering the forum" type post. I need to reiterate, if you truly are just 33, there is so many better things you could be doing with your money than spending it on a car that clearly isn't meeting your needs. Why not just sell it and move on? If at such a young age you were able to drop this kind of money on a car, surely you can take a small loss and just move on to a new car maker. sounds like you'd be happier with something else from a more established carmaker. I'd take a look at the electrified Genesis and the new EV 7 series from BMW, they look pretty nice.

Also, hydbob is not an admin, just a moderator (there's a difference!) and he was giving you advice regarding dealing with Lucid's CS, not an order or a command. At least, I didn't read it that way.
Well since you call it politeness and I see it as hate and all this non-advice it’s time I just stop posting anything here because all this polite advice is trying to Patronize me and preventing me from sharing issues that may benefits some people but not others.

Where did all this preaching come from when the discussion is about the OTA.

But I get it, this is now more a fanboy forum rather than share your car experience forum. Duly Noted.
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