I feel another update coming today....

I always interpreted the robustness to mean they are cleaning up spaghetti code etc and there wouldn’t necessarily be a user visible change attributable to that part of the update.
Or under-the-hood efficiency improvements / bug fixes that users wouldn’t notice either. It’s not just cosmetic.
I always interpreted the robustness to mean they are cleaning up spaghetti code etc and there wouldn’t necessarily be a user visible change attributable to that part of the update.
That’s why I said where it makes sense. Of course if it’s optimizing bad code or something sure…but I assume some of it is fixing bugs that users would notice. Could be backup camera going black rarely or improving the speed of profile switching or whatever.

But If there’s something users would notice I think it would be nice to see it. Lucid release notes are very sparse from that perspective. Many of them just say “bug fixes and improvements”. Now they say “added robustness” They rarely highlight optimizations or squashing of known bugs.
That’s why I said where it makes sense. Of course if it’s optimizing bad code or something sure…but I assume some of it is fixing bugs that users would notice. Could be backup camera going black rarely or improving the speed of profile switching or whatever.

But If there’s something users would notice I think it would be nice to see it. Lucid release notes are very sparse from that perspective. Many of them just say “bug fixes and improvements”. Now they say “added robustness” They rarely highlight optimizations or squashing of known bugs.
I agree. Release notes are a bit of an art, because most companies go one of two ways: all the commit messages, or “hey it’s a new version have fun” lol

Writing good release notes can *feel* like it isn’t productive, but I agree with you that it’s super important and I think Lucid could definitely do a better job with them in general.
I always interpreted the robustness to mean they are cleaning up spaghetti code etc and there wouldn’t necessarily be a user visible change attributable to that part of the update.
You're making too much sense!!
Well saints be praised , the gods of robustness have deigned to listen to the small furry and voiceless that ride in the car. Yoyo and Lulu ( otherwise known as “shut up” and “ you heard me” )will be pleased and confer hosannas to the software team for this important development
Well saints be praised , the gods of robustness have deigned to listen to the small furry and voiceless that ride in the car. Yoyo and Lulu ( otherwise known as “shut up” and “ you heard me” )will be pleased and confer hosannas to the software team for this important development
I'm dying right now especially at "shut up" and "you heard me!" OMG!! 😂😂😂😂
I guess technically if the 45 min climate timer has been turned off, you can essentially have a pseudo camp mode now, correct? 🤔
Check out our official Creature Comforts Mode post as well as some happy doggies!
Some friendly feedback - If someone at LUCID can make a whole web page about a new feature, then it raises my hopes for better documentation and details in the release notes moving forward. I always am left wanting for more specific details of what a new software feature brings and how exactly the robustness was increased - I think Lucid under-appreciates the geeky-ness of its owner(s?). Please and thank you!
Some friendly feedback - If someone at LUCID can make a whole web page about a new feature, then it raises my hopes for better documentation and details in the release notes moving forward. I always am left wanting for more specific details of what a new software feature brings and how exactly the robustness was increased - I think Lucid under-appreciates the geeky-ness of its owner(s?). Please and thank you!
Feedback noted. Thank you.
I believe that was my mother’s names for my brothers.
Check out our official Creature Comforts Mode post as well as some happy doggies!
Webpage down? This is what I see when I click the link:
Webpage down?
I had this for quite a while on all lucidmotors webpages. Forgot how I finally fixed it. Clearing Chrome's cache wasn't enough.