Lucid Combined Home Charging System Installation tips!

The internal dip switches are factory set to 80 A. They are easy to change if you want to. During installation, the cover will be off and the switches are right there in front.
This is one thing where Tesla still is a one up over Lucid.
It was very nice to be able to change the charging amps right on the Tesla app.
It was very convenient for me having solar.
This is one thing where Tesla still is a one up over Lucid.
It was very nice to be able to change the charging amps right on the Tesla app.
It was very convenient for me having solar.
I switched to using a different charging station at my house for this reason. It automatically adjusts its current signaling as more or less excess solar power is available. So I can charge using only solar without dipping into utility power, and without exporting it when I'd rather be charging the car.
I’ve seen what looks like a lot of sound, sensible ‘compression lug’ advice which is centered on a 100A installation. But, I took advantage of Lucid’s great deal to pick up my own LCHCS to replace my existing 20A/240V Leviton EVSE. (The Leviton is outdoor-rated - which I don’t need - and will go to my brother - which he can use.)

Compression lugs for 12 gauge wire? I’ve not found any. Ring terminals and a pair of crimping pliers seems to meet the spirit of the requirement. Did UL certification require 100A wiring from a pair of 20A breakers? I don’t think so.

I plan to use chair lugs with the existing 20A/240V wiring configuration and de-rate the LCHCS to 20A(16A). Does anyone see any obvious flaws in my plan?

Thanks in advance.