I thought Lucid was simply staggering OTA notifications; however, it seems like the timing of notifications and updates is based on how quickly people are downloading the update. Here's a conversation I had with Customer Service. Lucid's responses are in bold.
One question I had was, how long does it take Lucid to push out all of the updates/notifications?
A few weeks ago I was several updates behind, despite my About menu saying that the car was up to date. So, I was wondering, would a week be a reasonable amount of time to wait after an update is released to contact customer service if I don’t receive a notification?
I think you have a great question, unfortunately, I don’t have an answer because updates change in size and installation time. ...About the only thing I can share is the amount of updates sent at a time. This number varies to 75 to 140 deployments at a time. The variation is based on cars responding to the connection.
I think I understand. So, notifications to update are released as slowly or as quickly as owners download the software. You’ll never have a situation where 200 people are trying to download an update at the same time. Is this correct?
This is correct.