It’s not about fanboy’ing, but about decency, respect, and assuming best intent. From your previous posts, you tend to assume malice first, then allow yourself to be logically talked into alternative interpretations that assume best intent.
I think your posts would be much better received if you simply tried to assume best intent, and think about why certain decisions might have been made, rather than assuming they were made due to malice or stupidity; it is rare that you (or me!) are going to know more or have superior knowledge to the teams at Lucid building the car and its software. Assuming they’re just dumb and incapable, or worse, intentionally making choices to piss you off, is the problem.
The secondary problem is what
@copper refers to as “dumping.” You (and others) tend to have the following bad habit: when you run into a problem (really any problem) you tend to post about it on nearly every thread, related or unrelated. This leads to fatigue for everyone reading your posts, and doesn’t help anyone empathize with you or resolve your problem, and takes many discussions off topic (a problem we all generally have here). It is human nature to, when upset, want to share that fact, and we get emotional and want to shout it from the rooftops. Tempering that impulse is a useful habit to cultivate.
Please feel free to post and talk about problems, complaints, praise, or anything else. All people are asking for is just a bit of calm demeanor and assuming positive intent where possible, rather than jumping to negative conclusions, or assuming you’re being attacked. It’s easy to get defensive in a forum where you can’t read body language or facial expressions, or even hear vocal intonation, and it is natural to lean defensive because of that. Trying to take a breath and think “how else could this have been meant” would go a long way.
Furthermore, if you can’t come up with that positive intent - ask. Instead of reacting by attacking someone, ask for clarification, or ask why, or ask when, etc. Nearly every problem with your posts that others here have could have been resolved simply by you asking clarifying questions rather than getting defensive.
Just a bit of advice. And no, I’m not god or your boss or even a friend; just someone who wants to see conversation here be productive and useful, not toxic and useless.
And if you feel you have *no* blame in the matter, I’d urge you to walk away for a bit, come back, and read through your post history with fresh eyes. If you think everyone here is wrong and you’re right, fine; I’m not here to convince you. I’m just trying to put into words what I suspect most of us feel; perhaps I shouldn’t be speaking for others, and if folks disagree, they are welcome to respond as such. I’m *guessing* I’m not wrong here, but lord knows I’ve been plenty wrong about an infinite number of things before.
Hopefully you see this as polite, not patronizing, as polite and helpful is how I intend it.
Have a nice day.